
Dragon Queen

An exiled Queen is cast out into the Wildlands to fend for herself and figure out where she went wrong. Her new environment tests her strength, her fortitude, and her sense of self, and she discovers new things about what she thought was familiar land. All while a bounty hunter tracks her with the ultimate intention of justice.

Asmalldog · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Escape to the Wildlands

Alo was more than familiar with the crypt. She had spent most of her adolescence down here training with her father. They had set up target practice stations by putting hay bales behind the iron bars in the old dungeons. She would shoot arrows for hours until she was able to land all of them through the same hole in the gate. He taught her everything he knew about how to survive for weeks in the woods. They would frequently go camping together on holidays. Although their trips were never fun, they were useful, she felt confident in her ability to defend herself against predators, and the elements. However, she felt like a newborn when it came to dealing with politics. That's why she was in this situation.

She thought that she could make ruling simple. Focusing all of her energy on getting her people enough food, water, and work, she completely turned away from the prospect of marriage and kept her forces out of other territories' wars. That was what she heard everyone say they wanted when she was living in the towns, talking to as many people as she could. Alo looked at these problems as distractions, and if she kept her plans simple, she would be able to deliver. Unfortunately now, almost all of her allies had turned their backs on her, and trade had become increasingly difficult. No one wanted to help her because she didn't want to help them, and now her people were once again, starving.

They continued walking through the long tunnel system past the dungeons, headstones, statues, and retired suits of armor. There weren't any torches in these tunnels and she was glad that Reymund had brought one. The thick darkness was wet with humidity and she felt like she was inhaling water.

"Your Highness, we must hurry. The sooner you leave, the sooner we can calm down the masses and keep them from storming the castle." Reymund stared straight ahead as he said this, he hadn't looked her in the eyes since they left her room.

"What am I going to do without any supplies." She said, her voice low.

"I had my men pack all of your hunting equipment and about two weeks worth of food if you ration it correctly." As they came to the opening of the tunnel, they emerged through a small, inconspicuous cave. She always knew that this cave existed but she had never bothered to use it. When she left the castle, she never expected that she would need to hide it. She squinted at the harsh sun after growing used to the darkness. She saw a beautiful black mustang loaded up with camping and hunting bags in front of her. The massive horse was tied loosely to a young birch tree.

"What's the horse's name?" She asked, feeling as though she were in a dream.

"Uh, it's Messi, your Highness." He looked nervously behind them. She smiled at the horse and walked towards it slowly with her arm stretched out. Touching his soft nose gently, the animal nuzzled her hand and nodded his big head towards the tree. She untied him slowly and looked out towards the vast plains in front of her. Tall green and yellow grass swaying in the wind lazily. At the edge of the plains were thick woods. She had hunted along the edges of these woods. A long long time ago she had ventured in deeper with her father, but she hadn't gone back since that day. She couldn't remember why, but after that, he always told her to stick to the edge.

The Wildlands were beautiful, she had always felt that way. That was why she loved hunting so much, it was her escape. Now this was her new home, and she was terrified. She stuffed her foot into the stirrups and swung her long leg over the saddle. She smiled down at Reymund and stretched her hand out towards him.

"Which way do you suppose water is?" He took her hand in both of his and looked up at her, tears in his eyes.

"There's a small waterfall about twenty miles west of here in that patch of woods." He squeezed her hand fiercely before letting go and stepping back. "You are still my Queen." His voice breaking at the end. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat and looked out in the direction he pointed to.

"Don't worry Reymund, you'll see me again." She tugged on the reins and turned the horse towards the west. With a quick kick of her heels she was off, galloping into the grass.

"She's just like her father." He chuckled to himself. "She'll come back with a dragon, just like he did."