
Complete Susano

"It's a great idea!"

The four red sun formations blocked the area where Bellis could escape the falling meteorite, and also enveloped the two falling meteorites with a diameter of more than 200 meters inside.

"Maximize the power of the meteorite falling?"

Liu Dao Obito also used a similar method to optimize the ten-tailed beast jade.

Bellis glanced outside the Four Red Sun Formation. There was a Uchiha Madara Mudun clone in the southeast and northwest respectively. Each Uchiha Madara Wood Dun clone manipulated a barrier of the Four Red Sun Formation.

The four red sun formations are like rectangular chimneys, extending to a thousand meters above the sky.

The four red sun formations are not far away, and Uchiha Madara's body is more eye-catching.

Much larger than the size of a meteorite, Susano in full body protected Uchiha Madara, and Susano made a gesture of drawing a sword.

Surrounding Uchiha Madara through Susanoo's blue chakra armor, the released chakra became more and more terrifying, and the energy almost distorted the surrounding space.

"Worthy of being a strong man in the Warring States Period, planning one after another."

Whether it's wooden escape, round tomb prison, or meteorite, they are all the front-end methods of Uchiha Madara, and the real killer move comes from Susano in the sky.

"It's just that if you miss all your methods, and spend so much effort, you can't hit anyone. Mr. Madara, I'm curious if you will vomit blood in anger!"

The meteorite fell rapidly, and there was a gust of wind in the gap between the surface and the meteorite.

Bellis pressed the blown pleated skirt with one hand, and with the other hand brushed aside the messy hair that covered her eyes and was blown by the strong wind.

"Actually, I should end the battle now, but I still have some things to confirm about the chat group, and, Mr. Madara, you seem to have reservations."

"Then...let's play a little more."


Kikyo and Spider are still watching the game in the chat group.

Through the chat group, they can see the most shocking pictures from a better angle, just like watching a movie.

[Spider: "Okay... so powerful, I wish I could become so powerful.]

The spider has escaped from the spider lair and is now being hunted down by a group of weird monkeys. Even in the crisis of his life, Spider still does not forget to watch the battle in the arena.

The spider fantasized that he would smash the monkeys chasing him one by one with one meteorite after another, and the experience value of his experience bar would "ding ding ding" jump up.

However, as a result of such distraction, the spider almost lost his grip on the wall by a spider's thread, and fell directly into the ferocious monkey group. The spider was so scared that it rolled and crawled and grabbed a raised stone on the stone wall as a fulcrum.

"Almost...almost finished." The spider looked terrified, feeling that his eight spider legs were trembling.

Compared with spiders, bellflowers are much quieter.

She doesn't flock like a spider.

The group leader Bellis and Kikyo can't understand, but Uchiha Madara and Kikyo can still do a little analysis.

Uchiha Madara's strength may be comparable to that of Inuyasha's father, who used to be the ruler of the West Country, Inu Daisho.

"Humans, can they become so strong?" Kikyo doesn't know what the power system of other worlds is, but she knows that she will not be Uchiha Madara's opponent.

People have limits, even if they are hailed as the strongest shrine maiden.

Kikyo knew very well in her heart that if it wasn't for the special damage to monsters caused by the power of breaking demons, she would have almost no chance of winning against the big monsters in a normal fight.

In strength, speed, reaction, etc., human beings are completely inferior to monsters, let alone big monsters with more terrifying strength.

Kikyo was very surprised to see Uchiha Madara's battle.

Because Uchiha Madara is a person,

Moreover, it is not weaker than the big monster in every respect.

As for the group leader Bellis, is she human?

As a wild priestess who does not serve the gods, she is not completely ignorant of divinity.

The extremely mysterious feeling in Bellis.


Kikyo speculates that Bellis is most likely a god.

It is equal to the gods enshrined by the witches, no, it is infinitely more powerful and higher-level gods than those gods who need incense and faith as their foundation.


In the arena.

The first meteorite hit the ground.

The tens of kilometers of the surface shook violently.

