Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama
They used the Dragon Balls and revived everyone but Goku wanted to stay dead. Krillin wished to remove the Bombs from 17 and 18 as 16 left Capsule Corp after being upgraded and rebuilt.
As for whatever everyone else wanted to do, Zephyr didn't care. He came to Vegeta, who walked into his own Gravity Area.
It was in a separate building entirely!
The whole building was the training room!
Vegeta set the Gravity to 300x and Zephyr rubbed his wrists, throwing over bracelets. Vegeta held them as Zephyr said flatly, "Gravity Bracelets. If you put 2x, it'll be 600x in a 300x environment."
Vegeta snorted, "You have good things." before resetting the Gravity to 100x and changing his bracelet to 5x
Zephyr did the same and grunted, Vegeta looked at him, "That's it?" Zephyr straightened out, "Are you wearing weighted clothes?" Vegeta paused, "How much?" Zephyr said, "A ton." Vegeta frowned and said, "Give." Zephyr threw out a set as Vegeta changed on the spot, "Just think of it."
The next second, Vegeta sank and clenched his fists, grunting.
Zephyr nodded and slowly took a stance with an indifferent expression, "Your Base form is too weak." Vegeta snorted, "Don't worry about it." as he attacked.
They started training with intense combat, basically beating each other to death every day.
Zephyr brought the Senzu Beans he had at home, putting the bowl in the training area.
Launch a bit worried about him but Zephyr explained the situation to her, "I'm training with Vegeta." Launch frowned, "But… Zephyr…" Zephyr frowned and turned away, "I can't not train… I couldn't even protect Rocket… What kind of father am I?!" he clenched his fists, "I was powerless against cannonfodder! Nameless cannonfodder!"
Launch hugged him, "You're strong, Zephyr! Nobody's saying you're not!" Zephyr shook his head, wiping his eyes, "Do you know how scared I was at that time? Rocket looked at me for help and I couldn't! I didn't have the power to help her! Gohan saved her!"
Launch hugged him tightly, closing her eyes.
Zephyr clenched his fists, "What the fuck! Really! I can't even look at her without feeling shame! No, I need to be the strongest! Stronger than anything! I'm sorry, Launch! I love you but… I can't protect you, what's the point anymore… I'm useless!"
Launch turned him around and looked into his eyes, seeing his tears. She hugged him, standing on her tiptoes, "I love you. You're not useless. I don't care how strong you are. I don't care what happens. I just want you to be safe. Even if we're all gone, I hope you can survive!"
Zephyr looked at her, "Launch…" Launch looked at him lovingly, smiling, "I mean it." Zephyr kissed her and Launch closed her eyes, pulling him to her.
After that, Zephyr was allowed to train with Vegeta but he had to come back home overnight. Instead of sleeping in the Gravity room like he was doing before…
Launch talked to 18 and called Bulma for her.
Krillin moved out of Roshi's house and into West City. Since he had infinite money, he just became a policeman for fun. He lived with Android 18 while 17 was getting upgrades at Bulma's house.
18 also went there for upgrades and repairs.
Yamcha continued his Dojo, Tien and Chiaotzu continued training together. Piccolo trained on top of Kami's Lookout, Rocket trained with Gohan, sometimes at her home, sometimes on Kami's lookout, always together.
The first year
Zephyr took the Dragon Balls and looked at Shenron, who blinked at him, "Oh. Three wishes this time." Zephyr said, "First, Upgrade the Earth as much as possible again."
Shenron nodded, "Done." Zephyr continued, "Second, teleport Lord Slug to Piccolo." Shenron's eyes flashed, "Done." Zephyr finished, "Finally, enhance my abilities again." Shenron looked at him and said, "This is the last time I can do this. Above this is impossible for me."
Zephyr nodded, "Do it." Shenron's eyes flashed and Zephyr clenched his fists, "Thanks." before flying away. Shenron looked at him and muttered, "So different." before turning back into Dragon Balls.
The next year
Zephyr made three more wishes.
-Make Roshi young again
-Enhance Rocket's Abilities
-Unlock Rocket's potential
And the year after that…
-Unlock his Potential
-Unlock Roshi's Potential
-Unlock Krillin's Potential
In short, in 7 years there were 18 wishes!
Vegeta refused to have his potential unlocked, he said that he didn't need that kind of garbage. Zephyr didn't care and only unlocked the potential of the Humans. He also wished for a Capsule full of infinite Food of all types that never goes bad, keeping it in the Gravity Room.
Bulma also made a wish for her Nutrient Solution stocks to be infinite.
Shenron worked the hardest during these 7 years.
The Gravity Rooms were upgraded, Weight clothes upgraded, etc.
Not much happened in these 7 years. Only hard training… Oh… and something else.
Zephyr stood in the Gravity Room, frowning as he looked at his phone.
There was a picture of a hand with a diamond ring on it.
[Dad! Gohan proposed!]
Zephyr crushed the phone in his hand before taking out another one, looking at the picture again.
[You're 18. Are you sure you should be getting married?]
[You got married at 18?]
[Anyway, we're not married yet… just engaged. We're still going to college in Satan city.]
[Are you training?]
[Of course!]
Before he crushed the phone again, taking out another one, continuing to text.
Vegeta looked over, glancing at the pile of broken phones. He walked over, "Hm?" as he saw the picture and patted Zephyr's shoulder, walking away, blasting the phones to ashes.
Zephyr put his phone away, walking outside and looking at the sky, "Hooo…" he closed his eyes and felt the breeze against his skin.
Three brats appeared, "You think we can surprise him? I don't know, we didn't scare Uncle Vegeta just now… And my dad is really tough, we can't scare him, Trunks…" Zephyr looked down and saw a note.
'You smell.'
Zephyr blinked slowly as the three popped out from a bush, "AH!" Zephyr looked at them with an indifferent face. They were all silent for a while as a breeze blew by…
Bullets held her skirt, "You're not scared, Daddy?" Zephyr looked at Trunks, "You leading my daughter astray?" Trunks saluted, "No, sir! I was relaxing with Goten and Bullets! We thought you could smile today!" Zephyr walked away, "Maybe next time."
Trunks snapped his fingers, "Damn!" Bullets sighed, "Daddy doesn't smile. I told you." Goten scratched his head with his tail, "Huh? My mommy said that he used to smile a lot!" Trunks and Bullets looked at Goten in shock, "What? Really!"
Goten puffed his chest, "Un-huh!" Trunks rubbed his chin, "Maybe we need to tell him a funny joke!" Bullets tapped her head, "I have one, mommy told me." Trunks and Goten looked at her as she said with a seriously cute look on her face, "What did the Cow say to the Farmer that stepped on his food?"
Trunks and Goten shook their heads. Bullets looked at them seriously, saying, "Moo."
Bullets covered her mouth and shook with laughter as Trunks and Goten's lips twitched, "Maybe we should ask someone else…" Trunks changed the subject, "By the way, are we training tomorrow?"
Zephyr took a shower in Capsule Corp before flying home.
He came home to see Rocket, sitting on the couch with Launch and Gohan. Zephyr stopped and Rocket stood up happily, "Daddy!" Zephyr nodded at her. Gohan stood up nervously, "Haha… Uncle Zephyr!"
Zephyr looked at him flatly as Gohan rubbed his palms on his pants.
Jeez! Uncle Zephyr is really scary now!
He's learning too much from Vegeta!