
Dragon Ball: A Human's Legacy

Please note that the system I am using is only for info due to me not knowing how to use a system. Maybe as I learn how to use it over time then I'll do more with it. A take on the dragon ball universe, Zero is a human reborn into his favorite anime Dragon Ball! After his "arrival" he is thrown into a predicament. Zero's goal is to become the strongest human to ever live, and show people that they arent a race to be reckoned with. Join his story altering adventure! (Also, I have changed and will be changing some things in the story for my FANFIC to spice things up. So please dont go in always expecting everything to follow the normal storyline, it is a fan fiction story after all. This book is the practice I'm using for writing.) THE COVER/BOOK PICTURE IS NOT MINE, JUST USING TO MAKE COOLER!! I have no rights to any dragon ball cast characters in this book.

Your_God_Menace · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

The start of a new story

The sun rose over the horizon highlighting the sky a beautiful crimson red. North City, very peaceful yet chaotic at the same time. Beautiful mothers walked their kids, and handsome fathers walked their dogs. Life was good, nothing bad has come around since the Great Demon King Piccolo. On the most northern side of North City stood a singular 7-star hotel.

"Alright let's go you two." Spoke a raspy-voiced man in a white tuxedo and fedora. Behind him walked a woman and her child. They looked as if they were visiting a funeral. All three of them walked into the hotel's lobby towards a golden statue of a robust-looking man in his mid-thirties.

"Agent White reporting in, we've brought Samantha and Kevin." As his sentence concluded all three of them blinked out of the room and into another location.

They are now officially at the Cobra's main base. HQ was located nowhere on the world maps and to this day undetected by the government. They walked through a hallway whose bricks resembled the scales of a snake! Samantha shivered

"No matter how many times I come through here, it always feels like I'm being devoured by a Basilisk. More so now than ever..." Kevin held onto his mother's dress and walked behind her frightened. Shortly the group arrived in a large square-like chamber, in the ceiling were two chandeliers.

The torch holders resembled the mouthes of snakes that spat green flame. "Welcome Agent White." Said a man sitting on a throne while wearing a brown robe in the back of the room.

His devilishly handsome face looked at Samantha, his eyes were sharp as a knife. The boss's body had a beautiful tan and in some spots of his skin held actual snake scales! "Samantha darling, what brings you here?" The boss man asked her a question he knew the answer to.

"I-i-" Samantha struggled to talk, it felt as if her throat was filled with glass. "Speak up dear, it's a bit hard to hear you" She jumped at hearing his voice near her right. The boss had suddenly appeared by her side! His face was dangerously close to her neck, she felt the slight breeze of his breathing. She couldn't help but feel like the boss was going to bite her neck at any moment. 'How did I not notice his movement?'

Samantha was scared, she had countless meetings in this very room but has never met the boss in person before.

The boss man moved from her side and stood directly in front of her and put his pointer finger under her chin forcing her to look into his eyes causing her to jump. "Don't be afraid I'm not gonna hurt you." He turned and walked slowly towards his chair. "I've heard some news that you have failed in yet another mission, mind telling me how?" After working here for around a year now Samantha has always dreamed of meeting the boss, she regrets it now. This experience is well too terrifying for her, the boss is not someone who should exist! Sam tried to snap back to reality and she started to speak, hoping the boss was more reasonable than he seemed.

"Well you see, I started to take over this small town in the southeastern area-" The boss busted out laughing after hearing her first few words.

"You think you're strong enough to take over an entire town by yourself? I love to see the confidence but even I could have told you that wasn't going to work"

Agent White stood in a corner and lit another cigar. 'If she would have stayed quiet I could have said something, welp it's up to the boss now' He shrugged without a care in the world. After all, this was her problem and not his.

"I am sick of failures like you, I give them a few chances to prove themselves and THEY FUCK IT UP!!" His shout blew out the flames in the chandeliers causing the chamber to be as dark as the night sky, with the only source of light coming off of White's cigar which only lit a foot in front of him.

"I had such high hopes of you Samantha my dear, but you could not what was needed. So as of right now, your service is suspended." Two green balls of light shone in the boses eyes signifying something was about to happen. While his eyes were glowing Samantha felt a change in her body, it was becoming abnormally stiff. "What's this? What are you doing to-"

Her voice was silenced and the flames in the chandeliers were relit themselves. Standing where Samantha once stood was a statue of a woman with beautiful long hair and a curvy body. Samantha was turned to stone.

