

Kyle nodded, a newfound respect for the villagers growing within him. He understood the weight of responsibility they carried and the sacrifices they had made. In his mind he compared the strength of the warriors praticing there with the knights of Erugenia kingdom. He was shocked to found the average strength of a spirit guardian soldier far greater than an average knight of Erugenia.

At that point some people walked towards Kyle and Emma. Kyle looked towards. Those were the people Kyle had fought and defeated when he accidentally entered the village's teritory.

They were two girls and two boys. One if which was Emma. It seems the rest of them were training here and noticed Emma and Kyle and decided to have a talk with them. The wearbeast girl Emmily came and stood at front of Kyle and stared Kyle at in his eyes. The atmosphere seems to have got a bit tense. Emma thought that she should intervene now to stop any kind of fight happening. But just as she was about to do soo Emilly suddenly bowed her head and said to Kyle.

But the next devlopment shocked both Kyle and Emma . All three of them suddenly bowed down and said in a loud voice." We apologize for our mistakes, please forgive us."

"No you didn't need to bow down it was just an misunderstanding please raise your heads." Kyle said to them nervously. Because of them shouting so loudly the sorrounding villagers who were praticing also looked towards them.

Those three also noticed this so they quickly raised their heads towards Kyle. "Thanks for your kindness." After that they all sat in one corner and

Emma started introducing all of them to Kyle.

She first pointed towards the werewolf lady. "Kyle ,She is lady Emmily she is the grand daughter of the werewolf elder you have met today at the meeting. She is also considered the leader of younger generation. " At Emma's introduction Emmily raised her a little proudly but then suddenly Emma said. ". But she can also be quite clumsy at many occasions. She also eat a lot because of that the elder had to force her to do extra training."

"You didn't need to tell all this Emma. " Emmily said to Emma with a red face. She covered her face with her hands due to embarrassment.

Tgen Emma looked towards the small dwarf boy.

" He is Alfred . He is a dwarf and the son of the lord of tge dwarf clan. He is considered a prodigy in earth Magic in our village."

"As Emma said I am Alfred. Through our initial meeting was not good. I hope we get together well in the future." Alfred said to Kyle with a smile on his face raising his hand for a handshake.

"Yea , I also hope to get along together." Kyle said while shaking hands with him.

Emma then looked towards the last boy. "He is Uzura, he is the son of the lord of dragonwet clan who is also the commander of village's army. Right now in younger generation of our village he could be considered as strongest in terms of fighting abilities. " Emma introduced Uzura. Uzura raised his chin proudly upon hearing praise from Emma ignorant of the fact that he was about yo suffer the same fate as Emmily." Well but he is little too hot headed and often takes rash decisions because of jis uncontrollable anger."

Upon hearing Emma's words Uzura who had been raising his chin proudly just some moments ago kept his head down.

Kyle gave a awkward laugh at seeing this. It seemed to him that the friendship between all of them is quite deep."

They all then moved sideways in the room and talked for a long time.

The friendship between them. And Kyle. also improved because of that. It was then Uzura came near Kyle and said: Mr Kyle if you don't mind would you be interested in having a mock battle with me. "Yes of course why not, I am also feeling tired by just resting. " Kyle accepted Uzura's challenge as he could sense there wasn't any ulterior motive behind Uzura challlenging him. It's this kind of fight that gets him fired up.

After that, Uzura took to the air and brought their training weapons back.

News of their match spread before they knew it. Before long, a small crowd

had gathered, making their sparring session more like a mini event of sorts.

They drew straws to decide who would be sparring together first — the result

was Kyle and Uzura. Once they had settled on the rule of limiting spirit arts to

the use of body enhancement only, Kyle picked up his longsword and stood

across the square from Uzura, who gripped his short spear tightly. Emmily would

be their referee.


The match finally began, and Uzura charged at Kyle the instant the signal was

given. The propulsionary force of his wings sent him shooting forward like an

arrow. Her incredible speed closed the gap in the blink of an eye, and he

released a sharp jab towards Kyle as though to test him.

Kyle saw through the jab easily, using the minimum amount of movement to

shift his body and evade it.

"Oooh!" the spectators cheered.

Meanwhile, Uzura continued to launch an avalanche of stabbing attacks

towards Kyle, who parried them efficiently with his refined movements. A

surprised expression flashed across Uzura's face, and he widened the distance between them. Then, he took on a lower stance and readied his spear,

charging forward with his body held close to the ground to aim at Kyle's chest

from below. Kyle received the attack head-on, but Uzuma tried to brute-force

her spear through his defenses. Once Kyle's body had been lifted up, he focused

more strength into his arms and stepped forward firmly, flapping his wings to

blow him fully into the air.

I see his crazy strength hasn't changed, Kyle thought as he flew through the

air, impressed by Uzura's physical strength.

Of course, Kyle had strengthened his own body with spirit arts too, but there

was a vast difference in the basic fundamental build of a human and a

werebeast. That difference was all the more emphasized when their bodies

were enhanced with spirit arts.