
Dragon ball: Tuffle reborn

Surviving Tuffles escaped to a far reach of the universe in which they chose to focus on there research of various topics sadly due to there lack of creativity they more or less just improve upon technology already created or commissioned. Making there daily life incredible easy through technology they don't even need to raise there children. Each child is raised in pods similar to that in cloning vats where they are taught all information they teach in there education from the age of 1 to the age of 5, this is similar to the gravity pods that sayians used to train their young to get used to the planetary conditions they live on. Z recently reincarnated by a gold dragon who impersonates the divine dragon places him into the body of a Tuffle infant. Z not knowing who his parents are is normal for Tuffles as the education pods teach them everything from math to language. Z however unfortunately was human and had learned of parents and similar society norms of humans and is conflicted. Not to mention now with his new alien child brain he lost most of his more human emotions controlled by his brain. Later he will solve these problems and finds a inner peace and spiritualism that fixes is inner conflict, lost humanity and emotions and ultimate his conflict with being a father in his past life and unknowingly connects his fatherhood to that of Goku who he deems as a poor father. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mention about Timelines and Lore, i binged watched all of Dragon ball to current just before writing this, not to mention i've read the manga(still reading the new chapters on DBS), and played some of the games. I also check the wiki and forums to confirm what is possible and not possible for Lore and Timeline and possible canonicity. Sorry if that seems snarky just want to cover everything, I tend to...Overanalyze? Point is I research everything and can sometimes add too much info, as well as respond and give more info then needed. So this is a warning of that and the fact I am very likely to respond to comments and stuff. I am a bit obsessives when it comes to doing certain things.

ZeOwl · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
104 Chs

Meeting Others

I slept through the plane ride, but when I opened my eyes at arrive I found Bulma on top of me.

"Whatcha doin?"


She fell backwards and tried to play off what she was doing. I wasn't sure but I was pretty sure she was just staring at my sleeping face. I thought about how Bulma was when meeting up with Master Roshi and such after the three year gap. She was more or less alone during that time with the only person she interacted with was the coming and going Yamcha that didn't really show interest in her.

Thinking about it Bulma of that time worked hard to make Yamcha jealous. She even technically hit on the much taller Goku. However the socially brain dead Goku missed it. Not like it matter he still somehow got Chi-Chi.

The current Bulma was more focused on me than basically flexing on her friends. I suppose this was my interference obviously, but her strange actions of literally watching me sleep made me curious. How much would Bulma change to match what I did.

"So you now watch me while I sleep? How into me are you?"

"I'm not gonna let you manipulate me into saying something stupid."

"Oh! Picking up on my tactics?"

"Pffft! Tactics, you have no Tactics! Let's go we got roughly 10 minutes to meet the others and get into the front row seats."

"So you had some time to think, and you chose this method of attack eh? Alright let's go then, I got a tournament to win."

"Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh right."

She drew out the yeah as she opened the door. She grabbed a umbrella from a rack and walked out into the rain opening it.

"Where's my umbrella?"

"I don't have extras..."

I grabbed the Umbrella from her and stood above her. "Then I suppose we can share, just stay close together and we won't get wet."

She tried reaching for the Umbrella and I kept it out of reach. When I realized she was getting wet i smiled. "You should stop, you can't get it from me...unless you like to get wet around me?"

She promptly kicked me in the dick and I collapsed. "I suppose I deserve that one..."

"You walked a narrow road Z, and you fell. So sad..."

"Let's just meet up with the others."

It took only a minute but I could see the 3 people who would be joining me and Bulma in the waiting area. I would be using my clone to fight in the competition. i would have a good laugh while they try to figure out what was going on. I was after all already technically here I had Z2 fly ahead of Goku and sign into the tournament.

"Hey Guys! This is Z, he is the friend of Piana...Oh... We forgot Piana."

I now occurred to me that Piana was not here, I felt slightly bad. It didn't last long though he could easily watch the show through the scouter I gave him.

"He'll be fine, anyway nice to meet you guys."

"You too..." Master Roshi seemed to be staring at me I couldn't see his eyes but I could certainly see the shift of his tone. While me and Bulma were walking up he was playful and hitting on Launch. Now he was serious, seemingly trying to figure out who I was.

"Bulma you made a new friend! Is he a strong fighter?" Launch was lovely, though I did wonder about her personality shift.

Finally Oolong spoke, "Hey I saw you show up at Bulma's 3 years ago. You guys ditched me to work on some project!"

Bulma was about to introduce the 3, but I beat her to it. "Oolong, Launch and Master Roshi. Nice to meet you 3. Goku should be here right about.....now!"

"I don't see him?"

"Bulma! I'm right here! i suppose this out fit Kami made me wear looks kind of funny. Hang on..."

With that Goku dressed in what I assume was clothes for the rain, showed up. Making Oolong and Launch forget that I had knew exactly who they were. Master Roshi remained quiet still staring, however this time I could see the reflection of Bulma's butt in his view. I had also taken some glances at it as she was in a fairly tight dress.

"I thought you were already signed up Z? What are you doing out here?"

Well that ruins my joke during the tournament..."Don't worry about it you'll figure it out."

"Okay! we should head inside and get out of this rain."

"So you two know each other too?"

"Before he says anything we do, and yet again you'll figure it out later. As smart as you are Bulma you'll likely figure it out sooner than that. If you don't.... How about a bet?"

Goku and Master Roshi begun to talk, I could slightly over hear Roshi mention my name. Oolong just sat there pouting as no one talked to him and Launch seemed to be looking for the Tien Yamcha and Krillin.

"A bet... What Kind of bet?"

"i won't make any more plays to embarrass you if you win. If I win though....How about a kiss?"

"A kiss? Hmmm, fine. I'll win."

"Really even though I'm 100% certain you never kissed anyone before?"

"I have! n't, but you shouldn't know that!"

I shrugged and walked away. Bulma pissed as she was followed after me. This meant I wouldn't meet Tien, Yamcha and Krillin. However meeting them inside as Z2 meant I could talk with just them a lot more. I didn't have to break up too much of my attention.