
31: 7 Sins (2)

"We are all aware that the situation is not good, much less when that bitch is about to do something that each of us will curse in the future" - said Lucia while frowning - "And as painful as this hit to my pride is, even I am aware that this is not a good situation, not for me, or for any of you."

"She's swallowing more than she can chew" - muttered Goliath with a scowl - "Oh, that's a good one, Jo, ho, ho, ho!"

"Cut the jokes, fat ass!" - Brutus exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes - "This is serious, if she manages to get hold of the key, or rather, lets that human be corrupted by his own darkness, then we'll be in danger!"

"Hmm, killing him won't be useful either" - Ozma said with a frown - "We'll just be postponing the inevitable, in fact, we'll just be making the corruption of the darkness much faster than it would normally take..."

"What a fucking problem we have on our hands..." - Veritha said as she let out a long yawn - "So we don't have anything to use as a countermeasure to prevent Rivenna from doing her shit?"

"Hmm, well, we have solutions, but..." - Goliath said as he put his sandwich aside, showing how serious the conversation was - "Our first option is the easiest, but the one with the most problems, kill Rivenna and buy us more time."

"Discarded" - said the other sins immediately.

"The second option is a bit simpler, we just have to break the connection between Rivenna's soul and that human, then we can kill that human and make him reincarnate in his homeworld..."

"Sounds a little better, but that's impossible, after they died, their two souls merged" - Veritha replied with a frown - "Basically now the two of them can regenerate each other's soul if it is damaged if they have enough energy to do so."

"The third option is the most controversial" - said Goliath with a frown - "And possibly the most dangerous one"

"Speak, don't leave us in doubt" - said Ozma while clicking his tongue with jealousy because these ideas had not occurred to him.

"It's simple, let's use the connection they have to make the seal of greed switch to that human, that will make the key disappear because the key is not compatible with the essence of the sins."

The other sins were silent, only to hear Lucia's laughter.

"Did I say something weird, pride?" - Goliath asked with a frown.

"Did you by any chance not think about what the excess negative energy that comes with being the personification of a sin could cause?" - Lucia asked with a sharp glare, which caused her to show her true appearance. She had an angelic face, perfect features, as if she was the personification of perfection made by the original god, the surprising thing, is that her most distinctive features changed color. Her former platinum white hair, was now jet black and her blue eyes, became brown, although this did not take away from the fact that her appearance was pure perfection, as was her figure, which curvaceous, although not as excessive as Ambrosia's, she just had the right size.

"That's why I said it would be controversial, we can only rely on the 7 virtues" - Goliath replied, in the process making the other sins look at him with a frown.

"Don't even think about it, I'm not going to work with that prude bitch!" - Ambrosia exclaimed as she scowled - "Fuck Gabriel and his fat ass!"

"Ambrosia... Gabriel has your same figure... the two of you are twins..." - Veritha said as she gave her a blank stare - "Not to mention that I don't think you have the right to call Gabriel a prude when you, the very representation of lust are still a virgin..."

A deep silence pervaded the place as the tense atmosphere vanished as if it had never existed.

"I-I'm still a virgin because humans are the ones in charge of my own lust! They are like an extension of my carnal desires!" - Ambrosia exclaimed with a red face.

"Oh, how cute" - said Brutus sarcastically - "I wonder if Gabriel is still a virgin..."

"Possibly, if she didn't have her virginity, she would lose at least 80% of her powers and become a fallen angel or a succubus like Ambrosia" - replied Goliath while noticing how his brother gave him a blank look - "Oh, that was a rhetorical question with the aim of teasing Ambrosia, sorry..."

Ambrosia's eyebrow twitched slightly as Lucia smiled slightly - "Ambrosia's crisis aside, we need to take a good look at Goliath's proposal."

"As much as I also hate to admit it, using the virtues to counteract the dark power of sin, might be helpful" - Ozma said with a frown - "And that's not to mention that Raphael will jump straight away if he screws Rivenna with this."

"True, all the angels want to screw Rivenna and her huge ass" - said Ambrosia while clicking her tongue - "After all, she is the most troublesome of us all".

"And by far" - mused Veritha as she shrugged - "Any other ideas before we choose this option?"

"We could discuss it again when we hear the proposals of the 7 virtues" - said Brutus as he folded his arms - "By the way, if things don't end well, then I ask to be the first to kick Zadquiel of patience's ass."

"I wonder what Jophiel tastes like" - muttered Goliath as he let out a dark chuckle.

"Ok, I think that's enough, if we go on like this, the only thing we'll cause is a fight before even proposing this alliance to those hypocritical bastards" - said Lucia while clicking her tongue - "Besides, if we're going to fight, then I'll be the first one to kick the shit out of that bitch Michael"

Michael of humility, the enemy of Lucia Lucifer of pride.

Gabriel of chastity, the counterpart of Ambrosia Asmodeus of lust.

Chamuel of gratitude, the enemy of Ozma Leviathan of envy.

Uriel of diligence, the counterpart of Veritha Belfegor of sloth.

Jophiel of temperance, the enemy of Goliath Beelzebub of gluttony.

Zadquiel of patience, the counterpart of Brutus Amon of wrath.

Raphael of generosity, the enemy and biological brother of Rivenna Mammon of greed.

"So... No carnage? How boring..." - Brutus snorted as he folded his arms - "Sorry, my bloodlust is uncontrollable when we talk about Zadquiel."

"Oh, I get your point, when we talk about our counterparts, I always feel a massive desire to devour, devour, and keep devouring" - replied Goliath as he shrugged - "Putting that aside, I think we already have our plan, so all that's left is to contact those pigeons."

"We can do it right away, after all, I still have contact with that bitch Gabriel..." - Ambrosia replied, only to notice how her siblings gave her a look along with a small smile - "What?"

"You talk to your little sister?" - Ozma asked with a mocking tone, only to let out a groan of pain as she felt her male parts writhe - "Ugh..."

"Remember I'm the demon of lust, I have absolute control in all things sex related, that includes the peanut between your legs..." - Ambrosia said neutrally.

"Oh, right now I'm happy to be asexual and have no reproductive system" - said Goliath as he let out a laugh while enjoying his brother's suffering - "Putting that aside, I think the 5 minutes is more than enough punishment, sis".

Ambrosia clicked her tongue before she stopped twisting Ozma's manhood, who quickly shot a grateful look at Goliath, though at the same time he was annoyed that he had to endure that torture, oh, and changing sex wouldn't have done any good because the lust demon would have changed her tactics and she would have put her through the pain of a thousand pregnancies, which was extremely worse.

"You should have let her keep torturing the worm for about... two more hours" - Brutus said as he clicked his tongue because he had gone to get something to eat because Goliath wouldn't share his food.

"Thank you, brother, I knew you loved me" - Ozma said sarcastically.

"Yes, I love you, twenty meters underground and inert" - Brutus replied with revulsion - "Seriously, of all the bastards here, you are the one I hate the most, and yet my hatred of myself is greater than the hatred I feel for some of you."

"I never understood why you hated yourself, when the normal thing to do is to love yourself" - replied Lucia while raising an eyebrow.

"Because I hate all my power" - Brutus replied as he frowned - "I am so powerful that I can't enjoy a good battle, unless it's one of you or one of the 7 virtues, and everyone here knows what would happen if we fought to the death."

"Oh, what good times" - Goliath said as he licked his lips - "Too bad we had to sign that fucking contract..."