
The End of Planet Vegeta

<I am going to explain how this went as best as possible>

About a month before Ace left Tigeris."Please King Vageta, My son could be of great use to our planet and your son Vegeta." "No I can't risk the safety of our people over one kid, he must be killed and thats an order!!! Now get out of my sight!! "As you wish my king" he turned towards the door and started to walk then suddenly turned back towards King Vegeta and ran back towards him but his gards held him back then he tryed to fight the gards and one of them had stabbed him in his right side and Vegeta yelled "STOP THIS AT ONCE!!!"

"Yes King!" "Yes King!" both gards said at the same time then Vegeta said "You need to leave here now or I will personally end you my self!!" "But King-" he was interrupted "OUT NOW!!" then the man ran out of the door.

"What shall we do now Lord Vegeta?" a gard asked. "I will go kill him my self" they walked out of the thrown room. Moments later, he and the gards walked into the baby nursery he walked in front of three pods and in each was one baby in it and were all around the same age. On the right was a pod labeled Kakkarot, on the left one named Vegeta, and finally the one in the middle was named Broly.

"Now it is time that I be rid of you" Vegeta picked up Broly by his right leg he took out a knife and his shadow struck the baby in the stomach and dropped him and ran out the door. "VEGETA!!!... VEGETA!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" a man said causing a ruckus "Im here what do you want Bardock?!" "I need to talk to you in private now!!" Bardock pulled Vegeta but he said "No if you have something to say then why don't you say it here" "I don't think thats a good idea if everyone heard this everyone will freak out and it would cause a mass panic." "Nonsense just tell me brother!!" Vegeta said with a smile on his face "I've heard rumors..about frieza. He will kill us all soon." Bardock explained what happened and all of the Saiyans laughed at him but he ignored them and said "One way that we can win is the whole race turns into our great ape and we can kill him like that without him transforming into his second or final forms!!" "Thats nonsense why would frieza kill us we are loyal to him and he wouldn't want to destroy his most promising soldiers you should go and rest up a bit because you are hearing things"

Then Bardock just walkes away. Bardock runs to the nursery and picks kakkarot up and says "Im going to get you out of here don't worry" then he flies back to his house and asked his wife to come with him to the space pods. She agrees and takes her son in her arms back towards where the pods were. They put him in the pod that was on a launch pad and closses the lid Bardock's wife says "Now don't worry Kakkarot we will be okay and we will meet again in the future but for right mommy and daddy have to go away for a while, we are sending you to planet Earth and we hope that you can make some new friends there." then she put her hand on the pod's window and put her other arm around Bardock and started to cry. Bardock then he said "Good bye for now my son." He put his hand on the window also and Kakkarot did the same but he looked sad and started to cry the space pod lifted into the air and in the distance you could see three other pods lifted into the air also and they flew to different directions except two of them went the same way.

"Now that that is over with we can deal with the problem in hand." As if right on cue an explosion happened in the distance and soldiers flooded from the giant ship in the sky. "Honey go get as much people in the escape pods as you can!!!" Bardock and his wife flew in seprate directions. Bardock headed towards the point of explosion and when he arrived he noticed his comrades laying on the ground covered in wounds. "Hey are you all okay??" "*Cough* *cough* Bardock we tried to stop them but, *cough* we were too weak they were just too strong" his voice sounded weak and he was at his limits. "Its ok my friend I will avenge your death!!" Bardock picked up this tattered cloth and used it to wipe his comrades wounds then tide it around his head then followed the path of destruction. Bardock finally caught up with the person who did this.

"Why?!?! Why did you do this, you killed my comrades and now I will kill you...FRIEZA!!!" "Well it seems that you have found me but it won't matter anyway because I am about to destroy this planet to space dust and all of you monkeys along with it!!" Frieza turned around to face Bardock "Oh it looks like you are in your final form. Good now I get to kill you in your full power!!" As Bardock said that a shock wave broke the rocks around him and his hair now yellow and spiky. "What?!?! This is I-Impossible!!! How are you a Super Saiyan?!?! That form is only supposed to be a myth!!" Frieza was shaking with fear he took one step back.

Then they started to fight but seven minutes later "HHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA!!!" Bardock caused another shock wave, he looked the same but lightning flickered around him then Bardock and Frieza clshed again for about ten more minutes. Frieza punched him in the face then "HHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA. HAAA!!!!" Bardock's yellow hair grew down to his waist "I can only hold this for about a minute but that should be more then enough time to destroy you!!!" Bardock yell to Frieza. But as he charged toward Frieza he said "Your the one who will die!!!" So he raised one finger and a energy ball twice the size of him appeared above him and shot straight towards Bardock.

He powered down to bace form then frieza punched him in the gut and Bardock passed out. Back on frieza's ship he is seen in his chair looking over planet vegeta. "So are you really going to destroy them we can't afford to lose such valuable pawns" A alien said. He had blue skin long green hair and some weird cloths on. "Of course Lord Frieza will kill those worthless monkeys. Besides we have back ups" A pink alien said. The pink one has alot of spikes on his arms and hands. "Zarbon and Dadoria shut it both of you shut it and watch as I blow up this worthless planet. Back on planet vegeta Bardock wakes up he looks around to see what happened but then looked up. He flew towards the ship and multiple of Frieza's henchmen tried to stop him but he easily killed them. "FRIEZA!!!!!" Bardock yelled at the space ship then a chair floated out of the front window then he looked down and started laughing at Bardock then made a giant ball of energy but this time the size of the planet and the ball flew towards the planet.

Bardock turned Super Saiyan again and got ready to throw he had a vision of a person in Super Saiyan form facing frieza "Kakkarot??" Bardock said then he got back to bace form and threw the blue blast at the approaching energy sphere but it just absorbed it and as Bardock's armor broke he had a vision he saw the same person but he had blue hair in a fighting stance facing a yellow Frieza then he said "Good luck my son" and the ball blew up the planet. "Boom!! Hahaha! LOOK AT THOSE BEAUTIFUL FIREWORKS!!! HAHAHAHHAHA! NOW ITS TIME TO VISIT THE CATS HAHAHAHA!!!!" after that the ship zoomed into the distance.
