
Ch. 127: Battle of Titans

Frieza's new, smaller form didn't fool anyone watching for even a moment. Raditz's guard went up as high as it could go as he activated his Kaio-ken times 10, pushing his power level all the way up to 3 million in an instant.

Electricity arced between Raditz and Frieza for a moment as they faced off, no words needing to be said. In a single breath, the battle between the two titans began.

Suddenly, one of them, without Grey Mode, I wasn't sure which one, moved, kicking the other in a northernly direction before flying after them. My energy senses kept track of the battle after that, but only barely. 

Shockwaves crashed against the planet as the two titans crashed their fists and legs against each other in a brutal melee that stretched for miles and miles in a series of instants, terraforming the unfortunate islands below, turning them into naught but rubble, floating in the air for a moment before gravity seized them. Then, Frieza, attempting to hit Raditz with his tail, instead got his tail caught in my uncle's grip, who tossed him into a nearby bluff without hesitation, pulling out one of his most powerful moves as a follow up. 

"Thursday Rush!" He shouted, barreling at Frieza headfirst, as the latter carved a path through the rock with his body. The air currents and rocky debris in the air around Raditz followed him after the sleek tyrant, flowing beside him like a drill as he slammed himself against Frieza with incredible power, causing another huge explosion that absolutely destroyed the bluff that Frieza had been in the midst of flying through.

Unfortunately, looking again with my senses made me realize that I'd missed something. Frieza had dodged Raditz's Thursday Rush attack by flying directly upwards into the sky, and retaliated with a barrage of energy blasts, throwing them wildly into the path of the destroyed earth created by Raditz's shot.

"You can't see me!" Raditz yelled from inside the smoke created by Frieza's blasts, "Tuesday Hammer!" A blast of ki blindsided Frieza from the right, "Into a Wednesday Cyclone!" As Raditz exploded out from the column of smoke, the ki that had hit Frieza as a part of Raditz's Tuesday Hammer began to multiply, splitting into smaller and smaller parts until Frieza was being beset on all sides by a literal cyclone of energy. "AAHHHH!!!!" He screamed, attempting to punch Frieza in the gut with all the power created by the momentum of his flight. 

"Not quite." A single comment from Frieza and the air seemed to still, as his tail grabbed Raditz's fist, killing the latter's momentum instantly, and disrupting his Wednesday Cyclone at the same moment.

"I won't lose!" Raditz shouted, opening his palm and blindsiding Frieza with an energy blast to the face, causing the tiny tyrant's tail grip on him to slacken for just a single moment, which he used to escape.

"Petty tricks won't save any of you!" Frieza shouted. Having only been blinded by Raditz's energy blast for a moment, he flew above the Saiyan for a moment before landing a devastatingly beautiful kick right into Raditz's guard, enhanced by both his foot and his tail.

"Gahh!" Raditz coughed up blood as he flew back to the ground, slamming back-first into it. He barely had a moment to process the state that his body was in before Frieza began his next attack. 

"You think tricks like that will save you!? How's this for a petty trick!? Devastation Wave!" Frieza shouted, unleashing a terrifyingly strong energy wave from the tip of his finger, aiming it down at Raditz below. In an incredibly quick reaction, Raditz pushed off of the ground, barely dodging the wave of devastation that Frieza unleashed on the ground below his feet. Suddenly, the area in a perfect circle directly below where Raditz had landed became a geyser of lava. But Frieza wasn't done with his attack yet. With a wave of his finger, the lava spewing from the ground began following Raditz, changing directions in midair as Frieza controlled it with his telekinesis. 

"What the!?" Raditz shouted, looking down at the plume of lava following him as he flew over the Namekian terrain, trying to shake it off. Finally, he realized that he couldn't shake it off, and destroyed the lava with an energy blast. 


"They seem to be pretty evenly matched! I was scared after that last transformation, but maybe Raditz really will pull through for us!" Krillin cheered as we watched Raditz and Frieza's fight from a distance. 

"Raditz must've taught himself all these new techniques during the flight to Namek. He's used almost every day of the week so far." I noted.

"And none of it's doing him any good. He's losing the battle." Piccolo told us, watching the battle through far different eyes than Krillin.

"What are you talking about? He's totally tearing it up out there! Frieza could barely keep up with that cyclone of energy that Raditz shot at him." Krillin pointed out.

"No, he almost didn't keep up with it. There's a difference." Piccolo rebutted.

"What do you mean, Piccolo?" Gohan asked. Having managed to recover enough energy that he could stand on his own two feet, he was leaning lightly against Piccolo, breathing heavily as he tried to recover as much energy as possible in case he was needed.

"Raditz is going all out. He's pushing his limits, and his body's clearly suffering for it. When Frieza kicked him into the ground, he was already coughing up blood, and I suspect that it wasn't just because of that single attack. Meanwhile, Frieza's barely breathing hard. He's just playing around right now. We still don't know the limits of Frieza's strength, just that he's not reaching it yet." Piccolo told us. I bit my lip as it began to sink in for Gohan and Krillin. Raditz was definitely on the track to losing. His Kaio-ken times 10 was strong enough to match Frieza's power in his final form, technically, but only less than 2% of it. After all, Frieza's full power was 160 million, and he was currently only using about 3 million of it. When he decided to take Raditz seriously, the Saiyan warrior would likely die almost that same instant.