
Chapter 1


I wake up with a faint voice calling my name, opening my eyes with the light of the sun passing through the window of the bus, the sound of the engine entering my ears was somewhat calming, making me fall asleep without realizing.

"Wake up already michael!".

The voice call me again as i continue looking through the window, we were in a dirt road through a forest making orange leafs fly as we pass, the leafless trees along with the slight cold of autumn making everything more soothing.

"Are you ignoring me?".

I continue to look to the sceneary despite it never changing.

"Aren't you excited? We are finally going to a camp since we came to college, I was going crazy stuck in class every day."

"We are going to study anyway, the only diference is that we are outside." I said.

"But it's diferent nonetheless, and it's a real vulcano how are you not excited?" Said the voice.

The one speaking is Thomas my childhood friend, so far as I remember he was always with me since kindergarden, school and now college, he was the quiet tipe but very active with friends.

"I didn't say i wasn't excited, but we are not even there yet, let me sleep" I said still looking through the window.

"No i'm bored, and didn't you have enough sleep? You fatass." He said finally getting me to look at him.

"Shut up, use your cellphone or something i'm tired, i didn't get to sleep last night because of the dog from the neightbour that for some reason it's a noturn animal and bark the entire night and sleep at day." I said getting a bit irritated.

"Fine old man have your sleep, geez." He said.

His apparence was generic apart from his fit body that even without ever going to a gym he still can have it, his hair was a military stile with the sides perfectly cut and the top long forming a ponytail while being black at the end contrasting from his blonde hair, his sharp blue eyes with thick eyebrows, apart from his long nose his face was perfect, i wonder why he didn't get a girlfriend yet.

"But why did the college decided to make a trip now? I mean, we are in the first year, i thought only second year go to this" He asked.

"I heard they are planning to give a test while we are there". Said another voice.

"What?! They can't do this out of nowhere!" Thomas said as he turned to the back seat, I did the same, curious with what that was about.

"Stop this Meg, we are not gonna have nothing like a test now.... I think." Said a guy next to Meg.

"Oh, busted by Chris again I guess." Said Meg chuckling

The two where sitting next to each other, despite being two completely personaties the two were good friends, Meg was playful and Chris is serious but sometimes he can get a bit like Meg, maybe the two like each other but nobody want to start it.

"I hope not, i didn't study anything about vulcanos until now." Said Thomas while sighing.

"How do you study nothing about vulcannos in half a year?" Asked Chris.

"I don't know, anyways do you guys know why they decided to do this now?" Thomas asked again.

"Maybe it's because we are in a geographic college?" Said Meg.

She was the definition of a nerd in a movie, long black hair with a fringe covering her forehead, square glasses in her green eyes and freckles in her nose, her apparence was similiar to Chris, the same glasses and the same freckles only his curly brown hair and brown eyes that differ.

"Yeah funny, hey Joe why we are going now?" Thomas said to one of the front seats.

"Thomas call me professor please." Said Joe sighing.

The professor was a muscular guy with a big beard but no hair at all, he looked pretty strong despite being a teacher, one day he just brought a dumbbell to the classroom and started lifting it, he was a sociable and cool guy, most of the students like him.

"Ok professor but why are we going in a camp now?" He asked again.

"You don't know? The college got a huge sum of investment by the gorvenment, now we are able to prepare this for the first year too".

"So why the investment?" Now who asked was Chris.

"That i don't know, but some professors were talking about another the government forming a party in a few years to explore the other part of the planet." Said Joe.

"The part that is covered in gas?" Now was me who asked.

"Yes, since we arrived at planet Curlien that part was unexplored, but now they are forming a team to explore that part after 1500 years." Said Joe.

They continued to speak as i get bored and started to look to the window again, the humanity finally found a way to travel through the space for long distances such as light years, and that way was using cryogenics on humans reaching a hibernation like state and having a AI controling a space ship to reach the destination set.

