
Frieza Ressurects!

The three appeared on the grass, yawning as Whys smiled, "Today, we'll be doing something different. You three will be fighting me-" The three were shocked before turning around, "Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

Whys' lips twitched as Goku cheered, "Hahaha! I won!" Zephyr looked at his hand, "But he always chooses rock!" Vegeta cursed, "DAMN IT! AGAIN!" Goku looked at Whys and grinned, "I'm ready!"

Whys knocked on his head with his staff, "I meant, together." They were shocked before looking at each other. They all attacked at the same time, punching and kicking over each other to get to Whys, who dodged them all easily.

They continued for hours until the three were panting as Whys waved his finger with a smile, "You still think before you act. You're letting your thoughts distract your body and reduce your reaction time. You must get to the point where all parts of your body act independently like they have a mind of their own!"

Zephyr scratched his head, "Is that even possible? I know the spine is suspected to have another nervous system like a second brain but this is ridiculous…" Whys rolled his eyes, "This isn't science! It's martial arts!" Goku asked, "How do we do it, Whys?" Whys smiled, "You need to fight on instinct, without thinking. Vegeta, you seem to have a harder time doing this…"

Goku slapped Vegeta's back, laughing, "You hear that, Vegeta? Hahaha!" Vegeta's eyes twitched, "Idiot! It means you're too stupid to think properly!" Zephyr chuckled as Vegeta pointed at him, "You too! Moron!"

Zephyr was stunned and complained, "I didn't even say anything yet!" Vegeta sneered, "Key word- Yet!" Whys rolled his eyes, "Continue." as they attacked him again.

A few days later

The three looked up and Goku frowned, "You feel that?" Zephyr scratched his head, "Huh? Feels… feels like an Asshole." Vegeta sneered, "Smells like one too." Goku shrugged and continued training.

4 months later

Zephyr was fighting Beerus while Goku and Vegeta fought each other. Zephyr slammed into the ground as Whys waved flags, "That's enough, everyone!" Zephyr got up before collapsing, "Damn!"

Beerus flicked his tail, sneering, "Is that all you got, Human?" Zephyr rubbed his chest and frowned, "I can't regenerate otherwise you'd eat your words, Purple Cat!" Beerus smirked, "Oh really~? Whys, give it back to him, I want to see where he gets off calling me a Purple Cat!"

Whys rolled his eyes as he said, "Maybe they should go to THAT place." Beerus paused and narrowed his eyes, "Yes… I think so. If they want to get stronger quickly, I don't know any place better than THERE." Whys nodded and tapped his staff as the three got sucked in!

The three landed in a place with rainbow fog in different poses, their energy surged and they stopped in place, "Ah, shit!" Zephyr looked around, "I can't move at all!" 

They struggled for a while before Vegeta snorted and reigned his energy in, "So that's the trick. We just have to keep our Ki inside without letting it leak!" Zephyr and Goku were stunned before reigning in their Ki.

They could move around again as Vegeta said, "Does this place feel familiar to you guys?" Goku thought about it and his eyes lit up, "Aw yeah! The Hyperbolic Time Chamber!" Zephyr was stunned and looked around, "We're in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber right now?"

Goku said, "We need to find the supply building before we run out of energy… or worse, starve to death!" Zephyr tossed out all kinds of food and they ate quickly before starting to fight in an all out brawl.

The three maniacs laughed like crazy, fighting each other.

Months passed here as they fought without letting their Ki leak out…

Then suddenly, they all popped back onto Beerus' planet, "Huh?" They jumped up and Goku complained, "We were just getting our rhythm!" Vegeta clenched his fists, "Damn it! I was about to give Kakakrot the one two!" Zephyr looked in the distance, "I was so close to winning… What a shame…"

Whys rolled his eyes, "Sorry, boys. Beerus is hungry." they all looked at him and surrounded him, "Huh?" Zephyr cracked his knuckles, "You stopped training because YOU were hungry?" Vegeta clenched his fists, "You damn purple rat!" Goku frowned, "That's not very nice, Lord Beerus!"

