
New World

-I decided to reboot this fic with fresh and better ideas, for one, I was high on medicine when I wrote the first three episodes, super high, hate being here on the clinic.

-It about the same, but different as you can see
















I'm not quite sure what drew me here, but for some reason, I find myself climbing the rickety ladder leading to a treehouse in the woods, the house is big, it even has two floors, as is big enough for a family live in.

"I had to come... why do I have to check every haunted place I find on the deep web," I always had a fascination with the supernatural, and thanks to that I always was inside creepy places trying to find proof.

My desire to find proof about the supernatural world started when I was four years old, I don't remember why, but since then I had focused my entire life to it.

With a heave a cloud of dust welcomes me inside the house, I cough almost immediately, after my cough settles I peek into the house.

The house is empty.

Taking a good look around, I see that the house has old furniture and broken pottery that clutter what I think to be the living room.

"Ok, so far nothing," I muttered looking around.

A single ray of light sneaks its way down from a crack on the walls, the evening sun illuminating a small part of the dusty floorboards, every step I take makes the floor creak worryingly, so far my only concern is that I will fall to my death.

I take a deep breath, deciding I had to check the second floor, but I immediately regret it. As I set off into an uncontrollable fit of coughing, as I try to stop my lungs from committing suicide I see something that catches my eye.

Right under the light that was shining through the crack in the wall, there was a footprint.

An involuntary shiver runs down my spine, as I see the footprint slowly disappear, but I also get excited.

As far as I know, this could be the proof, my chance to get something to prove myself and possibly others, the supernatural world does exist.

Peering around nervously, I notice that the footprint is not dissipating but moving, towards the second floor, with determination I climb up into the second floor.

Once I get to the second floor, a faint glow from the back of one of the rooms, in the direction the footprints are leading, gets my attention.

Heart thumping, I carefully make my way to the room, I was scared, but this was also what I wanted to find, I couldn't escape now, nor I wanted to, inside the room is empty, except for a big mirror, the footprints where in front of it for a bit before vanishing into to the nothingness, with a deep breath, I look at the mirror.

The mirror was taller than me and looked old, really old, it was standing propped up against the wall. The faint glow that caught my attention earlier seems to come from the mirror itself but is muffled by the dust that was covering the majority of the surface in the mirror.

I had to clean it up perhaps after all the footprints led me straight to the mirror, this was the moment of truth.

With nothing to lose, I start to clean the mirror, slowly but surely the dust starts to disappear off it, but I notice that the mirror is not reflecting anything, is black, but it has a red glow in the middle of it, that appears to be growing stronger a bigger.

Surprised of this effect, my attention is drawn to the red glow. The red glow starts to move slowly around the mirror. And as I watch in wonder, I find that I'm no longer in the house, but in a pit of darkness with nothing but the mirror.

"Where the hell am I?" I pondered.

"Hell would be a good name for this place, but believe me this place is worse," A voice said behind me, cold like the winter and dangerous like a predator.

"Who are you?" I gulped not daring to take my eyes off the mirror.

"Me... its been so long that I can't remember," The voice answered, in a somewhat lower tone, "But that's not important, is it? you wanted to meet the supernatural world, and now you have... after your family died... you've been hunting this world... you knew that fire didn't start out of thin air... well I suppose I can give you an answer... you were right..."

"What....?" I asked, voice quivering.

"Oh poor little thing, you don't remember, was the trauma of seeing your mother being burned alive that harsh on you?" The voice said with a cruel hint of satisfaction on his voice, "But don't worry brat, I cant kill you.... your mother offered her soul that day... and a willingly offered soul is really really unique, you see, souls are eternal, you cant bend them or destroy them unless the owner gives you permission, and your mother offered her eternal soul in case you ever needed something, and here you are, needing something,"

I didn't know what to say, I started to remember faintly what this demon was saying, was my fascination with the supernatural just a way for me to have some closure.

"You died, not at my hands, but a deal is a deal brat, I will raise you from the dead in another realm and I will give you three wishes, now don't keep me waiting I've been waiting thirteen years to eat the soul your mother left behind!" The demon said with a sinister tone.

"I have a few questions, first what killed me? second, what are the limitations of those three wishes, and third what realm are you putting me?" I inquired, slowly turning my gaze from the mirror to the demon behind.

"Another demon, he was trapped on that mirror you are holding so tight, for the wishes, there are some limitations, I can make you an almighty being or something like that, I can only grant you wishes within my power range, and for the last one, the world of Dragon Ball," The demon answered my questions.

"Are you the strongest demon?" I inquired.