But this metod was a huge risk as anything could happen during this tragetory such as a meteor hitting the space ship, but humanity didn't have a choice as the earth was decaing from the poluition that we caused, but in the end we ended succeeding by some miracle.

Now we are here in planet Curlien, A planet identical to earth with a distance of a million light years, that was the closest planet with livable conditions, we don't have any means to contact earth so we don't know what happened after all those years, maybe the humans perished and now earth is recovering or the humans managed to survive and learned their lessons, but that's very unlikely.

I was wondering while looking to the trees passing and the orange leafs flying, I end up sleeping again.



Thomas call me again as I sleep, I was still tired but this little time helped a lot, I glanced outside, the bus has stopped in a clearing in the middle of the forest with three wooden houses and a campfire, in the distance i saw a huge mountain that is problably the vulcano.

"We've arrived at least, how much did i sleep." I asked.

"Around three hours.".

"That's not much but I guess that will do for now." I sighed

"Not much you can do about it, let's go already, everybody is at the canteen." Said Thomas as we got out of the bus.

As we walked i began to look at the camp, two houses were facing each other with the campfire in between and the other house in the back to the campfire which is the canteen and the two other houses were the dormitories.

We arrived at the canteen and luckly the line was nowhere to be seen, even if there was a line it wouldn't be very big as it's only our class.

I grab a plate and pick the food i want, there was beans, rice, pork, steak, and many types of vegetable, when humanity sent the space ship to Curlien with hundred humans, was sent several crops and animals DNAs so it was possible to recreate food from earth here, of course Curlien have Its own crops and animals but Curlien humans have mostly developed around earth coursine.

"Michael here!" I hear Meg and Chris shouting from a table in the front of the canteen next to a window in the corner.

Me and Thomas finished choosing our food and sat in the round table along with Meg and Chris, I heard a strange sound but didn't mind it, must've been my imagination.

"Took you long enough, i thought you were in coma." Said Meg.

"I wish i were, anyways were is Joe?" I asked

"Don't say this and change the subject, he's in the bathroom, why you ask?" Chris asked.

"I wanted to know when are we going to the vulcano.".

"We are going after lunch." Said Meg.

"Is that so..." I sighed.

"Why you sound depressed?" Asked Joe when he appeared out of nowhere behind me, that scared me a little bit.

"He problably want to sleep more." Said Thomas while munching a steak.

"What? Sleep? Didn't sleep at the bus already? Michael you have to be more proactive! Last time you only managed to lift only 50 kilos! That's pitifully weak! Look at Thomas he managed to lift almost 150!" Said Joe scolding me for some reason.

"Don't compare me with you gorilas." I retorted but he ignored and continued.

"And what with that amount of food? One steak and rice? You need more protein!".

He always was like this, one time he made an workout session in the middle of class, i don't know how did he get to be a teacher in a geographic colege.

I continued to eat as Joe scolded me, and even after i finished he continued, bored i glanced outside and saw somethig diferent.

"Hey, where's the campfire?" I asked.

"Of course it's outside, don't try to change the subject." Said Joe.

"No I mean where's is it? It's gone.".

"What?" Said Joe as he glanced outside.

"What the hell?" Said Thomas.

"Look! A part of the ground is gone too!" Meg pointed at the ground where the campfire was.

At this point Most of the class have noticed this as well and began to get out, we followed suit, where the campfire once was a hole with a diameter of about 5 meters and profundity of 3 meters, there was nothing indicating what did this.

"What happened here? We passed here not long ago and everything was normal." Thomas said while approaching the hole.

"Thomas get back here!" Screamed Joe as he runned to catch Thomas.

But when he reached the strange sound similiar to a beetle buzzing appeared again and along whith it a sphere made of some kind of energy, the ball enveloped the two and vanished in a instant leaving another hole in the ground.

The camp went silence for a minute before exploding in a severals screams.

"T-The professor!!".

"What was that?!".

