
Dragon Ball: Saga Of The Strongest Human

When you die what do you expect to happen? Do you vanish into nothingness or be reincarnated? Let's say you do get reincarnated, but at the same time, you get nothing but being reborn. You have only your knowledge from your previous life and nothing else. Well, at least if everything went by the rules. Let's embark into another Saga where a human stands at the most forefront of power in the world of Dragon Ball. Note: This is basically an experimental novel of mine and is prone to mistakes etc. I appreciate harsh ratings and do not condemn them. I want to see where I could start to improve myself. Updates: Irregular. !!Disclaimer!! This Novel is a Non-Profit Fan-Fiction. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT, DragonBall Super, DragonBall Xenoverse, DragonBall FighterZ, and Dragonball Heroes are owned by their respected owners and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official releases.

Soulcrystal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
123 Chs

Search For The Dragonballs

After thanking Dr.Briefs once again for his effort to help him out Darc said his goodbye´s and was about to leave the house.

On the way to the door, he saw Bulma standing at the side. "You are gonna go back to search for the balls now?", she asked him.

Darc elevated one of his brows at her question "Well, of course, I will do that. After all, that's the reason I came here. What is it? Already miss me or something?", he said jokingly and chuckled sheepishly to try and tease her. She probably would become angry.

But what Darc couldn't think about was that Bulma stayed silent for a bit at that moment and a look on her face was seen as if she was being torn inside her head about something.

Then she glanced shortly at his eyes and dodged his gaze again. She lightly pouted "A little maybe...", she mumbled to herself at first. Then she snorted lightly and spoke in a normal hearable tone "Hey, will you come to visit again? After all, you still got basically our radar..."

Darc stopped smiling immediately after he heard her words. He heard both parts since his hearing was pretty good through strengthening his senses. Besides, he stood pretty close to her anyways.

He never would have thought Bulma would admit something like this. She did make it sound that he had to come back to give her the radar back. But that was just an excuse. She could make her own and this was his radar. He was sure about that since Dr. Briefs gifted it to him without him even needing to pay for it. Dr. Briefs said it was interesting to work on that radar so he took the data and knowledge as payment.

"...Sorry, I don't think so. It may happen but I guess its unlikely", said Darc. He scratched his head again. It became pretty awkward to tell her that but it was just how it is.

Bulma kinda looked down at his answer. "Hmm, alright then. Good luck with your search then. Make sure you don't die out there.", she said and walked away and at the same time made him space so that he could go through the door and go outside.

Darc wanted at first to continue to walk out but he turns around for a short while and faced Bulma´s back that was already pretty far in the corridor. "Well maybe if you ever searched for the Dragon Balls we could with a little chance meet again!" He shouted to her and started to leave then. "Goodbye!"

Bulma looked back at him and saw how he left the house.


Back outside he went back on his bicycle, drove to some supermarkets to restock and buy some special things and then left the periphery of the own.

Shortly after using the radar to see where the scans would lead him, he put away his bike into his storage box and took flight upwards into the air.

At a certain altitude, he stopped. ´Alright then. Now I don't need my bicycle anymore.´

He rode it a little just for fun to see some of the beauty of this world. And it did make fun but now it was enough. He would need to fly over the ocean to the Kame House anyway so why bother going by bike until reaching the coast.

He checked the radar again, looked into the direction and after making a loop in the air and charged straight to the first destination. But with a leisurely pace so that he still could look around and see what was happened beneath him.

He passed plains and mountains and reached a forest where he stopped above.

Pushing the button of the radar indicated that the dragon ball was somewhere around this forest. Darc scanned the environment and after flying around the forest for a while he found a cave.

´Yup, that's gotta be it.´, he thought and entered the cave.

Inside the cave, it was pretty dark so he created a small ki ball and let it float in front of him. It was bright enough to illuminate the surroundings. It didn't take long and he found the dragon ball. It had 7 stars in it.

´My guess was right it seems. Some Dragonballs are somewhere else instead of the places they should be at.´

The Dragonball he found should be at mount frypan. But it was here in a cave. Is someone deliberately playing around with fate?

Darc just shook his head and pocketed the ball. Now he had the 6-star, 2-star and 7-star ball.

Leaving the cave he looked at the next location on the radar and started flying again.

The next one he found was pretty easy and straightforward. It was in a birds nest. It was the 1-star ball.

Now he only missed the 4-star ball that should be at old Gohan's on Mt. Paozu, the 3-star ball that old Roshi has since a hundred years or so and the 1-star ball.

He decided to get the more troublesome balls first and get the last one at the end. Meaning he would first make a visit at Roshi´s kame house, then go to Gohan and get the last one that should be pretty easy to get afterward.

So he charged forward to the coast. He already saw it once so he knew the direction. from there he just needed to follow the nearest dragon ball.

Not long after that, he found Kame House.

Landing on the little isle he looked around. No one was outside so he started yelling "HELLOOOO!! ANYONE HOME!?"

