
Ch. 75: Six and One

"Nappa! Stop gardening and get the Dragon Ball, now!" Vegeta shouted from above the Namekian village.

"Vegeta... you have the other five Dragon Balls?" Nappa asked, having actually stopped his gardening the moment that he'd felt Vegeta approaching. He was inwardly shocked. There was no chance that Vegeta had actually managed to steal them right from under Frieza's nose in the last... has it been a day? Namek has three suns, so Nappa wasn't quite sure of time anymore.

"Yeah. Stole them right from under Frieza's nose. As an added bonus, I even dealt with Zarbon, so we can end this little farce of you 'protecting' this village." Vegeta told Nappa arrogantly, "Have you gotten stronger?" He wondered suddenly.

"Yeah, a little bit. I got into a pretty bad scrape a while ago, but I made it out okay."

"Nappa, are you really leaving?" Rise asked the large bald Saiyan.

"If Zarbon's gone, then I've held up my end of the bargain here. Frieza's normal goons don't stand a chance against you Namekian Warriors, after all, and I don't stand a chance against Frieza himself, so there's not much point in me staying." Nappa admitted to Rise.

Rise found himself unexpectedly sad at this development. Over the course of Nappa's time in the village, the bald Saiyan and the Namekian had gotten pretty close. He wasn't even angry that the Saiyan was going to take the Dragon Ball with him anymore.

"Said your goodbyes? Good. Get the Dragon Ball and let's head out." Vegeta demanded.

"Okay, Vegeta." Nappa didn't protest. He went to the elder's home.

"Seems your time here has come to an end, Nappa. What a shame."

"I agree, Elder. Thank you for everything."

"I'll be hoping to see you again one day, Nappa."

"Goodbye, Elder."


"Gohan, you're okay!" Piccolo said upon entering the Capsule House to find Gohan, Krillin, and Cargo.

"Where's Bulma?" I wondered aloud.

Krillin answered me, "Her Majesty is taking a shower."

"Nobody is allowed to disturb her." Cargo added, making me give a wry smile. I was interrupted by a loud noise. "SLAP!"

"Ouch, Piccolo!" Gohan held his face, where Piccolo had slapped him. It was already red. It looked rather painful.

"What were you thinking, fighting Nappa by yourself!?" Piccolo shouted.

"Calm down, Piccolo. I agree with you. It was stupid and rash, but it wasn't all bad." Krillin defended my brother.

"What do you mean? What could possibly be 'Not all bad' about my brother nearly getting killed by that crazy brute!?" I asked.

"Geez, believe in me much?" Gohan asked. Honestly, I didn't, so I didn't bother answering that, either.

"We learned something. Nappa was actually protecting the Namekian village. He was genuinely doing good." Krillin told us, "And on top of that, Gohan got a huge power boost! Check him out!"

Krillin was right, as little as I wanted to admit it. Gohan's power was currently nothing compared to the spike he'd had during the fight, but it had still doubled, breaking the 20,000, maybe even 25,000 barrier.

"... Fine. As long as you never do anything that rash and stupid again, I'll let it drop, Gohan. We have bigger things to worry about, anyway." Piccolo said. He immediately launched into an explanation about Guru and his ability to unlock potential.

"Since it didn't work immediately on Hanna, it probably won't work immediately on Gohan, either, but Krillin should stand to gain quite a bit." Piccolo said once his explanation was complete.

"You're right. We should go now." Krillin immediately realized.

"I'll stay here with Bulma. We'll be fine by ourselves, I promise." Cargo told us, "Just promise me that you'll save my people." Piccolo answered by putting his hand on the kid's head. Apparently, this was his version of 'ruffling the kid's hair,' but the kid had antennae instead of hair. After that, we set off without even bothering to greet Bulma.



"PEW...BOOM!" Vegeta and Nappa had rendezvoused at the spot with the five Dragon Balls, making it six in one place now. 

"Frieza's getting impatient, huh." Nappa muttered, watching the waves of ki that Frieza shot off every once in a while carve swaths of wanton destruction through the nearby landscape. He and Vegeta weren't particularly worried that it would end up hitting them, though.

"Yeahaha." Vegeta laughed, "He's just firing wildly. He's completely blind without his precious scouters, which won't be arriving for several days. And he's not stupid enough to send his normal soldiers out to look for the likes of us."

"You're right. It would just be wasted fodder." Nappa agreed.

"This has turned into a waiting game, Nappa. Spread out your senses and search for those Earthlings. As soon as we find them, we'll be able to take the last Dragon Ball from them, and our collection will be complete. Then, we'll just have to summon the dragon, and immortality will be ours!" Vegeta told him, closing his eyes to better feel the energy in the air.

"heh, yeah. Immortality. Great..." Caught up in his own dreams of immortality, Vegeta missed the hesitation in Nappa's voice.


"Are you sure it was smart to leave the Dragon Ball alone with just Cargo and Bulma to protect it?" Krillin asked Piccolo as they flew toward Guru at an infuriatingly slow pace. 

"They're so weak that their power levels blend in with the wildlife. It's almost impossible that Vegeta'll detect them, so I think it's probably safer than carrying it around in the open." Piccolo told him.

"Piccolo's right. It's a common strategy. Incognito's a lot better than just guarding something with power alone." Gohan agreed with the Namekian.

"If you say so... But how long is this journey going to take?" Krillin asked.

"At the pace we're going...? I honestly don't know. A really long time." I told Krillin.

"Great..." Krillin muttered, downcast. Luckily, I had Shay to talk to, so I didn't have to deal with boredom at all.

"Would you rather be dead?" Piccolo asked. Krillin shook his head, not having an answer to that.