
Ch. 163: Demon Tutor

"Mom, I want a tutor." It'd been several months since Pigero'd destroyed the Makyo Star and Garlic Jr. had been pulled back into the Dead Zone during the resulting confusion. Since, Garlic Jr's soul had been completely destroyed, and all of us on Earth had settled into a comfortable new rhythm.

Most of the Z-fighters spent their days doing jobs for Legacy. Nappa, Pigero, and the Namekians (other than Piccolo) spent their days doing missions with the 45 newer Legacies, who'd managed to learn the basics of energy control and were now authorized as Basic Legacies, who could do missions so long as they were accompanied by another Legacy of Elite Grade or higher.

Meanwhile, Gohan did his best to split his time between training and studying, both of which he did with Videl at his side. The two were inseparable. Every other day, he'd alternate between spending all day studying with Videl, and half of the day training Videl, the other half doing intensive training on his own. As a result of the special one on one training that she was getting from my brother, Videl was incredibly close to being promoted to Elite Legacy. 

In order to become an Elite Legacy, I'd decided that you need to have the power to take on any mission that could possibly show up. That meant that the test needed to be pretty bad. I was planning on having her prove that she could use Silver Mode times 10, then having her fight someone to see where her strength was at, after having her power level assessed by one of the scouters I'd had Bulma recreate in order to integrate into our sensors. They were designed to shut off and stop sensing someone once their power level eclipsed 200,000, in order to stop them from blowing out. Once her powers had eclipsed that point at their highest level, she'd get to upgrade her uniform to the Elite level one that had a built-in tracker to make up for the power level tracker going offline.

But today, Gohan and Videl were supposed to study. Hence, Gohan asking Chichi for a tutor during breakfast.

"Are you and Videl struggling with your studies, Gohan?" Mom asked him, putting more food on my plate as I inhaled my food.

"Kind of... I feel like I'm not making as much progress as I should be. It's hard to balance training with my studies, you know." Gohan replied, "Maybe if I had a tutor, they'd be able to help me with that?"

"You're wasting your time, Gohan." I offered my valuable input. Honestly, I was surprised that Gohan was the one suggesting the tutor this time around, but in canon, Chichi had ended up hiring a whip-lover who she'd ended up throwing out a window.

Annoyed by my lack of support, Chichi slapped my head. "Gohan, I think it's very admirable that you're studying so hard. If you really want a tutor, then I'll get you a tutor. In fact, Hanna can join you for your first session."

"What?! Mom?!" I spun around so fast that I caused a literal whirlwind in place, "I don't have time for a tutoring session, mom!"

"Don't worry... it won't be for a couple of weeks, and the sessions won't be that frequent. I've been talking with Chelsea quite a bit lately, and I'm sure she'd be happy to deal with your duties at Legacy while you're busy studying." She told me with a smile. 

"Nnrgh..." I groaned, having nothing to say to that. Wasn't it the worst thing in the world when your secretary becomes friends with your mother? Wait... wasn't Chelsea literally created to help me do whatever I wanted? Why was she helping my mom trap me in a room with a demon tutor?

"Grreaaatttt..." I said as sarcastically as possible. "While you conspire with my secretary to torture me, I've got a lot to do. I better head out."

I slipped out of the house as fast as I could.


"Oh, Miss Chichi, do not worry. I'm good with slow children, and with discipline. I'm very strict-" 

"Nnrgghhh..." I groaned, smothering my face with a pillow as I heard the tutor's annoying voice as he walked down the hallway alongside my mother.

"My children are not slow! They're both very bright, Mr. Shuu, they're just beginning to fall behind on their studies."

"I see, yes, every parent believes their child to be a prodigy. Do not worry, Miss Chichi. I will ensure that they both live up to their full potential-"

"SERIOUSLY, HANNA!?" As they opened the door to the room that Gohan and I shared, they were greeted with the sight of Gohan studying diligently at his desk... with one hand, while the other was halfheartedly trying to pull my pillow off of its spot, practically glued to my face as I rolled around on my bed.

"Told you she'd get mad at you." Gohan muttered to me. Meanwhile, Mom facepalmed.

"Look, Hanna, you promised." She reminded me. 

"Get up right now, young lady!" I (sort of) felt a whip smack against me as the tutor yelled at me. As he'd told me to do, I sat up.

"Yeah, that's the last time you use that thing." I warned.

"I'd appreciate it if you left now, Miss Chichi. It seems that I have a bit of work to do." The tutor advised. Unable to argue against that, Chichi left the room.

"I see that your father and his brainless ways have already infected your mind." The tutor started, but Gohan interrupted him, immediately getting angry.

"What did you say?! Don't talk bad about our dad." He warned.

"Martial Arts, right? Pointless, brutal, and a disgustingly poor influence on developing minds like yours. Just look at what it turned him into! Didn't he leave to go beat up on people like a barbarian?! Didn't he!?"

"I told you to shut up about our father! He's not a barbarian!" Gohan yelled at the tutor, who raised his whip and attempted to bring it down on my brother. Naturally, though, I'd already warned this idiot once. I wasn't going to allow him to use the whip again, so I grabbed it and vaporized it in my hand before it hit anyone.

"AAHH!! What are you!? Miss Chichi! Miss Chichi!" After Mr. Shuu left and got our (very angry) mother, he explained that we were afflicted with the demon seed, as an effect of our father's poor influence. He went on to explain that the only cure to the demon seed is strict