
God of Destruction, and the Death Notice from the Chat Group

In the vast universe.

A planet that is about to end.

Endless war is the main theme of this planet, with flames of war and smoke of war one after another.

The gods came quietly.

Her arrival is to put an end to this irreparable planet.

god of destruction.

A god who destroys planets to maintain the balance of the universe.

This is the mission given to her by the universe.


The tone without a trace of emotion and the slightly immature voice spread to every corner of the planet.

The creatures living on this planet stopped what they were doing one after another.

Even the two sides that are engaged in the most intense war are also far away from the hustle and bustle of the war at this moment.

They raised their heads in unison, looking at the sky.

The broken atmosphere was stained with a purple halo, forming a gorgeous aurora scene in the sky.

Before long, the earth also turned purple.

All the living beings were covered with a layer of purple tulle, and an irresistible feeling of heart palpitations arose spontaneously.

"Have we... offended the gods?"

Someone tremblingly said such a sentence.

Perhaps, it is the last words of life on this planet.

The earth began to crumble, and the sky soon turned dark.

As far as the eye can see, purple energy devours everything around.

Wear down, disintegrate, and finally turn into nothingness.

In just a few seconds, there was no trace of this planet.

"This kind of work is really hard to like."

In the universe, the girl watched the planet pass away.

The long snow-white hair was draped freely on her shoulders, and the girl was dressed in Egyptian pharaoh-style clothes, making her look a little solemn.

She slowly lowered her hand, and the purple destructive energy in her palm quickly faded away.

"It's time to leave."

With a slight sigh, the girl's figure disappeared in the universe.


Destroy God Realm.

The edge of the universe, a special space.

The girl arranged herself in big characters and lay lazily on the lawn.

What she was wearing was no longer Pharaoh-style work clothes, but a light white suspender pleated skirt.

It looks lazy, a bit like the girl next door.

"Twenty years..." The girl counted with her fingers.

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball and becoming the princess of the Saiyan family, the name Bellis has been with her for twenty years.

Five years ago, she changed from an alternate God of Destruction to an official God of Destruction, and since then, her appearance has not changed.

She no longer cares so much about the gender change before and after time travel.

Or rather, basically didn't care much.

When you travel through time and know that the planet you live in will explode in a few years and your life will be lost, will you still care about gender?

In a high-risk world where a planet can be easily destroyed with a wave of the hand.

Gender, in front of power, is not worth mentioning.

"Ginyu, I don't know if he's still alive."

Even though it has been so long, Bellis still remembers Ginyu's bad behavior of throwing up the table when he couldn't beat him.

However, if Ginyu doesn't blow up the planet, the chat group probably won't wake up either. She will not come to the current universe, let alone become a candidate for the God of Destruction, and then accidentally become the new God of Destruction.

The chat group system, at the last moment of the planet explosion, saved Bellis' life and sent her to the current universe, and then it kept showing loading.

She has been a God of Destruction candidate for so many years, and the chat group is still loading.

"I don't know when it's a head."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Bellis's mind.


[Chat group loaded successfully. ]

Bellis: "???"

Bellis sat up like a bounce.

What did you just hear?

The chat group of Xianyu standby will officially start today?

In my mind, the mechanical voice of the chat group sounded again.

[Ding, pulling people...]

[Ding! Age spots, join the chat group. ]

[Ding! Miko of misfortune, join the chat group. ]

[Ding! I'm not a spider, join the chat group. ]

After three consecutive reminders, Bellis noticed the dynamics of the chat group. She briefly browsed the functions of the chat group, and then turned her attention to the group members who were pulled in by the chat group.

"Well, they are all strange names."

In the chat group, besides her own, there are three avatars that are lit up

Bellis sends a message to the chat group.

[Princess No. 1 in the world: "Hey, hello, is there anyone? If you have something, let me know. I'm the leader of this chat group, Beris. Uh...my nickname seems weird too."]

Bellis just wanted to say hello to the group, but when the message was sent out, it became weird.

The number one princess in the world, you mean her?

It seems that in this world, she is indeed a princess.

