
Dragon Ball: A Human's Legacy

Please note that the system I am using is only for info due to me not knowing how to use a system. Maybe as I learn how to use it over time then I'll do more with it. A take on the dragon ball universe, Zero is a human reborn into his favorite anime Dragon Ball! After his "arrival" he is thrown into a predicament. Zero's goal is to become the strongest human to ever live, and show people that they arent a race to be reckoned with. Join his story altering adventure! (Also, I have changed and will be changing some things in the story for my FANFIC to spice things up. So please dont go in always expecting everything to follow the normal storyline, it is a fan fiction story after all. This book is the practice I'm using for writing.) THE COVER/BOOK PICTURE IS NOT MINE, JUST USING TO MAKE COOLER!! I have no rights to any dragon ball cast characters in this book.

Your_God_Menace · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

A Shocking Discovery

On another part of Earth inside a large triangle-shaped building was a group of people preparing to have a massive scale meeting. King Furry sat in a chair at the tip of a massive triangle-shaped table with guards in suits behind him. They were his security guards but for some reason, the King felt uneasy.

"Something is bad brewing..and I can't help but feel like there's nothing I can do about it." His posture was hunched over with his head in his hands. Guard 1 placed his hand on the king's shoulder. "Sir maybe it's just the meeting, after all this discovery has shaken quite a few heavy hitters in our society. Some of which no doubt, plan to handle this on their own accord. But we can assure you that you are 100% safe from danger under our watch so please calm down a little bit sir. After all, you don't want to show our guests that our king is scared do you?"

The guard snapped his fingers at one of the attendants in the room who jumped at the sound but quickly walked out of the room. Moments later the king's masseuse came in and tried to relieve some of his employer's built-up tension.

The guard made sense, for the most part, it is important to show nerves of steel in times of stress but could you blame King Furry? This facility is called the Trinity and is located some miles out from North City.

West City is home to the headquarters of the most renowned tech company in the world, Capsule Cooperation! This city enjoyed just about every new invention the Corp released to the public first, one of these residents was getting ready for their big day at work. He wasn't the tallest guy standing at a proud 5'7 but he didn't care. Every day can wake up and come home to his loving family of a while and two kids.

This man felt blessed to be alive and to have a job that he loves alone with the added benefit of it paying well. "Okay honey I'm off to work!" He shouted as he finished up in the bathroom. He had to wear a black and white suit and tie to work with his chosen hairstyle of a bald fade. "Richard darling?" A beautiful young woman with red hair and freckles almost walked past the bathroom looking for her husband until she saw him doing his final touch-ups in the mirror.

She walks in wearing a long white dress with red roses and other stylish flowers splattered around it, she gently places her hand on Richard's face. Sadie, his wife, looks at the scar that ran down his right cheek smiling sweetly. "Be careful today at work okay?" She said in a teasing tone. "Okay, I will." Richard wasn't the most balanced person in the world, he once fell down their set of stairs on the way out of the house and was gifted with a scar on his face. That's how he got most of his 'battle scars' he was just clumsy sometimes.

He gave her a peck on the lips and left the bathroom; his two kids Jessi and James had just finished up their breakfast and ran towards him to hug him. "We'll miss you, dad-" James managed to say before being cut off by his twin sister. "Don't worry about us, just remember to have a great day at work but most importantly, have fun too!" She didn't like how serious everyone had to be at her father's job so she always encouraged him to make his bleak job experience more exciting. Richard works for the military of earth and as one could probably guess, they have to remain serious constantly. Richard chuckled at his kids who started arguing about cutting the other off. "I love you too kids." On his way out the door, Richard grabbed a breakfast sandwich and left the house. While starting up his car a co-worker called and they started chatting about what was happening today.

