
Chapter 5


In the end, what had to happen happened, Goku didn't even manage to scratch Beerus and was defeated after just 2 hits from the God. Seeing it in the movie was disappointing, but seeing it up close was simply humiliating. Now that I am aware of when someone is fighting seriously or not, it was even worse to witness the one-sided beating that Beerus gave to the hero of my childhood.

"Oh well, now that I'm done here, the best thing will be to go to Earth to see if the Super Saiyan God." Beerus said as he approached Whis and me with his typical nonchalant pose.

"Yes, Lord Beerus." Said Whis as Beerus positioned himself behind his back.

Meanwhile, I remained stiff, watching Goku in the crater, pained from the fight while King Kai tried to wake him up. For some reason, a feeling of guilt overwhelmed me and was pushing me to go help him.

"Hey, are you coming or what?" Beerus asked, which snapped me out of my stupor.

"One second, Lord Beerus." I replied as I made my way to where he was, surprising King Kai, whom I silently asked to step aside, and although he didn't trust me much at first, he eventually moved aside after seeing my eyes.

I extended my hand towards him and transferred a small amount of energy to him; this would help him recover. Which made it happen faster than expected since, to my surprise, Goku woke up almost immediately, sitting up abruptly and looking at me with a confused expression.

"Why did you help me?" He asked, his eyes full of surprise.

I closed mine for a second, thinking about how to respond. The truth was that Goku had always been a symbol of hope, someone who never gave up, no matter the odds. And although she now understood that the gods played in a completely different league, she couldn't simply ignore the admiration she still felt for him, even in this new life.

"Because you needed help." I replied, finally opening my eyes and turning to leave. "Try not to die, Son Goku" I said as I walked away, heading towards Beerus and Whis.

As I walked away, I could feel Goku's perplexed gaze fixed on my back. His words kept resonating in my mind, and although I tried to maintain a neutral expression, something inside me wouldn't stop stirring. Helping him had been an impulse, a need I didn't fully understand at that moment. I knew Goku was strong, but seeing him fall so easily in front of Beerus had been a painful reminder of how far he was from the power of the gods.

'This... is not how I imagined it.' I thought, remembering how in another life I had sat in front of the screen, excited to see this same Goku surpass all limits, always finding a way to win, always being the hero. From that perspective, everything was epic, but now, being so close to the action and knowing the true power differences, the reality was much harsher.

As I approached them, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Helping Goku had been a kind of closure for my former self, a way to reconcile my childish vision of the hero with the crushing reality of the gods. But there was also something else: a small spark of hope. Despite everything, Goku still had that indomitable spirit that had inspired me in another life.

Whis, as always, smiled enigmatically. "What a noble gesture, Mira. It's not very common for someone in your position to help a mortal, and even less so for a Saiyan as... stubborn as this one."

"It was the right thing at the momento." I replied, trying to downplay it, but I knew Whis saw beyond my words.

Beerus, for his part, narrowed his eyes and glanced at me sideways. "You are soft." He said with disdain. "If you keep this up, you'll end up like one of those sentimental warriors who value friendship and that nonsense."

His comment made me smile slightly. In my previous life, I had grown up with those same ideas, believing that the power of friendship and perseverance could overcome anything. Now he knew that reality was much more complicated. But even so, I couldn't deny that some of that innocence still lived within me, no matter how much I tried to bury it.

"Maybe," I replied calmly, "but even a god can learn something from mortals."

Beerus shrugged, clearly bored with the topic. Whatever. Let's go now.

While Whis began to envelop us in a bright light and we disappeared. My thoughts returned to Goku. Despite the brutality of the combat, his spirit had not been broken. And something in me, that Dragon Ball fan I once was, couldn't help but hope that, someday, he would reach the power he so desired.

"Maybe in this life I will be able to see it up close." I thought as we traveled towards Earth.

As we traveled through space inside the bubble created by Whis, the atmosphere was calm. Beerus, with his typical relaxed posture, was more focused on his search for the Super Saiyan God than on anything else. However, he knew that Whis would not miss the opportunity to update him on the matters that had occurred during his fight with Goku.

Whis, ever attentive, broke the silence after a few minutes. "Lord Beerus, while fighting with Goku, there were a couple of important things I found out and I think it's prudent for you to know them."

Beerus, without even opening his eyes, responded with a lazy grunt. "Important?" If it doesn't have anything to do with finding the Super Saiyan God, I'm not interested.

But Whis, with his usual calmness, continued. "Well, one of the things is that it seems there are two surviving Saiyans on a planet called Vampa." One of them, named Broly, is especially powerful. His level of strength is... interesting.

That caught Beerus's attention. He slightly opened one eye, showing a spark of interest. "More Saiyans? And you say this Broly is strong?"

Whis nodded. "Yes, he could become a worthy contender if he were allowed to develop his power. He lives on a desolate planet, but his combat ability could surpass that of Prince Vegeta or even Goku."

The mention of Broly made me reflect. I knew who he was in another life; I knew his destructive potential. And from what Whis was saying, I hope it's the Broly from Super and not the psychopath from Z, as that could change many things and not for the best. Seeing someone so dangerous in action wasn't something that excited me much now that I knew they were real and not just an anime character.

Beerus, however, seemed indifferent. "Hm, more Saiyans. I don't know whether to be happy or irritated. Anyway, what else do you have to tell me?"

Whis adopted a more serious tone, which was unusual. "This might be even more relevant. While you were sleeping, Majin Buu attempted to assassinate the East Kaioshin."

That comment made Beerus open both eyes, clearly more interested now. "Majin Buu?" "Is that abomination still causing problems?" He asked with evident irritation.

Whis nodded slightly. "Yes, although it wasn't exactly a premeditated attack. Buu, as Lord Beers knows, acts on impulse, and it seems that during his recent awakening, he attacked the Kaioshin. He was stopped before he could cause irreparable harm, but it's concerning that he dared to go that far.

Beerus huffed, crossing his arms in annoyance. "It's always that damn Buu. I knew I should have destroyed it myself millions of years ago. If something happens to that Kaioshin... you know what that means to me."

Whis smiled slightly. "Of course, Lord Beerus. But I can assure you that the incident is under control. Buu has been contained again, and the Kaioshin did not suffer serious injuries."

Around me, all that talk about Majin Buu resonated strangely. I don't remember Beerus or Whis having any idea about the existence of Majin Buu before seeing him on Earth, which increasingly confirmed to me that this world, although similar, was not the same as the anime I had watched in my other life.

"And why didn't you tell me this earlier, Whis?" Asked Beerus, evidently irritated for having been kept in the dark about something so crucial.

Whis, with his enigmatic smile, responded calmly. "Because it wasn't necessary to wake him up, Lord Beerus." He knew that the matter could be handled without his intervention. But I thought you might like to be informed now, in case you decide to take action in the future.

Beerus relaxed a bit, although he still had a grumpy expression. "Damned Buu. Always causing trouble, even after all this time. If he does something like this again, I will erase him from existence."

Silence settled in again as we continued our journey towards Earth, but the tension in the air was palpable. It was not just the search for Super Saiyan God that was at stake now. The existence of Broly and their knowledge of Majin Buu added a layer of complexity I didn't expect, so I would probably have to prepare myself in the future in case there are more unexpected changes to the continuity.

'This universe is full of surprises.' I thought as we crossed through space. The power of the gods, the Saiyan warriors, and creatures like Buu continued to shape the destiny of everything he knew. It was clear that something important was about to happen, and I felt that I would witness the next great events of this world that, in another life, I had only known from afar.