Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama
Goku appeared with Bulma, looking at them as 18 got up, rubbing her stomach, shouting, "What the hell was that for?!" she flew over, seeing Goku and Bulma, "Huh? You guys?" Goku and Bulma looked at her, smiling as Goku asked, "What happened 18? I just got back from Hell!"
18 explained quickly before Goku was stunned, "Zephyr did it?" before frowning, "This guy is getting stronger! I need to do some serious training!" Bulma was speechless, they're struggling to catch you and now you have to do more training?!
She forgot about this and said, "No! It's bad, there's Earthquakes and Volcanoes are erupting all over the globe! We need to do something about it!" Goku nodded, "We can just use the Dragon Balls!" Bulma and 18 nodded as Goku shouted, "Zephyr! Vegeta! We're going to find the Dragon Balls!"
The dup stopped and looked at him, "Huh? Why?" Goku explained the reason as Vegeta turned to Zephyr and shouted, "SEE?! WHAT DID I TELL YOU!?" Zephyr hung his head, "I'm so sorry…"
Bulma rolled her eyes, "It's because of the Hell Portal! Not Zephyr!" Zephyr perked up and smirked at Vegeta, "Heh… Even your wife protects me, how do you feel?" Vegeta shivered, clenching his fists, "Bastard…"
Zephyr reverted to normal, flying over to the trio before rubbing his head at 18, "Sorry about that… I wanted him to get angry." 18's lips twitched and she waved, "The Earth is more important… By the way, he killed Krillin!"
Goku waved, "We can bring him back with the Dragon Balls, it's fine. Let's go!"
A few days later
They gathered the Dragon Balls and Zephyr looked at them, "Why are they cracked?" Goku shrugged, "I dunno." Zephyr was speechless, "You're helpful!" Goku looked at him, retorting with a speechless voice, "I was just saying! I don't know, how am I supposed to find out?"
Zephyr rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Forget it. We already brought back the Black Star Dragon Balls, maybe we should use those?" Goku laughed, "Okay, you go ahead, but you have to find them."
Zephyr's face darkened, "No thanks. That's such a waste of time…"
They summoned Shenron 3 times before he appeared… But it was different!
Thick black smog came out of the Dragon Balls turning into a Black Shenron.
Zephyr was stunned, shouting quickly, "I didn't teach him!" Goku nearly fell over, "I know, Zeph…" Zephyr blushed in embarrassment, rubbing his head…
The Black Shenron opened his eyes and looked at the duo before focusing on Zephyr, grinding his teeth, "You… Finally, I'm released!" Zephyr pointed at himself in confusion as Shenron lit a cigar, "I have waited for this day!"
Goku asked, "Aren't you gonna grant our wishes?" Black Shenron burst out laughing, "Grant wishes?! GAHAHAHAHA! No no… You stupid assholes have no idea how I've suffered! Granting your selfish wishes over and over again! Getting tricked into loophole after loophole! And it's all YOUR fault!"
He made a smoke ring around Zephyr, grinning, "Thanks to you, and you alone, I have come back! GAHAHAHAHA!" he sucked up the Dragon Balls, "Prepare yourself for death, Zephyr! I will kill you!" as he turned into a tornado, 7 Shadow Dragons shooting out with a single Dragon Ball!
Goku and Zephyr were dumbfounded!
Zephyr looked at Goku, "Everyone wants to destroy the Universe nowadays, huh?" Goku sighed, "I know, right…?" Old Kai shouted, "Shut up! It's because of you guys! Always using the Dragon Balls for selfish wishes!"
Zephyr slumped, "How else are we supposed to use the Dragon Balls? You know, we wished Earth to be strengthened, resurrected lives, etc many times!" Old Kai retorted, "How many times did you wish for yourselves!"
Zephyr was speechless and touched his fingers together, "I don't know… maybe a hundred times…" Old Kai shouted, "YES! 103 TIMES! 103!!!! You created the Shadow Dragons! Now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions!"
Zephyr asked, "Can we use the Dragon Balls normally after?" Old Kai nearly had an aneurysm! Goku chuckled and asked, "Old Kai, what are we supposed to do?" Shin took over, "In reality, every wish no matter the reason, even positive, will introduce Negative energy into the Dragon Balls. When it can no longer hold on, it'll come out! The Dragon Balls were never meant to be used more than once every 100 years!"
Old Kai erupted, "AND YOU USED THEM OVER 100 TIMES!"
Zephyr was dumbfounded, saying speechlessly, "That's not my fault, okay?! If they weren't supposed to be used every year, why is there a year cooldown?!" Shin was speechless before replying, "That's just how it is…" Zephyr looked at Goku and laughed, "Hah. You hear that? Just how it is…" before shouting, "COME HERE, SHIN! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW IT IS! AHHH!"
Shin sweat dropped, "Listen, all you have to do is defeat the 7 Dragons and eliminate the Negative Energy!" Zephyr nodded and flew out, "Got it!" Goku chased him, "Wait! Zeph! I'm coming too!"
Vegeta appeared, "As will I!" Gohan and Rocket came over, "Us too!" Zephyr looked at them and grinned, "We have 5, it should be a cinch! Hehe~" as he flew off, looking at his watch.
He gave everyone directions before flying away. They all split up and shot off to get a Dragon Ball each.
Zephyr appeared in a village and looked at the lake as a woman with a Dragon Ball in her forehead floated over the lake.
He flew over and she sneered, "Ah… Zephyr, you're finally here! You know, I've been waiting a long time for this! I was created when you wished for your Daughter to stay in her peak looks for the rest of her lifespan!"
Zephyr crossed his arms, "I don't care." The woman continued, "How many times did you wish for that same thing! For you, your wife! Bulma, Chi-Chi, Rocket… Everyone! Ahhhhhhhh! I am Oceania Shenron! Prepare to die for your selfishness!"
Zephyr looked at her flatly, "K." Oceania Shenron charged at him and Zephyr caught her fist, punching through her chest, "Looks like your conviction wasn't enough." Oceania Shenron was stunned as Zephyr exploded into flames, vaporizing her instantly.
He caught the 6 Star Dragon Ball as it went back to Normal, "Only 100 Billion Power Level… I'm more than 20 times stronger than you!"
[Current Power Level- 2.2 Trillion]
Zephyr took the Dragon Ball and flew away, looking at his watch.
After flying for a while, Zephyr landed in a City. He looked around before seeing Goku in his Super Saiyan 4 state. Zephyr came over and said, "Goku?" Goku turned to him, "Zephyr? Is that you? I… I can't see!"
Zephyr was stunned and gave him a Senzu bean, "Here. Eat this." Goku held the Senzu Bean before eating it and opening his eyes, "Thanks!" before letting out a breath, "Do you have the other Dragon Balls?"
Zephyr gave him the 6 Star Ball, "You have the rest?" Goku nodded, "The others went to look for the last one…" Zephyr chuckled, "That's gre-ACK!" before he was kicked in the head, shooting into a building!
Goku shouted, "ZEPHYR!?" before turning to a white dragon, "It was you! You're the one who killed Nuova Shenron! Bastard!" Syn Shenron snorted, "That fool… A Dragon showing pity to a Monkey, who had ever heard of it?" as he punched Goku in the stomach, sending him flying!