"I am the oldest one, can't really say if I'm the strongest one," The demon answered calmly.

"For my first wish, can I be Vegito or Gogeta?" I inquired.

"Huh, well, you see I putting you at the begging of that so-called show, and giving you their powers is well beyond my limitations, but I can work something out, you see, I can give you that superior power in a different way, Goku had a power level of 7 when he was five and Vegeta had a power level of during that time had a power level of 5.500 when he was five, so being that the potara fusion multiplies their power, you will have a power level of 27.750," The demon chuckled, "But that's not all, being that you will be twice the Saiyan they are, your transformations will give you double the amount of power they would normally give you, for example turning into an Oozaru will give you a power multiplier of x20 instead of x10, and it goes on and on, so yes, you will have the power of an infant Vegito and eventually if you train correctly his power level, for your appearance you will look like a mix between Vegito and Gogeta, rejoice!,"

"I thought Vegita had a power level of 18.000," That was what I remembered.

"He will, by the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, but when he was a kid that was his power level," The demon answered with a smile.

"Alright, for my second wish, I want two perks, the Instant Mastery Skill and Upgrade," I informed him.

"Oh, the power to learn and upgrade yourself in battle, interesting, that one is easy, done," The demon said, as he smiled, "Now for the last wish, so that I can finally consume your mother!"

"I want you to release her soul, that's my third wish," I was gambling a lot here, but he did say no limitations as long as the wishes were within his power.

The demon stared at me for a long time, before bursting into a fit of a laugh, "To think a scared child would outwit the someone eons older than him, I did say if it was within my power, and it is, you win child, you win it all! you are the first person to ever win without giving anything in return, so enjoy, I expect greatness of you!"

With that, the demon and the world of darkness started to slowly fade away, I couldn't be happier I had won.

"Well, it seems I'm back to hunting the demons of the earth, it ain't much but is honest work," The demon chuckled, and that was the last thing I heard of him.


In the blink of an eye, I found myself sitting on the grass.

I wasn't sure what to think about what happened, was it all true? Or perhaps it was just a vivid dream? Maybe I had been drugged, and this was a hallucination? I really didn't know.

But something inside of me told me, this was real I had outwitted a demon and finally closed that chapter of my life, I could feel it deep within me, my hand full of dirt in the wet grass confirmed it.


With a sigh, I stood up from the grass; I had no time to waste; I had to find out where I was and, more importantly, when I was in the story.

The world of dragon ball was a very dangerous place; everyone could blow planets up.

And even though I loved this anime, I would never have chosen to live inside it, but since I am here I have no other choice, I have to adapt and improvise.

With that in mind, I started walking; it took me a couple of seconds to notice that there was something wrong with me, my height was different than what I was used to, I felt considerably shorter.

"What the hell..." My voice was different; it sounded like I was seven or eight years old.

When I heard my voice, I let out a sigh of relief; for a moment there, I thought I had been reincarnated to be a dwarf, like Vegeta, but it seems the demon had given the body of a child.

I wonder what is my power level though, he said around the 27.000, and I couldn't help but smile at that thought, I was stronger than most already.

[Name: ---------- (Please select your Name)

Age: 8

Power Level: 27.750

Special Power: Instant Master Skill, Upgrade

Instant Master Skill: You can master any fighting style or technique instantly, but this doesn't make you more powerful, you still have to train.

This Power has limits: You can't master things like, for example, robotics just by reading a book of it, this skill works best with fighting techniques and the likes.

Upgrade: After defeating an opponent, you can get their techniques and one unique trait they have.


Namekian: Regeneration or Longevity]

The information appeared floating in front of me, like in a video game, a text dialogue with details.

[You have one starter pack waiting to be open, would you like to open it?

Yes / No]

Knowing every little skill or information could be useful to my situation, I didn't hesitate to mentally smash the yes button.

[You have obtained the Primal Saiyan scroll

Primal Power: it multiplies your base power x20 without going into Oozaru form

You have mastered the Primal Saiyan scroll!

You can use it!]

The information and the feeling of how to use the Power were engraved inside my head. I could feel it, so I decided to give it a go.

A white aura bursted around me with mighty Power engulfing my entire body; I could feel the rush of Power.

[Power Level: 555.000]

I couldn't help but laugh; at the very least, luck was on my side for now.

Going back to my normal state, I smiled, after all, there was one thing less I didn't have to worry, I just needed to train and I would be good for the most part.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head for a moment, I decided to first figure out where I was, not after setting my Name to something cool because, for some reason, I couldn't remember my Name, so I decided to name my self.