After a long time, no one answered.

["Ding, age spots are dead"]

[Beris: "..."]

The message popped up suddenly in the chat group, and Bellis was stunned.

However, what happened next left her speechless even more.

The chat group continues to scroll through messages.

[Ding, I'm not a spider and I'm dead. ]

[Ding, the misfortune witch has died. ]

[Beris: "..."]

In the world of God of Destruction, Bellis was stunned as she watched three consecutive death messages, her forehead covered with black lines.

Before pulling three people in, they all died suddenly.

Tongzi, you are not pulling people, you are issuing a death notice!

[Ding, send a replay of the death of a group member to the group owner. ]

Bellis looked at a corner of the chat interface. In the original blank group owner's attachment, there are three more videos.

"Tongzi, you are so caring, and there is a video." Bei Lisi complained.

Bellis turned on the first death replay.

The first thing that caught the eye was a cave with extremely dim light.

Inside sat a haggard old man with wrinkled face, gray hair hanging down to his waist, panting heavily from time to time, and looked very weak.

"Obito, during the period before my resurrection, you were the Uchiha Madara walking in the world..."

The haggard old man sitting cross-legged staggered to his feet, struggling to make a sound.

"Use your eyes to observe this hopeless ninja world, and you will understand more deeply that only Infinity Tsukiyomi can save it."


The old man tore himself from the heretic golem.

The delivery pipes used to replenish the vitality of the elderly hang down to the ground.

"Cough...cough cough cough." The old man coughed forcefully, lost the support of the golem of the heretics, and his rapidly aging body slowly collapsed.

In his mind, the picture of his best friend appeared.

Sitting cross-legged on a cliff, the two teenagers were talking about peace and the future...

And this scene was also recorded by the replay of the chat group.

The old man's consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Hashirama... In the years since your death, three ninja world wars broke out, and the battles became more intense each time. The tailed beast you gave away... became a weapon to expand the killing."

"You're wrong, Hashirama!"

[Ding, sensing your strong obsession, I invite you to join the chat group. ]


The voice that appeared interrupted the old man's thoughts, and made his consciousness about to fall into silence fade even faster.

[Ding, your consciousness is about to disappear. To avoid accidents, you will be forced to join the chat group. ]

[Ding, congratulations on successfully joining the chat group. ]


After watching the video, Bellis didn't know where to start complaining.

So, you dragged a dying person in this chat group to make up the numbers?

Despite many questions, Bellis opened the second video.

"Uh... this perspective is so strange."

In the classroom, the students listen carefully.

The played video gives people an extremely distorted feeling, as if looking at the picture revealed in the distorting mirror from the outside, no matter the lines or the surrounding scenery are not very harmonious.

"Is this group member lying on the ceiling and looking at the ground?"

Bellis looked at the nicknames and avatars of the group members.

"I'm not a spider."

So, the group members are spiders?


There was a loud bang, and the energy generated by the explosion flooded everything in the classroom.

Dazzling light, covering the entire screen.

"Well, the death was a bit hasty, and there is a high probability that it was killed by an explosion." Bellis was thoughtful.

With such intense energy, it is impossible for an ordinary gas pipe to explode.

A "ding" sound is heard on the screen.

Bellis didn't want to complain about the system anymore.

It must have been pulled in when he was about to die again, and then died suddenly.

Bellis directly clicked on the last death replay.

in the video.

A woman in a white dress and a red skirt, dragging her seriously injured body, walked slowly towards her village.

The white clothes on her body, near her chest, were torn by sharp claws, blood kept oozing from the wound, and a large area of ​​her clothes was also stained blood red.

"The witch who guards the jade of the four souls?"

Seeing the cold-looking woman in the video, Bellis guessed her identity.

The video passed minute by minute.

With the passing of the Miko, the playback screen also reached the end.

Bellis had just watched the replay when a voice rang out in the chat group.

[Ding, it was detected that all the group members died, and the emergency measures were activated to bind the souls of the group members. ]

[The binding is successful. ]

[Ding, Uchiha Madara, Spiderman, Kikyo, join the chat group. ]