
Ch. 165: Frieza Arrives on Earth!

"Well, father, we managed to beat Goku to Earth, but we still need to be careful. That girl could be rather dangerous... Not even the likes of us can fight both her and Goku at the same time. I don't want to make the same mistake once again..." Frieza explained as King Cold's ship descended through the atmosphere.

"I still don't see why we couldn't just destroy the planet from space and call it a day..." King Cold pouted from his throne.

"Because I want to see the looks of abject terror on their faces as they die, father! I want Goku to land on Earth, knowing without a doubt in his mind that everyone he knows and loves has been slaughtered by my hand, with the only thing waiting for him at his beloved home being me!" Frieza shouted.

"They beat you before, son." King Cold felt it necessary to remind his son. When he'd found Frieza, over half of the Frost Demon's body had simply been gone. Half of his skull, an arm, both legs, half of his tail, there was a hole in his chest, and he'd been missing a good portion of the only arm he'd had left. Over seventy percent of Frieza's current body was now mechanical.

"The girl weakened me with a technique that allowed her to steal my energy. I was nowhere near my peak performance by the time I actually began my battle against the Super Saiyan, father." Frieza reminded his father. That fact was the only thing keeping him sane nowadays... the knowledge that he was capable of killing them all in one-on-one battles if the need arose.

"Yes... you told me. And with your current upgrades, the stealing of your energy should be impossible, so she is not a threat to you. I'm just telling you to be careful, son."

"I understand, father, but I don't believe that will be necessary..."

"Oh, look. The vermin all gathered in one place, son. Let us exterminate them quickly so that we can leave this backwater planet." King Cold said, noting all of the Z-fighters standing in the central training yard of the Legacy dojo as the ship landed inside it. 

I'd created the central training yard of Legacy to be of use whenever anyone wanted to train, no matter their level. As a result, I'd made it a square two kilometers. More than enough room for a real battle, even after a huge spaceship landed inside it. 


"I see you prepared a fitting venue for your deaths. It is nice to see all of you again, especially you, Vegeta." Frieza greeted us as he exited his spaceship, his father and a dozen of his soldiers following behind him. 

"Aww, so you do have a family, Frieza! Is that your mommy, behind you? Did you bring your mommy to hurt the people that beat you up?" I taunted, causing an electrical surge to run down Frieza's body as a testament to his rage.

"Goku's daughter... Father, stay out of this." Frieza said coldly.

"Nice new gear, Frieza! Did the appliance store have a sale on bodies or something!?" Vegeta laughed at Frieza's mecha-body.

"Just make it quick, son." King Cold told him.

"I won't, father. They need to suffer. Then, Goku." Frieza said, whipping his tail at the ground in excitement. 

"Stay back, everyone. He's mine."

"Are you insane!? You can't defeat Frieza by yourself!" Vegeta tried to argue with me, but Nappa put a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll only hold her back." Nappa told Vegeta, who scoffed.

"Alright. Don't complain to me when you die, then." He said, backing off. 

"Someone's full of themselves... Just because you weakened me last time doesn't mean that the same technique will work this time, child!" Frieza shouted.

"Just be careful you don't short out in the middle of the fight, Robo-Frieza." I taunted.

And with that, the battle started. It was a short battle. 

The first thing I did was go Super Saiyan. I even flared my aura for the shock factor. The look on Frieza's face when I did was the greatest thing ever. He flipped out and backed up, giving me an opening to plant my fist into his face. From there, it was an open and shut case. He'd probably have given me a great fight, but my Super Saiyan form freaked him out so much that it wasn't a fair fight at all. 

"ERADICATION BLAST!" I shouted, standing on top of Frieza's prone figure as he struggled to understand what was going on. An instant later, a short-range version of my Supreme Wave appeared in front of my hand and swallowed Frieza up in an irresistible force of pure, destructive energy. He was gone, just like that. One punch and one blast, and Frieza was gone in a flash.

'Shay, did I unseal too much of my power after that fight with Gohan?' I couldn't help but ask telepathically.

'If you hadn't, then your current strength in Super Saiyan mode would equal Gohan's full Silver Mode power. After this battle, Frieza's current strength becomes borderline useless against stronger enemies, so don't worry so much.' Shay reminded me. I already knew that much. The Android's power levels were around 1 billion each, after all. My current power level, overwhelming Frieza, was around 200 million, and my guess was that the strongest person by the time the Androids actually struck would be about thrice my current level...

'Based on current projections, you might have to allow your father to temporarily succumb to the heart virus. He got stronger than expected after his time with Raika.' Shay reminded me. Oh well, I'd have a lot of bridges to cross over the next four years or so anyways.

Trying to keep a cool look on my face, I turned to King Cold. I'd expected to have a longer, harder fight against Frieza, to the point where I'd need to have Gohan fight him, but instead, I'd overwhelmed him even worse than canon Trunks had, so I had quite a bit of leeway.