
Dealing With The Demon 6

Naruto was also having an internal dialogue as he wanted to get rid of this demon. He doesn't want him to be alive and come after him again.

He had enough of him for a lifetime as he not only damaged Sirius but also took control of Loke and injured him, to what extent is to be seen.

He prepared the only attack he is confident that will destroy the Demon and prepared a backup in case needed. He made a clone for that.

He took a long breath, filling up his depleted reserves of Magic to perform his strongest attack any Slayer can use.

"Gravity Collapse," said Theon after his preparation was done. Creating a localized gravitational field disruption, resulting in an artificial supernova and subsequently, a black hole.

This is the most destructive nuclear magic that encompasses both physical and magical phenomena, making it very hard to defend against. That is why Theon is betting on this.

"Light All Slayer's: Wrath," said Naruto. A blinding light engulfed the area as the greenish-black flame of the Gravity Collapse and Naruto's Wrath collided.

True to its power, the Gravity Collapse stood strong and Naruto's breadth attack didn't stand a chance and as it moved forward, Naruto used his backup.

"I hope and desire for the power of the holy spirits. Listen to my appeal and overcome everything in your way! May you see the path of Light! Disintegration!"

Prayed Naruto's Naruto's clone and the attack took form.

Disintegration is the strongest offensive magic in the Holy Magic attacks Naruto had. And so he used the strongest holy attack he had on the ancient demon.

As the large build-up of Ethernano was completed, multiple arrays of magic circles formed to condense the gathered magic as a Holy Magic blast that can disintegrate any creature to the molecular level.

With a bang, both attacks collided as Naruto made the attack vertical instead of horizontal as he wanted it to collide with the Nuclear magic of Theon.

Both attacks collided, releasing large amounts of magic and destruction on their surroundings as the ground started to shake, Naruto sensed an oddity.


Council Chambers, Era

"Chairman, we detected a huge magic build up in the Pergrande Empire," said an assistant as he stumbled into the Council chambers.

"What! Where exactly?" Asked Seam, the Chairman.

"In the wastelands of the Empire, sir," said the assistant. Pergrande Empire is the largest country of Ishgar and the biggest asset to the Magic Council.

"Sir, it is fluctuating now," said another assistant, looking at the screen that showed the buildup of magic.

"Alert the Rune Knights about this and when everything is settled, I want this investigated." Said Seam and the assistant nodded and they all observed the screen curiously.

With Naruto

Instead of going on each other and fighting for dominance, they started to travel upwards as a small tear opened in the clouds above them much like the one which took Naruto, but different.

It started to suck all the magic from the powerful attacks and soon, layers of the ground started to tear, as if it was sucked by a vacuum.

Thankfully, Naruto used Kamui beforehand to escape from the after-effects of the toxic smoke that will be released if his attack failed.

He saw a pale Theon, who was gasping for air being lifted into the air towards the sky. He didn't want to give the Demon any chance to live.

"Particle Deterioration," said Naruto, injecting large amounts of light particles into uplifting Theon's body very painfully.

Theon felt like his nerves were burning from inside and as if his blood became hot lava instead of his life essential liquid.

As he reached cloud level, Naruto made an exploding gesture and Theon's body exploded from inside.

He died, spilling his innards out as the blood and gore fell to the ground as the hole sucked his magic dry, making him unable ro regenerate.

Unknowingly, Naruto fully killed Theon, not giving him any chance to reincarnate as the sky hole sucked his magic while he destroyed his body not leaving anything behind with his Amaterasu.

He sensed a familiar person nearby and disappeared in a Shunshin to greet the person. "What are you doing here, Mystogan?" Asked Naruto, appearing in front of the tattooed man in a burst of speed.

And Cut

Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.

And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.

Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's. See you all in the next chapter.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.