
Grinding Sword and Chain 2

"Damn, that was hard. I didn't expect her to master her Gravity magic that well." Naruto said from his perch on the tree.

"Really? She didn't practice her magic till now?" Sirius asked.

"Yes. When I was teaching her about control, she mocked me into teaching her about her gravity magic and I taught. That's how I found out she had gravity magic in the first place." He explained.

"But it's a great improvement for Loke. I didn't expect him to withstand the pressure she put on him and attack her when she was close, which limits a swordsman's options." Sirius said in appreciation.

"You can say that again, he is going nuts and pushing himself far beyond his limits. I'm sure by the end of this, he will be at Natsu's level even without his magic." Naruto said and Sirius nodded in understanding.

"So what now?" Sirius asked.

"What else? Motivate her to stay in our guild at all costs."

"Is she that interesting?" Sirius asked with raised eyebrows.

'I shouldn't have let him train with Loke. Now I don't know what useless things that pervert has taught him.' Naruto sighed.

"You can say that. But most of all, if she goes alone, she will be stuck with that moody face and stern look." Naruto sighed.

"Yeah, they won't suit her." Sirius agreed.

"That's why I want her to stay. You can say she has grown on me with those crude remarks and taunts."

"Hmm, a possible girlfriend?" Sirius asked and Naruto turned to him sharply, his eyes bulging out of his face.

"What!?" He asked, shocked.

"I know everything now! Loke taught me everything!" Sirius said with a toothy smile and Naruto's eyes widened and suddenly tears formed in his eyes.

"I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have done it. My innocent little son was spoiled now. I should teach that good for nothing pervert a lesson!" Naruto thundered, hugging Sirius tightly.

"Stop with the dramatics, you! You wantedly didn't teach me anything! I knew it!" He yelled, pointing an accusatory finger towards the dramatic blonde.

"Father, how has it come to this? Where was the cute, innocent, good little Sirius I raised? Where did this crude, accusing and spoiled one come from?" Naruto looked up to the heavens and spoke tearfully.

"Stop it, Tou-chan. I don't this would be painful!" Sirius yelled, talking in his native language. Naruto turned towards him instantly and hugged him, ruffling his hair.

"It's just for fun, Siri. Don't take it seriously. And no. It's not like any girlfriend. I just want another lost soul like us to find a good place to live with good people around her.

What better place is there like that than our guild? Don't you think Gildarts helped us by bringing us here? We both found friends and caring people and a guild to protect. Didn't you observe how it changed you?

Take Loke, for example, he is one like us before we found him. Now he is happy with others. I want that kind of life for her as well. I can understand her quest for revenge.

But I know how far revenge pushes a person in my past with my teammate. It makes them disconnected from the world and live for revenge as their sole purpose. And once they achieve it, you know what happens?" Naruto and Sirius eagerly looked to continue.

"They lose their way. As the very purpose they lived for till then was gone. Only an empty husk of their former self will be left, killing the real self. That's why I don't want Kagura to take that path." Naruto explained. Sirius nodded in understanding.

Unknown to Sirius, Kagura is hearing everything standing at a nearby tree. Though Naruto knew about her presence, he decided to amuse her and explained what he wanted to. Now the choice is hers.

"Ah, I didn't think I could go on such tangents. Where are we? Ah, that useless chain idiot has corrupted my son!" He yelled and hugged Sirius again. Kagura peeked to see a clawing Sirius trying to get out of Naruto's grip.

'So that's why he is adamant about having me with him. I should think about it. I must agree, I learnt a lot from him. Maybe it-' she squashed that thought brutally and walked to her training clearing to practise. The match was over as Loke didn't return.

With Makarov

The diminutive man was trying his best to find something or anything relating to Kagura and her story, but to no avail. It's as if they were purposefully erased from the archives. That rose alarm bells in the old master's head.

'Who can do this? There is nothing here!' He yelled in his head.

"Searching for something, Maki?" An old voice asked. Makarov turned to see his old friend Yajima walking toward him with his perpetual closed eyes.

"Yes, Yajima. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine. Normal life of a Magic Council member." Yajima said as he approached Makarov.

"Searching for something?" He asked again, curious to know what his friend was searching for.

"Yes. I'm here to know something about one of our Guilds temporary members' case and anything reading to it."

"Another new member? How many have you joined this year?"

"It's quite new for us to get these many. But we got few, especially this one Naruto brought."

"Naruto brought? Doesn't he work alone or with this partner Sirius?"

"Usually, yes. But he was going on jobs with the new generation more now and brought this girl from one of them. She is dipped in revenge and wants to have vengeance against the wrongdoers of her village." Makarov explained with a sigh.

"One of the vengeful ones, huh. It's a shame on the council. We couldn't stop another young girl from falling into revenge." Yajima admitted shamefully.

"That's not your fault, old friend. Seems like I can't find anything. I've been searching for 10 days and still can't find it. What's going on here?" Makarov said exasperatedly.

"Huh, it went missing? Let me ask one of the assistants." Yajima said and called one of the assistants to go through the archival records.

While this was going on, in another part of the Magic Council building, a blue-haired man chuckled at the futile effort of old men.

"They can't find it. I erased what little evidence that was left of the raid and by extension kidnapping." Siegrain smirked.

"Is it that important?" Ultear asked, sitting opposite him.

"Of course, I don't want their focus to shift to the Tower now and start another investigation. Until I can influence them more directly." He smirked, envisioning his plan coming into action.

"How long does it take?"

"Maybe next year at best. I just need to do a few things to remove them from office and we have a seat for ourselves." He said in a grandiose fashion.

"What did you decide on this Tobirama? That moron is changing many things in the Council and was granted a seat of office." Ultear said in concern.

"Once I get that position, I'll dispose of him. What he is doing doesn't affect us. So why bother till then? Be patient. Who knows, you might get accepted as well." He said with a widening smile and Ultear nodded.

She couldn't say that's the plan she was betting on till now. But Tobirama is a problem and she needs to deal with that guy one way or another.