
Ch. 5: Back to Earth

Sensing my entrance, the girls stopped their battling for once in a rare instance and lined up in front of me.

"Thanks, girls. I'd never have been able to get as strong as I am if it wasn't for you. I'll be back on a regular basis from now on, but it'll feel like a lot longer between my visits for you."

Once I left, I was planning on fixing the time relativity so that time in the Core only went by ten times faster than it did in the normal world, rather than several tens of thousands of times faster. I wasn't about to leave the Core without me for thousands upon thousands of years, after all, no matter how good it'd be for my strength growth.

"You better not forget us." One of the girls joked.

"Never." Several dozen hugs later, I was standing in the lobby of the Time Chamber. I couldn't just teleport straight from the Core back to Earth, after all.

With a hundred years of experience of intensive training in the Core, the Time Chamber felt far different than it had before. Like Goku, I could sense straight through dimensions, and across space.

I could even sense dad's energy in otherworld, starting on Snake Way. I could easily teleport myself to him if I wanted to, but knowing that I had the power to do so would likely put a damper on his desire to train.

By that logic, there wasn't too much left for me to do personally before Vegeta and Nappa (Who I couldn't sense, since I couldn't recognize their energies) came.

Leaving the Chamber, I ran into Kami, Mr. Poppo, and Yajirobe all talking outside the building. When they saw me, they all did a double take.

"Who's the kid with the good fashion sense?" Yajirobe asked.

"Miss Hanna, you finally left the Chamber. Did you find what you were looking for?" Mr. Poppo asked.

My physical body was around five and a half years old right now, and my clothes were set to restrict over 99% of my power. From what they could sense, I was probably a little stronger than the current Piccolo, but I couldn't hide the incredible experience that I had gained.

Luckily for me, Goku was the strongest person that they had ever met, and my level of expertise was far beyond their comprehension.

"I think I did. Thank you, Mr. Poppo."

"Not even your father managed to stay inside the chamber for the full year."

"Yeah. I learned something in there. I'm sorry for breaking in, Kami."

"I heard about the Saiyans. You did what you thought was necessary. I have called the others up here as well, for special training. Would you like to join them?"

Spending the better part of the year training and fighting fake Saiyans in the Pendulum Chamber? I don't think that I can hide my power that well yet during a fight. I'd find some other way to spend my year. However, I can help out a bit.

"I don't think so. I think I need a change of pace. I can go find them, though." I could accurately sense exact power levels across dimensions, after all. Finding five of the strongest people on Earth was easy as pie for me. 

Let's see… Did we really need Yamcha? Yajirobe had his own car, Roshi was old… Maybe sometime before Dragon Ball Super's tournament of Power, I'll use my powers to restore his youth. Can't do so yet without destroying the canon, though.

That leaves Tien and Chiaotzu, huh? Looks like I can get to them before Launch does if I make it there today.

I left the Lookout by flight, but teleported to an area close to the waterfall that Tien was practicing on as soon as I could cover my trail. I didn't want to totally destroy the canon with my insane power, I just wanted to guide it a little bit, maybe save Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and even possibly Nappa while I was at it.

After all, as long as Piccolo dies in the fight, we'll have reason to go to Namek, and while Nappa wasn't really worth bringing back with the dragon balls, his main traits weren't too different from Vegeta's, just dumber and less haughty. Seemed to enjoy being brutal more, but Vegeta seemed to enjoy it too, back when his moral code allowed it.

If I could give him a chance to change, I'd like to, even if I wouldn't lose sleep over his death, since he was just as rotten to the core as Vegeta was at this point in time.

"Mr. Tien!, Mr. Chiaotzu!" Just like in the anime, they were standing on a rock underneath the waterfall, and Tien was practicing holding it back with his energy. When I called his name, Tien dropped the waterfall. 

"Who are you?" I'd never met Tien before, so he didn't even know about my existence.

"My name is Hanna. I'm Goku's daughter. I'm here to tell you to go to Kami's for some special training." He asked why, and I explained everything, starting with my dad's death. He looked just as shaken by it as I was, but he accepted it all fairly easily.

Even holding back most all of my strength, it was pretty clear to someone as strong as Tien that I wasn't a normal child.

"So Goku's dead…"

"While you, Krillin, Yamcha, and Yajirobe are training with Kami, I'm gonna help Master Roshi and Bulma gather the rest of the dragon balls. We'll wish my dad back to life long before those Saiyans get here." Honestly, the Dragon Balls weren't necessary in the least right now, since I could interfere with the natural order in the same way as Shenron without the effort of gathering all seven, but I needed something to do, so I was planning on 'training with Master Roshi' for the rest of the year. 

I didn't spend much time talking to Tien and Chiaotzu before flying off. I just didn't know them well enough to chat them up like old friends.

Before I left, I reminded him to leave for Korin's Tower as soon as he could. It would take them most of the day to get to the tower itself, after all, since they didn't have enough energy to fly long distances like they would once their training was complete. 

After I parted ways with Tien and Chiaotzu, I decided to gather the Dragon Balls. Locating the closest one with my ability to sense divine energy, I decided to fly to it.

On my way there, I stopped to shake a certain something out of my jacket.