"An intruder? How couldn't we sense her?" Yelled the leader?
"What should we do?" Asked one of the men frantically.
"Calm down, everyone. She is just one girl. We can kill her if we worked together," he said in certainty.
"Purple Rage," yelled Mira and blasted her most powerful attack in her normal Satan Soul form. But it too didn't calm her rage and disgust she felt. Her brain processed a new attack when she was searching for one and she used it without any thinking.
"Halphas Blast," said Mira, charging darkness energy into one large orb and filling it with max power. She threw it into the air, causing pink-coloured Magic projectiles to rain down the area.
Large explosions could be heard as the projectiles were powerful enough to damage and destroy large parts of the inside and entrance of the cave.
It then spread towards the surroundings as the cave completely collapsed. It could have headed for Victoria if not for a blue crystalline barrier forming around the fortress to protect it from it.
Unknown to her, one of the creatures had escaped the blasts and tried to sneak up on her. It was a hair's breadth away when a light spear tore it apart.
After sensing something behind her, she turned around only to see it being shredded by a light spear.
"Good reflex, but you should improve," appreciated Naruto and Mira nodded in acknowledgement.
"So are these all?" He asked, sensing no one around.
"Pretty much. Most were killed by a cave-in and the last one was killed by you," she said pointing to the dead creatures.
"What should we do?" She asked uncertainly.
"Burn them. You don't want anyone stumbling into them and becoming a victim, right?" He asked and Mira agreed. Who knows what else these disgusting things hid?
So as decided, they burnt all bodies and Mira felt nauseous and lost control. Naruto caught her and felt her body temperature increase.
He hurried back to the Inn they were given and put her on her bed and watched over her.
After a few hours of rest, he saw Mira open her eyes groggily. He sat on a stool near the bed and turned to her.
"Can you explain what's going on? Your body is taking so much magic but can't keep up either!" Asked Naruto in worry.
"I don't know. Souls are flooding my system, adding so much more than I can handle. I-I don't know what's happening. But I can't suppress them," said Mira in a whisper but Naruto heard it.
Now Naruto understood what was going on. Since she is the one who killed all those scum, and her magic relies on Souls, all the souls in the area are coming towards her.
As her magic is to take over souls, maybe it is responding with the intent of the souls in the area? But the problem is, she can't keep up with the intake.
He understood why she missed her aim and got agitated quickly during her fight like how she near missed the fortress during her attacks. To his relief, there was a strong Lacrima barrier protecting the city that saved Naruto from rebuilding the whole city and life loss.
Naruto thought deep about how to suppress all the soul influx and thought of the limiter he put on Sirius. If the limiter works not only as a limiter but also as an indicator as well, that could work in Mira's case.
It has the mixed concept of a game level ups he played when he was in Shinobi world and a restriction seal he found in his mother's scrolls.
"I have a solution. Let's see how it works," said Naruto and before she could protest, ge took hold of her body and started drawing seals with his magic.
After a minute of drawing, a small 'limitation' seal was formed across her waist and Naruto made it invisible for anyone but Mira and himself to see. It promptly vanished.
Then he drew an analysis seal which indicates her current capacity to use the souls which will be stored separately from her magic container in the seal.
"Done. How do you feel now?" Naruto asked curiously. Mira felt very light as if a large weight was lifted off from her shoulders. She walked around and tested her body.
"What the hell, blondie. This is amazing. I feel lighter now," said Mira in joy and hugged him.
Naruto blushed at the close contact but didn't respond and let Mira enjoy her moment of joy.
But soon she fell unconscious as she felt a large drain of magic and her exhaustion catching up with her. Naruto put her on her bed and let her rest. While he was adjusting the window of the room, he felt something. He got a dreadful feeling as if something is wrong.
'Snap' there was a snap. Naruto couldn't understand whether it was around him or in his mind. Much to his horror, he heard something that terrified him.
'T-ou-ou-as-an,' spoke a hoarse voice in Naruto's head. Naruto went still, his body going cold after hearing that. He knew that voice.
'Sirius,' Naruto asked in worry but he got any response.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.
Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's. See you all in the next chapter.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.