
Uchiha Madara

The ground shook violently, and winding tree roots broke through the ground, growing rapidly, and expanding in all directions. The surface that was scorched by the flames was soon full of life.

Messy roots, sprouting new branches dotted with green shoots.

With the blessing of Uchiha Madara Chakra.

The area where the tree world descended quickly moved towards Bellis.

Looking at the surging sea of ​​trees, Bellis looked calm.


The sapling broke out from the ground under Bellis' feet, grew rapidly, circled around Bellis' ankles a few times, and then tied Bellis' ankles.

"It's somewhat similar to the rules of Kaiwangshen." Bellis murmured.

A weak traction is absorbing her energy.

The difference in energy level, even if you stand and suck the branches for three days and three nights, there will be no problem.


It's a bit too much.

The branches at the ankles climb up like vines, and they all reach the knees. Hey, I'm wearing a skirt.

"It's kind of itchy..."

It might be strange if it goes on like this. If one day I get used to these subtle things, I might overturn in the future.

Bellis took a deep breath, and said two words lightly:


Almost at the moment when Bellis' voice fell, the branches wrapped around Bellis stopped.

With Bellis as the center, the branches wrapped around the legs withered and collapsed, and then quickly disappeared.

Then came the lush leaves and branches nearby, cleared by invisible energy, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, Bellis was the center of the circle, and in all directions, thousands of dense giant trees were no longer lush and luxuriant, and turned into a little bit of dust at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A breeze swayed Bellis's beige pleated skirt, causing it to sway slightly.

"Mr. Madara? Is there anything else fun, or should we stop here?"

Hearing Bellis' words, Uchiha Madara was very angry.

Twice in a row, he was dignified Uchiha Madara, and he couldn't see why the attack made with Chakra disappeared inexplicably.

It's not clear why the energy that made him feel uneasy.

The fire was extinguished but it was extinguished, and Uchiha Madara recognized it.

But when the tree world came, what he got from Hashirama, even the ability to absorb powerful energy, was exhausted in an instant.


In the bottom of Uchiha Madara's heart, such a word appeared inexplicably.

He, Uchiha Madara, was played by the opponent like a monkey.

The reason why the battle didn't end was because the opponent wanted to see his tricks again.

Angry, it was beyond recognition.

Never has Shura, a dignified ninja, ever suffered such insults.

"Hmph, it was just an appetizer just now, this time it's the real deal."

Uchiha Madara embraced his hands, his eyes were cold and stern.

"Oh? I'm looking forward to it! Come on, maybe I accidentally lose the group leader to you."

Bellis stretched out her hand, pressed her index finger and thumb slightly, and made a small gesture about the size of a finger.

Uchiha Madara didn't understand what the gesture meant, but felt strongly insulted.

Uchiha Madara formed a seal with both hands, and the Gouyu in his eyes turned quickly, turning into the shape of an eternal kaleidoscope.

The skeleton Susanoo, which is more than ten meters high, rose from the ground and wrapped Uchiha Madara inside.

The huge blue Susanoo exudes a terrifying aura all the time. I saw it stretched out four arms, and at the same time produced the same spell as Uchiha Madara.

"Heaven hinders the shaking star."

After a few seconds.

The clouds in the sky were penetrated, and huge shadows were reflected on the ground.

The meteorite that covered the sky and the sun fell quickly, and because of the speed, there were sonic booms around the meteorite.

The target of the meteorite was Bellis, who stood on the ground in the shadow of the meteorite. She looked up at the meteorite falling sharply from the sky, stretched out her hand to straighten the hair that covered her sight, and commented:

"It's a spectacular sight, two consecutive meteorites with a diameter of more than 250 meters."

It's just, Madara, have you forgotten that you are also within the coverage of the meteorite, planning to die with me... Ah bah, die together?

Uchiha Madara still had a tugging expression, not caring about the meteorite landing at all.