"Hey, Richard I've just arrived how's the wife and kids?" Upon answering the phone a hologram of a woman with curly hair appears from his dashboard. She sounds genuinely interested in finding out the situation with Richard's life, these two have been friends since graduation. "They're doing great, though today I didn't get to eat breakfast with James and Jessi." Every morning he has time to sit down with his family and have a nice breakfast before leaving for work but today there was just too much to do so he was forced to leave earlier.

"Aw that is sad, but it will all be worth it in the end. You know what happened right?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, apparently our astronomers have discovered life on another planet. We are holding a 'world meeting' to discuss what we should do about these aliens. This little get-together here is a perfect opportunity for us, imagine what could happen once we get on good terms with the extraterrestrials. The possibilities are endless!" Richard spoke as he rode throughout the city since there was no need to hold a phone while driving, being on call was acceptable.

"You do realize that this meeting won't be all sunshine and rainbows right? There's bound to be a clash of thoughts on what to do about this situation, not everyone is going to want peace." The woman urged the reminder quickly pulling Richard from his fantasy land who in turn cleared his throat and regained his posture. "I know I know, but I have hope that we can pull it together and help each other. After all, we are all human so there's no reason to fight amongst each other, especially with a pot of gold so big everyone can profit from it! Alright, I have to go, I'm pulling up to the Capsule Corp building now."

"Okay, don't forget to pick up Dr. Brief and a few of their scientists before you come to the Trinity." The woman on the phone reminded him, that today was a really important day and he was tasked with delivering a very important guest to his workplace. The pressure of this shouldn't be so great, but it was enough to get him to sweat a little. "Yeah yeah, that's why I'm here." After swiping his hand through the hologram to end the call Richard stepped out of his car and walked up to the massive building. "And my kids think we are well off? These people are loaded!"

He arrived at the receptionist's desk. "Hello state your name, purpose, and before you ask Ms. Bulma Is already seeing someone so you may leave if that's what you're here for sir." Richard was thrown off at the suggestion that he was here for a hookup with the scientist's daughter. "Uh..my I am agent Richard Raymond and I'm here on strict orders from the King himself to transport Mr. Briefs and some scientists to an undisclosed location. Additional information is classified."

"I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry this up though, we are kind of in a rush." He showed them his badge which was stamped with the King's golden seal of approval and other clear-cut identification, to which the receptionist's eyes widened causing them to press a red button under the desk. This button was a silent alarm to notify the doctor. After a few minutes of waiting an old man with blue hair in a lab coat walked into the lobby with a younger woman with similar blue hair and waved him over.

"Hiya, I'm Dr. Briefs. You said you're here on behalf of the King? I wonder what he could want me to do, after all, I'm not one for politics." The old man spoke nonchalantly, he made it seem like this was just another Sunday for him which surprised Richard. He expected anyone who the king summoned would be excited or extremely nervous, not this scientist though. "Well we need you to bring 10 of your smartest scientists available sir, then we can go. Be prepared, you may be on an extended stay in case of a big project." Noticing the tiny pitch-black cat on his shoulder the Doctor pat its head. "There's no need for extra support, me and my daughter here are more than enough."

Richard had no reason to doubt the Doctors word so he turned and led them to his car and got in. "Bulma doll, I'm going to need you to pay close attention to everything said here. This won't just be another walk-in-the-park meeting, this could very well be the most important gathering we've ever gone to." She shook her head and began to prepare herself. "It's going to be around two hours until we get to where we are going so please sit back and relax," Richard said as he began driving. Now that they are here, all he has to do is get them there safely.


As promised after two hours have passed the three finally arrive at the Trinity facility. On the outside, the walls were made from a chic gray material which was happened to be sturdy enough to withstand a bombardment of heavy artillery fire. The security at the entrance was pretty tight, Richard Raymond had to go through various security protocols including eye scans, vocal scans, and instant DNA identification.

The Trinity facility had various sharp corners and straight walls, it most certainly did not match the rest of the buildings on earth. This was necessary for the protection of some very important secrets of the government and Earth as a whole. An hour passed and they finally entered the building and walked towards the meeting hall. The relatively quiet building quickly came to life as the trio approached a large set of mahogany wood doors.