Beerus: ????????

He jumped up, "I am the God of Destruction! You hear me!?" Zephyr lunged at him, "God of MY ASS!" as Vegeta and Goku lunged in, starting a Dust Brawl.

Whys sighed and turned around, "Honestly, sometimes I feel like the only adult in this Universe~" he looked at his staff, "Oh? A message? That's right, I nearly forgot!" He saw Bulma holding up a Super Deluxe Strawberry Sundae Ice Cream, "You better come here, Whys~ Before it meeeelllttss~" 

Whys gasped in shock, "SUPER DELUXE STRAWBERRY SUNDAE ICE CREAM?! WHAT IS THAT?!" Beerus squeezed in, "Oh wow!" Goku came in, "Bulma?" Vegeta was next, "My Bulma? What does she want now?" Zephyr came in between Whys and Beerus, "Hey! She changed her hairstyle!"

Vegeta pointed, "She looks upset." Whys contacted her and Bulma started yapping. Whys was stunned, "Frieza was resurrected and he brought an Army to Earth?" Goku was startled, "Wait, Frieza?!" Vegeta was stunned, "What in the hell is going on!?"

Zephyr crossed his arms, glancing at Beerus and Whys, "Speaking of Frieza, isn't it YOUR job to destroy planets?" Beerus turned and his nose scrunched on Zephyr's eye, "I CAN TELL PEOPLE TO DESTROY FOR ME, OKAY?!"

Zephyr rolled his eye, "Yes yes… Do you want some Catnip?" Beerus frowned, "Cat nip? Whuzzat." Zephyr threw out a barrel of Catnip as Beerus flickered around the barrel, sniffing.

Whys projected Bulma as she said, "And it gets worse! Apparently, he's a whole lot stronger than before! Piccolo's already been killed because he was trying to protect Gohan!" Goku was shocked, "Piccolo's dead!? Alright, Whys, you can get us there fast, right?"

Whys said, "I can bring you there in 35 minutes." Goku jumped up and down, "THAT LONG?!" Beerus popped his head out from the barrel, "Just use the Instant Transmission Technique." as he started purring while rolling around in the catnip.

Goku muttered, "This far…?" Vegeta shouted, "Try, Kakarot!" Zephyr leaned on Goku's shoulder, "Maybe you can do it?" before turning to Whys, "That was the Hyperbolic Time Chamber dimension, right? Can't we just go through there?"

Whys smiled, "If you want to take 1000 years of travel time!" Zephyr's lips twitched, "Forget it…" Goku tried before sighing, "It's too faint, I can't lock onto anyone's energy!" Vegeta was angry, "This is no time for your excuses! You need to concentrate harder or our families are going to die! You hear me!?"

Goku had his eyes closed for a few minutes before saying quickly, "Hurry! Give me your hands!" Zephyr grabbed Goku's shoulder and Vegeta grabbed the other one as Goku grinned, "See you next time, Lord Beerus! We're outta here!"

They disappeared and reappeared on Earth as Goku slapped away a Death Ray, catching Gohan. Zephyr looked at him and scowled, "Don't train. No no, please. There's peace on Earth! Yeah, go be a teacher, you stupid fuck!" Goku looked at him, "Zephyr! Please!" Zephyr clicked his tongue, spitting on the ground as he flicked a Senzu Bean in Gohan's mouth.

He turned around and crossed his arms, looking at all the downed fighters, "How is it everyone? If we didn't show up, you'd be saying hello to King Yemma right now. Oh, but I hope you get paid for your hospital time from your jobs. It be a real shame if you, idk, HAD A CARD WITH INFINITE ZENI!"

He glared at them and trembled, "All of you… Get in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber… Now. I'm going to break all your bones and slowly build them back into fighting shape, you bastards. Everytime you ask and pray for Goku, you can't do it yourself?! WHERE'S YOUR PRIDE!?" He was really angry!

These guys refused to train ever!

Then cried when they weren't strong enough!

It's your fault, okay!?