"White, can you put her with the rest please?" Agent White blew smoke from his mouth in the shape of a thumbs up. "Sure thing, but what will we do about her kid? We can't just leave him here after all." Kevin stood behind his mother with the look of sheer terror splattered across his face. He witnessed his mother get turned to stone and couldn't do anything about it, Kevin was infuriated but knew better than to try and attack.

Sadly he had no power to change his mom's fate and was now in the mercy of this strange snake man. "I'll make good use of him." The boss smiled and signaled for Kevin to follow him. Agent white picked up Samantha's stone body and walked to a side door and tossed her in. Within this room held hundreds of other stone men and women that didn't live up to the boss's expectations.

In another room, the boss stood and looked at Kevin as a snake slithered around his legs. "You are interesting, I'll be sure to put you in one of our best schools. Once you are done with your lessons of the day you will be transported back to this room. Off you go now"

Before he could take time to process this Kevin was snapped out of this room. The boss entered another chamber which was fully lit and in the center hovered a singular black orb around the size of a TV. Upon gazing inside the boss saw a very important individual, he was none other than King Furry himself!

"Ahh King Furry, I remember like it was yesterday... the day you fell into my clutches!" The boss started to have a flashback to when the mysterious Demon King Piccolo attacked the castle. Little did the Demon know that he accidentally launched the boss's plan of world domination into motion!

After years of studying the art of magic and potion making, he made an elixir that caused the drinker to completely obey him. When the king's castle was destroyed King Furry was lost in the commotion, only a lone agent of Cobra who had been serving the king for many years found him. The boss was that agent lucky.

Since no one was around to stop him he figured then was the perfect time to use it, forcing the king to drink the purple liquid. At that moment King Furry's eyes widened and returned to normal. The potion worked!

"With the government under my control nothing on earth could stop me!" After everything was normal some months after Piccolo's defeat he initiated the second step in his plan.

"I needed more soldiers and agents. The best way to do that was to build schools for learning of the arcane arts, and more dojos for the learning of Ki control." The King once broadcasted his message to all of the main cities and some smaller ones, the construction of schools of magic and dojos of Ki control was set.

The boss was one step closer to achieve his goal. It was mandatory for all citizens of earth to have their kids in one of these learning places by the age of 5. "After all, what's the use in ruling a planet if some unknown alien can come and just snatch it all from me? So technically, I'm doing this rock a favor!"

Even now the boss continues to play the puppeteer behind closed doors. He was completely mad with power.

"Tch, to think those fools in the Red Ribbon army was taken out by some kid. Pathetic!" He held out his hand and some documents appeared. As he started to go over some of the information recovered from the man HQ of the army and king castle Agent White walked in.

"While I look through this paperwork, we have some very skilled scientists looking into all of this "Android" crap the army spoke of. That damn doctor they had seemed to be the only intelligent one of the lot. It's a real shame our scientists are stumped as of now, they haven't made any breakthroughs in how to make these robots or even how they work and most likely won't for some time." White shrugged. "If they were taken out by a kid then they weren't doing their job right. Kids shouldn't meddle in a grownups business." He referred to the Red Ribbon Army as kids and Cobra as the adults.

"Our Organization went from a group of 6 to a massive following of 500 in only 5 and a half years! Each of you generals controls 100 troops, while I'm in charge of the whole fleet!" The boss snickered under his tongue. "We are close White, soon enough the earth will be ours and no one would ever know. MWAHAHAHA!" The boss could no longer control his excitement for the inevitable as he continued to laugh while Agent White stood there smoking his cigar.


A week later in the plains near the edge of a forest on a large island was Zero, he stood next to a twenty-foot tall boulder while wearing a purple turtle shell.

"50 pounds aren't too bad, but at the same time when you start to work the weight feels like it doubles!" He placed the palms of his hands on the side of the boulder and attempted to push, it didn't budge. "This is a LOT harder than it looked in the anime, even then I thought it would be hard."

Underneath the shade of a tree laid an old man in an orange beach shirt and blue shorts. The elder was old and bald, but one could tell there was much more than meets the eye. He wielded an ancient aura of wisdom as if he's lived for hundreds of years... "Zero, you must train your physical strength before I can teach you my techniques. At your current state, you are far weaker than Krillin and Goku were when they first started training under me. You have quite the ways to go hehe-" He laughed and continued to read a magazine in his hands. Turning it sideways let a long page unfold, who knows what he was looking at.