'I wonder... skills?' If I had a system or something similar, then I could see what I had.

[—Skill list—

Oozaru - x20 (Need Tail) - Can't be used with Primal Power

Primal Power - x20 - Can't be used with the Oozaru transformation.]

Two forms of Power up, but nothing that could help me right now, I had no idea how to fight, or flight or shot lasers.

"Well, let us walk," I sighed.


After hours of walking, two things became clear, one this was absolutely real, two there are a lot of skills that I didn't know you could master.

I had mastered breathing, blinking, walking, running, jumping, and the list goes on and on and on, to be honest, the notifications are driving me insane, at one point they should end, right?

But I suppose I mastered some useful stuff too, like heat resistance, and stuff like that.

"Where the fuck am I?" I shouted, though my childlike voice really toned down what I was trying to portray.

My shout got some unwanted attention, because a big ass lizard, aka a dinosaur, appeared looming above me, ready to eat me, and yet I felt no fear what so ever.

I knew that I could take on the massive beast, I was confident of my power, I was the strongest Saiyan, the strongest warrior!

I stopped my thoughts for a second since when I was so prideful on my power, this is odd, was this my Vegeta showing, "Great, I have his ego,"

As I was chuckling with my new found massive Ego, the dinosaur tried to eat me, just for its teeth to break as soon as he tried to chop me into pieces.

Looking at the Dinosaur, I could see something floating above his head, his Name, and his power level.

[T Rex

Power level: 12]

"Huh, you're actually pretty weak, no wonder your teeth broke," I chuckled, cleaning the dirt and saliva off my clothes.

The Dinosaur didn't seem to understand me and tried to run, he knew now he couldn't eat me, I was the predator on his eyes, while I was still in shock with all this, I decided to chop him lightly as a punishment for trying to eat me.

With a single step I found myself above the dinosaur, for me he was moving super slow, not wasting time I chop him on the neck, as lightly as I could, I didn't want to kill him, just knock him out, but I ended up cutting his head off.

"Okay, I still need to adapt to the fact I'm a fighting machine, but I bet anyone else in my situation would've had problems too," I wasn't scared nor disgusted by the blood of the dinosaur, but I seriously needed to train how to control my strength otherwise I would end up kill people with a handshake.

[Upgrade available

Heightened sense of smell: The T Rex has one of the best sense of smell of all terrestrial creatures on earth. They have been observed to travel 21 miles chasing someone or something to eat.

Would you like to upgrade?]

'Yes,' a good sense of smell could be useful in battle, to detect poisons and enemies that don't have energy.

[You have mastered your new sense smell you can now smell up to 30 miles away]

I could smell food; I could smell civilization, aka cars and hotdogs!


After two hours, I finally arrived at the city, south city, that for some reason was on the west, this world is so confusing.

After walking a bit through the town, I heard a woman scream, I ran towards the source sound, finding a blonde woman on her mid-twenties against a wall-shaking, and two robbers standing in front of her with guns.

"Wow, what a cliché situation," I muttered.

Over their heads, I could see their titles and power levels.

[Generic Thug

Power level: 6

Generic Thug

Power level: 6

Panchy Brief

Power level: 4


Not really wanting to get any sort of attention, I dashed and knocked thug number one out with a kick that threw him through a wall.

"Ugh... I definitely killed that guy... I didn't want too though," I really had to learn how to control this stupid powerful body, should I be scared I'm totally okay with killing people, did my Saiyan genes turned me into a psychopath.

"Brat! Die!" The other thug started to shoot, I could see the bullets coming, it wasn't slow motion, but I could see them.

Using one hand, I slapped the bullets out of the way, before chopping the last guy out.

"Yeah, I killed all of them, great..." I muttered sadly.

I'm not gonna lie; I was having the time of my life, I just slapped bullets out of their trajectory, that's the coolest thing I have ever done, but I didn't intend to kill those guys.

[No upgrades available]

"Thanks!" The blonde lady hugged me.

It seems she was grateful with my intervention.

"Oh my...we need to go to the hospital!!" Ms. Brief exclaimed, "They attacked you!"

I wasn't injured at all, but I decided to go, because why not, maybe I could guilt-trip her into giving me food and shelter.


The hospital was surprisingly pretty similar to the ones back on my world, which caught me by surprise I mean a big chunk of the population were weird anthropomorphic beings, maybe they go to the vet.

"Am I being racist?" I muttered.

"The kid is fine Ms. Brief," The doctor said with a soft smile, "I tried to get some blood samples, but the needles kept on breaking, but besides that, he seems to be the embodiment of health,"

"But he slapped some bullets," Ms. Brief said with a smile.