At first, there was no response but then Darc heard some sound and the door to the Kame House opened. Looking at the person that came out wearing a yellow Hawaiian shirt and white short pants without shoes while holding a wooden cane, everyone would immediately recognize this person. It was Muten Roshi. He didn't look any different at all. He still had that white beard and bald head all the while wearing those sunglasses he never seems to put down.

Roshi looked at Darc and was surprised that someone came here to his home "What the? I will be. It's pretty rare to get visitors here...Hello there, boy."

Darc smiled and was pretty happy to meet this old man. "Hello, master Roshi", he greeted him again and using a polite speech this time around.

Roshi was once again surprised "You know me? Do you want something from me?"

Darc nodded "Who wouldn't know the martial arts master of the hermit school?", he replied to his question. "Yes, actually I do. I would like to lend that bead there from you.", he said and pointed at the 3-star ball around Roshi´s neck.

Roshi took the ball into his hand and held it upwards "You want this accessory? Well, what is in it for me?", he asked back after knew what the kid wanted.

Darc sighed. This old men really is a pervert. He took out the porn mags that he brought. Don't even ask what he had to go through to get them. Since he was underage he had to ask some suspicious dude to buy them for him and paid him extra for the favor. The guy actually laughed at him afterward.

But he still got what he wanted. Now it would pay off. "I got here the most brand new mags of pichi-pichi (young gals) literature. I heard master is a fan of said literature. How about it? Trade?", Darc asked him.

"Ooooohh! Really!? Show me, hehehe.", said Roshi grabbed the mags nearly instantly and flipped through the pages. "You really know me, hehehe. Alright, here. You can have the ball" Roshi gave Darc the ball and concentrated back at the mags.

Darc only smiled bitterly. It worked better than he thought. He didn't even ask how he got them.

"Thanks, Master Roshi. Don't worry, I will bring it back later. Now then, I will be going, bye!", he said and charged up into the air and flew straight to away to Mount Paozu.

Roshi was still snickering and salivating about the porn mags and only answered a little bit later "Sure, don't worry, boy....huh?" Roshi looked surprised "Where did he go? Oh well." It seemed Roshi didn't even notice Darc flying away.

Darc thought while flying through a mountainous region.

´Next stop meeting Goku, huh?´

With the help of the dragon radar, it wasn't really hard to find old Gohans house.

Darc landed in front of the house and knocked on the door.

Soon an elderly person opened the door with a smile. It was old Gohan.

"Hello there, child", old Gohan said to him after seeing Darc.

"Hello, sir. Sorry that I disturbed you. I would like to ask you something." Darc didn't want to make this any more awkward as it is and pulled one Dragonball out and showed it to old Gohan "You wouldn't be in possession of one of these balls? I am searching for them and know that one is somewhere around here. Since there was a little home here I thought I would start asking here."

Old Gohan heard him and nodded at the ball "Yes, I do have such a ball. Wait, I will get it.", he said and went inside to get the ball. Right at that moment a 6-year-old short kid came and looked interestingly at him.

Darc arched his brows upwards after seeing the kid. The kid had a brown monkey tail and a unique hairstyle. No denying it, it was Goku. Darc smiled "Hey there, buddy."

Goku still stared at him and circled him and looked at his but. "Hey, you also don't have a tail. Just like grandpa!", he said with a big grin.

Darc chuckled. "What do you mean don't have a tail?" He played dumb for the sake of not saying something wrong.

Goku leaned his head to his side and then wiggled with his monkey tail. "See, I got one!"

Darc looked at the tail acted out surprised and came closer to inspect it. Even squatting down. "Yeah, now I see that. Is it really growing out your butt? Well, most people I know don't have one.", he said after standing up again and explaining to him.

Goku nodded to his question. "So I am special?"

Darc put one hand on his chin and thought "Well I guess. What's your name btw?"

Goku grinned again. "My name is Goku!"

"Alright, Goku. Nice to meet you, buddy. My name is Darc.", Darc replied also with a grin.

Old Gohan also came back just now. "Darc, is it? It is our pleasure to meet you as well. I am called Gohan.", did Gohan mix in and replied politely for Goku and himself. "Here is the ball." Gohan stretched the ball out.

Goku saw that Gohan gave the 4-star ball to Darc and retorted "Grandpa! Isn't that your treasure? Why are you giving him that?"

Gohan just patted Goku´s head "Its alright Goku. Don't worry about that ball. It's just an object and Darc here just searched for them. He also got some already that like like this one."

Goku looked at Darc. "Is that true?"

Darc nodded and showed him one of his dragon balls. "Yep, and don't worry. I will bring back the one I take from you guys."

Gohan smiled "See, Goku? He is even nice enough to bring it back later so don't worry."

Goku nodded and smiled " Alright, then we will see us later."

Darc nodded. "See you later."

Darc took the dragon ball and bowed to thank Gohan. Then he waved goodbye to the two and sprinted away.

Not long after he charged back into the air and flew to the last dragon ball location.

When he was close by he noticed a big pillar that stretched pretty far into the air and even higher over the clouds.

´Korin´s Tower?´, he thought and checked his radar again. ´Yep.´ and confirmed.

It looked like the last ball was on Korin´s tower.

He thought about something and landed on the ground in front of the tower and started climbing it pretty fast.