
Chapter 1: The Portal that fell from my pocket.

I always have the same dream of another world full of mystical creatures, people and magic. But it always ends the same way everything engulfed in darkness and death. I then hear a voice saying: "You will not be able to stop us". Then like always I wake up in cold sweat. My name is Johnathin Revo(weird name I know) I'm 17 and in high school, my parents where always there for me when i needed them. But, my dad couldn't, he died in a fire saving alot of lives, he loved his job as a firefighter and never regreted the choices he made. Since his accident 10 years have passed and me and my mom moved from our home because it brought back to many memories of him. When I first arrived in Soothingville it looked like an empty boring place, but when i reached my house I found two new friends that where bothering me for being new, but turns out they just wanted to be my friends. Now that I'm done with my backstory lets get back to the main story.

A sudden alarm wakes me up from my sleep my two friends Sarah and Alex were up all night playing games with me, Sarah is a redhead that loves anything that uses energy and intelect, Alex loves his small afro saying one day its going to be so big and fluffy, he likes action and his bat with nails named Jessica(no one knows how or when he got it, not even his parents). I looked over to turn off the alarm and saw the time, it was 8:35, WE WERE LATE FOR SCHOOL!! I shouted at my friends:

" WAKE UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE AGAIN"! Alex still sleepy stands up and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth, while Sarah already woken up is organizing our backpacks. After we get ready its already 8:50, we had to run like always. We rushed down the steps and I told my mom: "Love you". She was about to say something but all I could make out was:" But today is...", we couldn't afford to waste any time.

Sarah yelled:"How much time do we have left"!

Alex replied:"About 4 minutes left"!

We ran as fast as we could and reached the doors but they were locked.

"I don't understand, we reached before 9"?

Alex tells me:"Yes my phone says its 8:58..."

Sarah out of breath asks what's wrong. Alex looks at me with a killer stare telling me that today is Saturday. Sarah slowly looks at me and I take a few steps back, but before she could rush at me Alex grabs a hold on her.

"Thanks, she was about to kill me". I said

"Since we are good friends I will give you a 5 minute headstart". He told me.

Alex was almost frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog, I knew that every second counts so i started running. Alex the kind and gentle guy I know him as betrayed me and set her free 3 minutes after I ran.

"Liar"! I screamed after hearing Sarah repeatedly saying that she was gonna murder me.

I reach home before she could get me and I hear my mom chuckling from the kitchen, I bet she already knows what happened.

She later told me:"Don't forget to make it up to them, your birthday party is later and you invited them". Chills ran down my spine knowing that they could be planning their revenge. After a few hours everything was ready to celebrate my 18th birthday. I made up with Sarah and Alex over some cake and my family came to see me. After everyone left I was going to help my mom clean but she stopped me and told me:

"John on your bed there is a present that your dad left you incase he.... didn't make it today, go to your room and open it".

I was stunned my mom did everthing possible to make us move on from him, but I guess some things is hard to move on from. When I opened the door to my room I saw a box with smelled like dust on my bed. When I opened the box it was pictures of our family and videos of our times together. After I while i kept looking in the box and found a small black box, it had a note on it saying "John if you find this wait until your 18". I smirked knowing it was my dad's handwriting and opened it. All that was inside was a card and a few stones. The note said:

"Hey bud, sorry I'm not able to celebrate with you your birthday, but I have you a gift that you might like, remember the secret language you and me made well I kept it in one of my notebooks, hope you find good use for it". After rummaging through the box I found it, the notebook he spoke about. I didn't make it up it was my dad who taught it to me saying it was our secret. The stones are what I don't understand, it has a few carvings into it but I can't make it out. It was three small stones that were more blue then what normal stones should be. I'll ask Sarah and Alex on Monday if they know what they are since tomorrow I need to do schoolwork.

On Monday I went to school and at lunch sat next to Alex who I don't know why always asks for the meatloaf. He asked:

"Whats up, you had something to show us you texted"?

"Yea after my party I found a box my dad left for me on my 18th birthday, so it had a few stones and a note".

"What stones"? Sarah asked as she sat down.

"These blue ones" I said. I handed them the stones so that they could see, but they didn't know anything. After classes finish I had to stay to clean the classroom, after cleaning I was exiting the school when I hear two familiar voices. When I looked it was Fred and Fred the twins that bully everyone, but they especially like to bully me. They called my name but I just kept walking to the door, I was so close to exit, but when I tried to exit it was already locked.

Fred says:"The janitor already locked the doors all except the back door".

Fred replied:"But how will we leave"?

"Out the back exit". Snapped Fred.

"Guys, can't we do this another time". I said to persuade them.

"Nah, we have you all to ourselfs". said Fred. I quickly ran to the closest place I can hide, the bathroom. I tried to run as fast as the day Sarah wanted to kill me(so two days ago), and made it to the bathroom. It was cramped since I had my backpack with me, and I could hear the twins banging on the stalls. When they reached mine I could hear their chuckle when they tried to break down the door. I kept wishing I was anywhere but here, suddenly something in my pocket started huming. The stones suddenly burst out and started to float and had a small spark inbetween them. What was incribed in the stones started to glue a bright blue and the sparks started to become a portal. Suddenly I was taken thought the portal that formed, I saw a creature, it was beautiful, but next thing I know I'm hurling towards the ground. When I look up it's the place I see in my dreams, its real.