The meteorite fell extremely fast, and when it collided with the ground, countless rubbles were produced.

The broken stones flew around in the enchantment of the four red sun formations, like sharp stone knives, cutting everything in the enchantment of the four red sun formations.

Moments after the first meteor fell, the ground began to level off, however, a second meteor that was almost identical to the first landed in the same place.

It slammed into the first meteorite hard.

The ground, which was originally gradually stable, shook again, and the amplitude of the shaking became more and more intense, and the range of tens of kilometers was like an earthquake.


"boom boom boom"

The second meteorite smashed a meteorite into pieces.


After the second meteorite hit the barrier formed by the four red sun formations, dense cracks began to appear.

It's not that the four red sun formations can't maintain the stability of the enchantment, but that Uchiha Madara canceled all the wooden clones and lost energy to maintain it. Naturally, the four red sun formations can't last long.

Of course, Uchiha Madara no longer needs the Four Chiyang Formation.

Because, at this time, Uchiha Madara has enhanced Susanoo's energy to the maximum.

The 400-meter-wide Susanoo covers the sky and the sun, and is even close to the diameter of two meteorites superimposed.

I saw Susano's right hand holding the handle of the knife moving slowly.


The blade with the blue chakra compressed to the extreme was slowly withdrawn from the scabbard.

The blade gradually appeared in the air, and the whole sky suddenly became oppressive.

"One-knife Shura—everything in everything."

Where the blade crossed, the air was sucked out instantly.

The piercing knife light rubbed against the air and sent out a piercing sonic boom.


The barrier of the four red yangs was completely shattered, and the meteorite made by Tianzhang Zhenxing became torn apart.

Under the fierce knife light, the meteorite was torn into pieces, and then submerged in terrifying energy, not even a single wreck remained.

In the distance, the towering mountains were divided into two by the light of the knife.

The scorching red cross-section left a daunting aura.

[Spider: "That's... so scary! ]

[Kankyo: "Indeed."]

Seeing this scene, Spider and Kikyo were immediately startled by the sight in front of them.

Especially Spider, who has never seen such a brutal battle.

Knife scars stretching for several kilometers, a mountain with a height of hundreds of meters, cut into two pieces like cutting tofu, this is just the aftermath, not the real direction of the attack.

As for the location of the meteorite, two meteorites with a combined height of 400 meters were hit by Uchiha Madara, and even the meteorite powder was hard to find.

[Spider: "Group leader, are you still there?"

The spider shivered and swallowed.

On the battlefield, Uchiha Madara panted slightly, still maintaining a complete Susano state.

Just now, it was almost his full blow.

But I don't think that my tricks can solve Bei Lisi.

No news of victory came from the arena.

Uchiha Madara didn't dare to be careless.

"Tired, Mr. Madara?"

Uchiha Madara was startled, Samsara Eyes quickly determined the location of the voice, and when she saw Beris, her voice was filled with disbelief: "It's impossible to be unscathed!"

The girl stood quietly at the tip of Susanoo's knife, still wearing a beige pleated skirt, her long snow-white hair fluttering in the wind, not to mention her injuries, even her clothes were spotless.

"Mr. Madara seems to be very surprised." Bellis looked at Uchiha Madara's still shocked expression on his face, and teased, "Obviously calculated everything, but there is no effect at all, even Mr. Madara, I am afraid that he will not be able to calm down Woolen cloth!"

"You actually know space ninjutsu!" Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth, the only way Bellis could escape the danger without touching the Four Scarlet Yang Formation.

"Well, it's correct to understand it this way. It is indeed related to space." Bellis smiled slightly. "To explain it in a more popular way, I can perform space jumps within the reach of my perception."

"So, Mr. Madara, just now you chopped off loneliness."

Uchiha Madara: "..."

Hearing Bai Lisi's ridicule, Uchiha Madara's mind actually appeared a certain white-haired figure.

Spatial ability, Baimao!

"Hmph! The Thousand-Handed Fable Room, which is born evil."