Richard opened the doors and waited for the doctor and his daughter to step through while he followed suit. This room held hundreds of people but only a few had noticed their presence. King Furry sat with his head in his hands, it seems all of the conversations going around were giving him a headache. Seeing that Doctor Briefs had finally arrived his eyes opened wide, it was as if he was his saving grace! "Alright everyone please calm down, the last of our guests have arrived"

As the king spoke the room got quiet and the lights cut off. Richard moved to one of the back walls and waited for the meeting to commence. His friend from the car call waved at him from across the room. "As you all may know, we have discovered we are not the only sources of life in our universe. Aliens do exist." This statement stirred up some of the conversations that were going on earlier.

He cleared his throat and continued to talk. "On a nearby planet there is a strange civilization of four-armed orange beings and they appear to be harmless at first glance." As he spoke life-sized holograms of the aliens appeared. Some were leaving buildings while others seemed to be relaxing on chairs enjoying the sun. "This is live footage although a little delayed, one of our surviving drones is stationed in a discreet location on their planet." As he finished another voice rose from the crowd of people at the table.

"Yeah well, looks can be deceiving. With all due respect Sir, shouldn't we just take over their planet and harvest what's left for ourselves or at least have a more aggressive approach? After all, we have more than enough firepower for an invasion" Said a man with a clear background in the military.

"For all we know they could have already known of our existence and have an attack planned out as we speak!" He threw his hands on the table rattling pencils and other objects. The veins in his forehead bulged as his anger steadily grew. "Calm down please, while your concerns are valid here we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe it would be better if we tried to get in contact with them instead?" Dr. Briefs stepped forward and spoke then began to take control of the drone to have a further look around. He offered a tiny bit of common sense, arguments in situations like this can quickly get out of hand causing people to think irrationally.

He made a shocking discovery as he saw people zapping in and out of buildings that floated in the sky. At this point, he had to be the rational one, the big brother who gave a smart solution when things got wild. "Imagine this we build rockets to get to this new planet, we invade it with our armies and if even possible, slaughter a race who doesn't fight back at all. Guess what we did? We killed a potential ally, innocents who could have helped us." As he released control of the drone he walked around with his hands behind his back. "Now I'm not saying we offer open doors to strangers, but we shouldn't just go in guns blazing. That isn't beneficial for anyone."

Everyone listened to the scientist explain a general course of action. "This four-armed alien race seemed to be a tech-based civilization, one whose technology is at least another 1 to 2 hundred years ahead of ours. Just think about what that says, even if we did invade I severely doubt we could cause much harm. In their eyes, we are just cavemen waving sticks. Think about the possibilities if we did gain their partnership. If they taught us their technological secrets we could easily propel our race into the stars for a space expansion. Our dreams of exploring the stars are within reach, and all we have to do is handle this encounter right."

The meeting continued for another 5 hours leading late into the day, everyone began to see eye to eye even while others preferred domination more than others. By the end of the meeting, the development of a spaceship and advanced humanoid drone has been approved to try to get in contact with the alien species.


Meanwhile on the other side of the earth was a small kid within a special school for the mystic arts located in Central City. This kid had short dark brown hair and freckles, currently, he was holding a blazing flame but due to his extreme focus, it didn't burn!

"Very good Kevin, hone your concentration and soon you'll become a god!" The instructor had more interest in Kevin than the rest of his students, this was because he had the best control in his chosen area of study. Kevin was particularly gifted in of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind; otherwise most known as the magic basics.

In the past 6 months, Kevin has been put through an intense training regimen, while he struggled to control 3 of the 4 elements the one he mastered within such a short timeframe was earth!

Man, I love this story so much. Sorry for no chapter last week, this week I will be posting 2 to make up for it. I hope you enjoy them and I hope you see what I'm trying to do and are patient enough to wait and see how it unfolds.

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