I don't understand Uchiha Madara's brain circuit. It stands to reason that Uchiha Madara could not be more reckless after two consecutive trials.

Could it be that Uchiha Madara was so angry that he burned his brain directly?

Bellis took two steps back to the left, dodging the attack from behind, and the breeze passing by her side gently blew a few strands of white hair of Bellis.

"Oh? It turned out to be a surprise attack."

Round tomb side prison.

Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eye skills, speaking of this trick is quite interesting.

Seeing that Bellis dodged his fatal blow, the avatar constructed by Tombside Prison jumped to another position and attacked Bellis again. However, even though the speed was faster than before, it was still easily dodged by Bellis.

"Sure enough, I can see it." The Sharingan in Uchiha Madara's eyes turned into Samsarayan at some point. He was a little surprised to be able to see the round tomb side prison.

"I overestimated the ability of Samsara Eye."

Ten thousand worlds, not only the world of ninjas, the eyes of reincarnation, and the sages of the six paths may not be a big deal to other worlds.

The avatar of the round tomb side prison still kept attacking Bellis, and Bellis didn't fight back. She almost always took a step or two back, or took a step forward, avoiding the wheel every time. Tombside Prison's tricky attack seemed to predict the opponent's prediction.

"If the meteorite that took so much effort to make only hits Mr. Madara himself, I don't know if he will be angry."

Bei Lisi slightly staggered a position, and the round tomb side prison missed again.

Bellis didn't look back, even if she didn't have to look, she could 100% avoid the attack of the round tomb prison.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

Uchiha Madara's voice came from behind Bellis.

Bellis felt a strong gravitational pull behind her.

However, gravity didn't work for Bellis, and her body didn't fly to Uchiha Madara's position.

Uchiha Madara still launched the original attack plan, and the black stick condensed by Yin Yang Dun in his palm stabbed Bellis from behind.

"Swap the positions of the clones. It turns out that Mr. Ban thinks this way." Lunmu Bian Prison switched positions, combined with Wanxiang Tianyin, and then used the black stick made by Yinyang Dun to immobilize her.

"However, your Wanxiang Tianyin didn't have the effect it should have on me." This time, Bellis took three steps back, and then turned sideways, avoiding the black stick stabbed by Uchiha Madarama.

The airflow in the sky is becoming more and more oppressive, the meteorite is getting closer to the ground, and the entire land is attracted by the typhoon-like airflow.

"Just go on like this, are you worried that I will fly? But if you don't leave, Mr. Madara may die if the meteorite falls." Bellis saw through Uchiha Madara's thoughts at a glance.

He wanted to hold her back and let her be killed by the meteorite.

Uchiha Madara is too naive.


Uchiha Madara did not answer Bellis' words.

Uchiha Madara estimated the landing distance of the two meteorites, and then attacked Bellis again. I have to say that Uchiha Madara's physical skills are really good, and his dancing posture is quite gorgeous. However, if you can't hit it, you can't hit it.

Just when Bellis avoided Uchiha Madara's frontal attack.

Uchiha Madara suddenly disappeared.

"Swapping again?" Bellis was a little surprised, sensing that Uchiha Madara's position was a thousand meters away.

It turns out that it is possible to use two rounds of tomb side prison.

Just when Bei Lisi thought so, another round of tomb side prison who had been beside her also started to attack Bei Lisi. However, whether it is one or two, to Bellis, this level of strength and speed is almost the same.

"Do you want to hide?"

The meteorite is only less than 100 meters away. If you avoid it, will Uchiha Madara be disappointed?

However, he probably has other backhands.

After all, she is also a ninja from the Warring States period. After such a long time, she should be able to judge that there is no way to keep her in two rounds of side prisons.

What's more, even the round tomb side prison has been taken back.


"Four Red Sun Arrays"

Uchiha Madara's voice came from four directions.

Then, purple enchantment walls rose simultaneously in the southeast and northwest.