Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama
Shin jumped in shock and grabbed Zephyr, flashing to New Planet Tuffle before teleporting back!
Zephyr held his head and screamed in the sky!
He clenched his fists as a red light burst from his chest, expanding wildly above Baby's city!
The buildings started turning to ashes as Zephyr continued screaming in the sky!
Baby was shocked, "Bastard!" as he floated up!
Zephyr exploded and his hands started turning into an ashy molten rock texture… His entire body started emitting black smoke before it exploded off his body!
Zephyr stood in the sky with his fists clenched, breathing in and out as his sweat evaporated. He glanced and a red aura surrounded him as he flashed next to Baby, "Remember me, asshole?" before punching out!
Baby froze before spraying blood from his mouth, shooting into the city like a meteorite!
The entire city erupted into a massive explosion!
Zephyr floated in the air, breathing heavily, expelling black smoke from his mouth.
Baby got up from the rubble, "No… it's impossible! How could you become so much stronger in such a short time?! You should be dead!" Zephyr clenched his fists angrily, flames escaping from his mouth, "You BASTARD!" as he flashed to Baby, smashing his fists down like Hammers!
Baby smashed into the ground and pierced through the planet, shooting out the other side!
Zephyr shot through the ground, burning everything to ashes as he followed after him, appearing on the other side, kicking Baby to the side!
Baby flew around the world as Zephyr elbowed down viciously, landing on Baby's neck as there was a sickening crunch!
Baby fell on the ground as Zephyr clapped his hands together, "DIE!" before firing a massive beam of flames thicker than a skyscraper! It engulfed Baby and pierced a hole right through Planet Tuffle!
Zephyr stood in the sky, panting as Baby appeared behind him, "Shame! I survived!" Zephyr blocked his kick and punched him in the knee, snapping it the wrong way before kicking him out!
Baby crossed his arms as his leg snapped back into place! They started fighting in the air, blasting through people!
The people turned to ashes on the spot as Baby smashed through them, constantly backing off. Zephyr's arms and legs were moving like lightning as he attacked faster than the eye could see!
Baby punched and kicked back, as they turned into after images on the spot, flickering around on the surface of the planet that was erupting with volcanoes and magma from the center!
Everywhere Zephyr went, a fiery inferno was left behind, blazing into the sky with magma spouts!
Baby and Zephyr fought back and forth before Baby kicked out, sending Zephyr flying back before flashing over, elbowing him in the stomach, shooting him to the ground! Zephyr slammed into the planet before jumping out and roaring, punching Baby through the chest!
Baby coughed out blood before elbowing Zephyr in the face, his body regenerating as he continued attacking, tearing Zephyr's arm off!
Zephyr grabbed it back from him as his arm regenerated back. Zephyr swung his own arm like a bat, shattering it on Baby's face, shooting him into a mountain! Zephyr pointed three fingers, firing a blazing red sword and annihilating the mountain from existence!
Baby reappeared and smashed his fists down on Zephyr's head, catching him with his knee, making Zephyr cough out blood! Baby grabbed his hair and smashed it into the ground as he flew out, dragging Zephyr through the ground, throwing him out and shooting him with a Final Flash!
Zephyr crossed his arms in front of him and flew out before his feet spit out flames! Zephyr appeared in front of Baby with an enraged face, grabbing him by the throat and choke slamming him through the crust of the Planet!
They went through the mantle and burst out of the other side of the core, onto the opposite side of the Planet!
Zephyr held Baby before screaming as they exploded into a massive explosion, vaporizing everything within 10,000 meters!
Zephyr appeared along with Baby after the smoke cleared. Zephyr attacked him again and Baby fought back angrily, punching and kicking!
Baby screamed and shouted, "I'VE HAD ENOUGH! AHHHHHHH!" as he looked at the sky!
Zephyr pointed his fingers at him, accumulating power, "This is goodbye, Baby!" as he fired a beam, exploding on Baby instantly!
Zephyr coughed and reverted to normal, breathing heavily!
The smoke cleared as an insane laughter sounded!
Zephyr was dumbfounded, "WHAT?!" Baby was in a Great Ape Form, covered in Golden Fur, laughing, "HAHAHA! STUPID HUMAN! WE TUFFLE ARE INVINCIBLE!" Zephyr looked over, seeing Bulma with a special plane, pointing something at Baby.
He cursed, "Damn you!" Baby punched out and Zephyr grit his teeth before the punch landed, causing a cloud of smoke!
Zephyr appeared away from Baby with Goku, who was in Super Saiyan 3 with a tail flicking behind him, "Good Job, Zephyr! I'll finish him!" Zephyr looked at Baby now and said, "He's much stronger now, Goku! Be careful!"
Goku gave him a thumbs up before rushing out and punching Baby flying!
Zephyr sat down and let out a breath as Goku started fighting Baby!
But he got his ass handed to him!
Zephyr was speechless.
[Goku- 120 Trillion]
Goku was slapped into the ground and reverted back to normal…
[Goku- 240 Billion]
Goku looked out at the Earth and the Blutz waves reflected from it started affecting him! Goku growled and started morphing, turning into a Golden Great Ape!
[Goku- 144 Trillion]
Zephyr was dumbfounded, "Not enough?! That's a 600x increase!"
Goku started raging around angrily, smashing down everything!
As he was raging, Pan flew out, "Grandpa!" Zephyr let out a breath, "PAN!" Pan floated in front of Goku, saying, "Don't you remember me, Grandpa?! It's me!" Goku raged and waved angrily as Pan flew around it, holding out a Gi, "You gave this to me, Grandpa! Remember?!"
Goku blew a breath on Pan, making her fly away as Picture floated out. Goku caught the picture and looked at it for a while… before roaring at the sky, his Ki bursting wildly!
Lightning flashed and crackled around him as Goku's voice started coming through the roars! The ground erupted and burst into dust!
When the dust cleared, Goku stood on the rubble, in a new form!
Wild Black hair, red fur, and red highlights around his eyes!
Super Saiyan 4!
Zephyr was shocked!
So strong!
[Goku- 1.44 Quadrillion]