
Chapter 244: Crash into it!

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Dead silence!

It was as still as death!

Those wealthy second-generation kids were all dumbstruck by the slap Chen Xuan had delivered.

They had never dreamed that this seemingly insignificant doctor would dare to strike someone like Young Master Long!

They were even more shocked that this little doctor had the strength to actually send someone flying with a slap!

It was terrifying!

Even Song Qiuhuan was stunned by the scene before her.

She had just assumed Chen Xuan was a coward, which was why he had said those things, but now it seemed his courage was far greater than she had imagined!

"All right, I've cured this idiot's illness, let's hurry and rescue the people!"

Without looking back, Chen Xuan headed straight for the BMW.

Song Qiuhuan paused for a moment before hurriedly following him.

"The car door is severely damaged, and we simply can't open it; we might only be able to wait for the firefighters..."

Song Qiuhuan hadn't finished her sentence.