"Woohooooo!" A fountain of blood sprayed from the old man's nose which shocked Zero. "Master Roshi IS as wild as they say!" He smiles and gets back to the boulder.

"I've been at this for three days, along with other chores such as delivering milk, plowing grounds with my bare hands, and swimming from sharks for the past week."

Zero rubbed his hands together then placed them upon the surface of the rock once more. Zero pushed with all his might and the boulder slid! All of his hard work is paying off, but he needed to kick it into high gear.

Another 3 weeks pass and he moved on to a bigger boulder each time, as his training intensified Zero grew more excited. One day Zero walks up to Master Roshi and asks a question.

"Master when will you teach me one of your techniques? I want to learn something cool like the famed Kamehameha wave, or even the Thunder Shock Surprise attack??"

Master Roshi was a bit surprised at how he wanted to learn a move as advanced as the Thunder Shock "So you think you can handle the likes of the Thunder Shock huh? You do realize, this technique is very dangerous."

Zero rapidly shook his head with understanding "Yes I understand, and I'm prepared to take on the risks this move presents." Master Roshi sits and thinks for some moments before finally agreeing. "But first you must learn the art of Energy control, otherwise known as Ki." Zero's eyes lit with excitement as he couldn't wait till he learned the Thunder Shock Surprise, it was his favorite attack.

"Follow my directions and you'll learn the basics of energy control." Master Roshi and Zero both sat down crisscrossed. "Everyone has as special reserve of power within them" he went on lecturing Zero about what Ki is. "In order to harness this energy, you must quiet your mind and relax your muscles. Feel your body enter a calm state." Master Roshi Held out his hands as if he were holding a cup. "Once your body is relaxed you can start to slowly draw out your energy from within your body." Master Roshi did exactly what he explained and it stayed quiet for a little bit. After a few seconds of silence, a small yellow orb of energy started to form in his cupped hands. "I see, this is how it looks up close!" Zero watched as Master Roshi made his energy flow outwards into his palms. "Like I said, anyone can do this you just need patience."

"Okay.." Zero closed his eyes and calmed his nerves while holding out his hands in a cup. "Feel my energy flow through me..." Seconds passed by, then minutes, and nothing happened. It was nearing an hour and Zero still hasn't made any progress, his body grew impatient and he started trying to force the energy out. "Zero, calm down. You will not be able to do it if you keep trying to force it out, don't beat yourself up because of it otherwise you'll further halt your training." Master Roshi stood up and walked outside to observe the storm coming near the island.

As the storm came near the wind blew shaking the trees. Master Roshi stood and held out his arms forwards as his body grew into a muscular frame around three times his normal size.

"Once your adept enough, you will be able to do this Zero." Master Roshi calmed his breathing and started to do certain arm motions until he stopped with his right arm fully extended upward. Thunder sounded and lightning flashed, striking the top of his head.

"Wow, seeing this scene in person is a lot better. Is he gonna do it?" Roshi focused and allowed the electricity to spread throughout his body and aura. Finally, he brought down his extended hand and pointed in the direction of the ocean while shouting.

BOOM!! The sound of thunder shook the floor as a beam of electrified Ki shot from the old man's fingertip. This split the very ocean in half and stretched farther than the eye could see. "This is only the beginning." Master Roshi's body deflated to his normal old skinny old man figure. Zero was jaw dropped and a little scared of this old man.

"Woah... I have to remember that I am not inside a game, this is my reality now. If I die I'll be gonzo for good and most of all, the pain will hurt so bad!" Imagining getting punched by an enraged Raditz was enough to get him back into training to learn Ki control.


On the same stormy night in some mountains sat a pointy-eared green man in a purplish-blue Gi and white cape. He seemed to be meditating and visualizing his defeat against Goku a few years back. "Embarrasing.."

"Overconfidence was my downfall but even so Goku, I will have my revenge." His voice sent chills down any foe who would dare approach him. Standing up the man split his body making a replica of himself and they jumped in the opposite direction of each other.

"I must hone my skills to get stronger, I cannot allow Goku to show me up again." Little did Piccolo know, that fight two years ago was the start of a new friendship.

His clone stretched its arms forward and Piccolo met with the same attack. He was determined, to get stronger and win their next fight no matter what!

{AN: I've decided to add a new organization into the mix to spice things up a little for the future, so stay tuned for that bit of the story!!}

Sorry for not getting this chapter out on Wednesday, I was going through some drama and couldn't focus. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll be trying to get back on my 2 chaps a week next week. Thank you for the support!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your_God_Menacecreators' thoughts