The students continued to scream but no one dared to move from the spot.

"Calm down!" Screamed Chris trying to get the attention from everyone, and it worked.

"Having a panic attack will help in nothing! We need to calm down." He said, but he was more scared than anyone.

"As long we don't get near the hole it should be -" Before he could finish the buzzing started again and another sphere appeared next to me and disappering again along with Chris and Meg.

After the sphere disappeared another formed in the crowd and taking 5 students, and another appeared and took another 4.

The students started to run and scatter but it was futtile as they would run into another sphere, they kept appearing and disappearing and each time it happened the student got less and less.

I stayed in place looking to my left where Chris and Meg stood, and where my arm was, i didn't feel any pain but blood was gushing out painting the soil red.

"What is happening..." Was all I could say as the buzzing again appeared but ten times louder, a sphere appeared in front of me and started growing larger until it enveloped the entire camp and everyone in it.

The sphere started shrinking and taking everything with it, I heard screams and pleas from the people but was in vain as the sphere keep shrinking leaving a hole were the camp was, all i could do was close my eyes and wait for what i knew i couldn't escape.



In the planet Curlien everything stopped almost at the same time, it wasn't just Michael camp that disappeared, but entire buildings and houses and all the humans that lived in peace, all their souls gathered in a far away place.

Inside that space, that wasn't in the same existence as the universe, millions of humans souls were roaming around, they felt nothing, they didn't see nothing nor did they think, inside that dark place all that could be heard was the footsteps of a shapeless figure, but even without a shape its mere presence could make even the counciousless souls stop in awe.

"Fools.." The figure speaks in a deep voice, its shape changes and take a form of a mighty wolf, looking down on the souls making them tremble.

"Once again humans made a mistake that they can't repair, when they will learn?" The wolf continue but mostly speaking to itself

"Ever since they were created the world has been sufering, was that a mistake from the world itself? Making humans..." The wolf shook his head and looked to the souls, his gaze landed in every single one.

"To think i had to resort to this.... i'm no better than then, but it was then or the world." Sighed the wolf.

"I am the will of the planet you humans call earth, unfortunetly I had to resort to drastic measures, when your ancestors left the slowly rotting earth the others humans truly died and earth could finally recover after ages and ages of destruction.". Said the will as it took form of a deer and walked around the souls while looking forward.

"But not without a price." It stopped and looked at the souls again with an murderous glare, the souls trembled again.

"The space ship used to launch the remained humans to another planet used nuclear energy, and to genarate the energy worth for more than a million years they used massive amount of radioactive resources.".

"This wouldn't be a problem if that amount of resources was handled properly, but once again the humans and its foolishness, as it was the "end of the world" as they said, they didn't care about the consequences and threw it away without any care!" The will roared losing its shape as the plane trembled with his anger.

"And the consequences came and now with the radiation all around the planet the animals started evolving and turned into mounstruous beings without any thoughts aside destruction!" The will continued to vent his rage in words causing a rift to open in the black space almost "killing" all the souls in it, seeing this the will quickly calmed down, the rift closed and the dark space quieted down immediately, the will changed its shape again.

A ethereal woman with an white veil hiding her face, her white dress so long that turned the floor white, her aura changed completely from mighty and cold to magnificient and gentle.

"And that's why you are here, humans, i beg your pardon for killing you but that was the only way i had, all i could do at least is give you a painless death." Said the will in a warm voice.

"The planet is in danger, and to protect itself it awakened its own will, but only me its not enough, those beast are too strong and too many for me, so ask for your help, for your help to save this planet, the earth has protected your race for eons, now it time for you to protect it!". The will yelled and extended one of her hands, the souls started to fly and change.

"Awaken! Not as humans! But as the guardians of this world!" Said the will as all the souls started to grow stronger.

"Awaken! Because the world is in danger and is your duty to save it!" Roared the will along side the souls.

"Awaken! My dragons!".