
Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Normal Release Schedule - 2 chapters on every weekdays/ no releases on weekends. Hao Ren, an ordinary university student, saved a little girl who fell from the sky. By accident, he swallowed a "candy" that fell off of that girl's body and somehow became the Dragon King's son-in-law...... His life was turned upside-down from that point on. There were dragons in this world? And they are living side-by-side with humans? Ancient Chinese Mythologies really happened? Hao Ren got to experience a new world that was hidden from ordinary humans. Despite the thrills that came with the new discovery, there were challenges along the way. He thought his easy life as the Dragon King's son-in-law was going to be chill and gucci, but conspiracies and undercurrents were coming his way. TL Notes: this novel was written quite a while back, and its statistic isn't as great as some of the newer novels. However, the storyline is great, and the development of characters and emotions between them are the highlights of the novel. I read this novel more than three times, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

Dragon King's Nice Son-In-Law · สมัยใหม่
791 Chs

Perfect Ending (Finale - 2 for 1 Chapter)

บรรณาธิการ: Noodletown Translations

-Five years later-

Hao Ren, the world-famous architect, got married.

The wedding was held in East Ocean University's brand-new great hall which Hao Ren had designed himself. It was put in use for the first time today, and it looked like a huge flying dragon. Everything in the building from the glass to the tiles was in a celebratory red.

After graduation, Hao Ren entered LOM Studio. Under the guidance of the top architect Zhao Hongyu, he had taken over the management of the renowned studio with his extraordinary design abilities, becoming a rising star in the architect circle.

In a global ranking released recently, the studio ranked 16th in the world.

This was why there were many seniors from the architect circle in the great hall which was said to be specially designed by Hao Ren for his own wedding. Even some top architects flew in from New York, Paris, and London to attend the wedding.