"Right..." The doctor said in a tone that practically screamed; I don't believe you, "Anyway, the kid has no papers, no known relatives and for some reason has a tail,"

"We live in a world with dog people, and my tail was a point?" I deadpanned.

"Fair enough," The doctor chuckled, "Anyway Ms. Brief, we'll be calling social services to take care of the kid for you,"

"No, there is no need," Ms. Brief smiled waving off the doctor, "I just talked with my husband, and we agree we must absolutely adopt this wonderful child,"

A single thought rushed through my mind, Say what? Don't I get a say on this... wait a minute, why am I complaining, they are loaded, my economic problems are long gone if they adopt, so proceed.

"Go on," I said with a faint smile.

"With all due respect Ms. Brief even if you intend to do such a thing, you have to follow the due procedure to do it," The doctor smiled.

"With all due respect doctor," Ms brief tone turned cold and dangerously low, "Don't get in my way,"

"Yes, ma'am!" The doctor nodded and ran.

"So honey, would you like to be part of the family," Her warming and soothing personality came back as soon as the doctor left the area, "You will have to big sisters, that have been dying to have a little brother,"

"Sure," I nodded, what do you know all it takes to secure your economic life is to save a rich lady for certain death, and it's not like I couldn't just leave if I wanted to, I was certain I could leave with my Power at any given time.


On my way to my new home, I found out that Bulma was four years older than me, and that I had another big sister that was 8 years older than me.

Tights and Bulma, I didn't expect them to welcome me with such hospitality, Dr. Briefs was also happy, calling me son right out of the window, am I the weird one, or these people are too loving too fast.

"Is he gonna go to my school?" Bulma inquired, hugging the shit out of me, how could a girl with a power level of two, could muster so much fucking strength is beyond comprehension.

"After we are done with the adoption papers, of course," Dr. Brief chuckled.

"Okay, time up, why are you guys so... loving... I kinda feel I will wake up without a kidney," I chuckled drily.

"You save my life, and it was a there when I knew I had to adopt you, we always wanted to adopt, and this was destiny putting you on my arms," Ms. Brief smiled hugging me.

"That's one dark imagination kid... I like it!" Tights smiled.

"And about school, no thanks," I already finished high school once, why would I ever, ever! Fucking do that again.

"You need to study!" Bulma said, taking her role as the big sister seriously.

"I will become a fighter, that's what I want to do," I refuted, a Saiyan scholar, nope I ain't Gohan baby.

"How about this, you don't go to school, but you get a private tutor for hours a day?" Dr. Brief offered.

"How about no tutor?" I offered back.

"How about you go to school for one year, and then you study by yourself and get your diploma," Dr. Brief countered.

"Nope," I refused to go to school again, fuck that a million times.

"Fine, but you will have to get your middle school and high school diploma before you are eighteen!" Dr. Brief said in a fatherly tone that said, this is my best offer.

"I find this agreement, acceptable," I nodded.


After my fortunate meeting the brief Family, I had solved many problems, one I had inserted myself inside the canon, two I would have access to a lot more resources than usual, and three I can probably get some training equipment.

Bulma was not as the show depicted her, she did dream of the perfect boyfriend, but instead of being the lewd and kinda loud girl they depicted on the anime, she was more of a genius/adventurer, she designed and created her own motorcycle just because the models out there didn't fit her style, holy crap.

Tights, on the other hand, was a full-blown adventurer, it was like living with Indiana Jones, she was also smart, but not as much as Bulma.

Dr. and Ms. Brief are pretty chill, letting Bulma and tights leave and come back whenever she wants, and they only have one rule, don't do drugs, they don't have any other rules.

With my new adoptive and filthy rich parents, I had only one thing left to do, use that money to get Power, martial arts, and stuff, to be ready when the times comes.

The very next day, I approached Dr. Brief, not gonna lie it took me an hour to wake up the bed was out of this world, "Dr. Brief,"

"Yes, kiddo?" Dr. Brief smiled, turning around to see me.

"I would like to have proper training in the ways of the martial arts, can you help me find a teacher?" I asked.

"Oh boy, not my area of expertise, but don't worry, I will find someone!" Dr. Brief chuckled, going back to his lab.

As I saw him leave I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding, not even forty-eight hours ago I was dead, then a demon my mom made deal with decided to give me a new body and threw me into a game I didn't know how to play, now I have a family while I still don't love them I know that in time I will, and this body is a weapon I need to sharpen for the future.

"I wonder whos gonna teach me," I chuckled while wondering if my sudden existence into this universe changed anything.
