
Dragon Reincarnation: A ChatGBT experiment

I sit here at my desk drinking whisky and drowning in boredom. All of a sudden, a flash of genius hits me; what would a book written by ChatGBT about a person that gets reincarnated into a dragon be like? It's a pretty specific prompt for an AI I feel like, but how bad can it be....? Lets find out together! There is no update schedule for this, its just an experiment and I'm drunk. If you want it to continue let me know, it requires very little time.

Kekekekekekek · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter Three: A New Home

With the discovery of Lily, James had found a new sense of purpose. He no longer felt alone in this strange new world, and he was excited to explore it with his new companion.

They decided to make their home in the hidden valley they had discovered. It was a lush, green paradise, hidden away from the rest of the world. The valley was surrounded by steep cliffs and thick forests, making it the perfect place for them to live as dragons.

Over the next few weeks, James and Lily worked together to make the valley their own. They found a cave in the cliff face that was just the right size for them to live in, and they began to explore the forests and rivers that surrounded the valley.

James was amazed at the power that he possessed as a dragon. His strength and speed were beyond anything he had experienced in his human life. He could fly faster than the wind and breathe fire that could melt steel. Lily, on the other hand, had a gift for manipulating the winds, and could create gusts of air that could knock over trees.

As they explored their new home, James and Lily encountered other creatures of the forest. They met a group of deer who were afraid of them at first, but soon learned that they meant them no harm. They also encountered a pack of wolves, who were less friendly. James and Lily managed to scare them off with a display of their powers, but it was a reminder that they were still vulnerable.

Despite the occasional danger, James was thrilled to be living as a dragon. He had never felt so alive, and he was excited to see what other adventures awaited him in this new world. He knew that there was still so much to learn about being a dragon, but he was eager to discover it all with Lily by his side.