
A tasty Fruit!

He stepped out and said, "Phew!" before pausing, "Hey, you guys!" as he flew over. Everyone surrounded him, giving him hugs.

Goku scratched his head, "How did you guys know?" Bulma pointed at Trunks, smiling, "You met a strong friend, Goku! He took care of Frieza in a flash!" Goku looked at Trunks and was stunned, "Who are you?"

Everyone froze, "Huh?" Bulma asked Goku, "You don't know who he is either? He won't say it…" Zephyr looked at Goku and was gloomy…

[Goku- 4,500,000]

He sighed and Trunks said, "Mr Goku, I have to talk to you in private." Goku blinked, "Huh? Sure!" they walked away.

Krillin crossed his arms, "Damn! Can't everyone know?!" Zephyr rolled his eyes, "What are you? The gossip police?!" Krillin looked at him, "I'm curious! You're not?!" Zephyr tapped his head, "The difference is, I know who he is because my brain has wrinkles, unlike your smooth head!"

Krillin shook, "I CAN GROW HAIR IF I WANT TO! YOU HEAR ME?!" Zephyr nodded, "Ohh…!" Krillin clenched his fists, if he was a Saiyan, there was no doubt he would turn Super Saiyan on the spot!

Tien touched his hair and cursed, "But you gave ME hair?!" Zephyr snorted, "Who even are you?" Tien choked and Chiaotzu rubbed his back, "It's okay…"

Goku on the other side turned Super Saiyan and everyone was shocked. Before he turned it off and they were confused. Zephyr looked at Piccolo, who seemed shocked for another reason!

Zephyr chuckled and Piccolo blushed, looking away.

Trunks flew away in the end and Zephyr talked to Bulma about something before taking a Capsule, flying after him.

He caught up to Trunks, who was getting in his Time Machine. Trunks looked at him and Zephyr threw the Capsule on the ground, "Come here, kid." Trunks flew over and Zephyr took out several tubes from the cooling machine.

He handed them to Trunks, "You take this one. These two are for Bulma." Trunks was stunned and Zephyr said, "Drink it." Trunks drank it and his eyes widened, "WOAH!" Zephyr nodded and said, "Make sure, Bulma drinks those!" Trunks asked, "Wait! What are these?!"

Zephyr turned the machine back into a Capsule and chuckled, "Medicine." before winking at Trunks' face full of disbelief, flying back.

Piccolo was explaining the situation for Goku, "And so in three years time, on May 12th, there will be Androids stronger than Frieza! So we have to train hard!" Zephyr handed the Capsule back to Bulma, who didn't ask, looking shocked.

Zephyr thought about it and said, "I have an idea." everyone looked at him as Zephyr said seriously, "I'll wish for Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu to be teleported to King Kai's planet." The four of them nodded, and Zephyr looked at Piccolo, "You should go too."

Piccolo frowned but nodded in the end.

Bulma added, "I can make a Portable Gravity Machine, no problem!" Zephyr nodded and Krillin asked, "What about you?" Zephyr shook his head, "I have my own way to train, you've all been to King Kai at least once… except Chiaotzu and Tien. So you can get them up to speed and continue your training!"

Goku looked at Zephyr, "Send Gohan too." Zephyr looked at him funnily, "Why don't you train Gohan yourself for once? Am I your nanny?" Goku's lips twitched and he looked at Gohan, who had stars in his eyes. He sighed and smiled, "Alright!"

Zephyr nodded, "That's the plan!" and everyone agreed.

Then Zephyr used the Dragon Balls, sending the 5 up to Kami for Training after Bulma gave them a Capsule with the Gravity Machine… Zephyr also gave them a Capsule with an old muscle car in it for King Kai. There was also a Joke book in the glove compartment.

After they left, Zephyr returned to training, upping the Gravity!

He mentioned to Goku that he should teach Gohan his own moves, after all he's his father… Goku agreed and collectively, Launch and Bulma convinced Chi-Chi to let Gohan stop studying…

But only after Gohan passed a High School level exam…

He passed!

Then training began!

Day after day, training in the Gravity Chamber with Rocket and Launch.

The First year passed and Zephyr wished for an Image Training Machine as powerful as possible. He also asked for Shenron to put it in the Gravity room. 

Shenron agreed and his wish was granted.

The second year, Zephyr wished for his abilities to be upgraded generally. Shenron was a bit at a loss for words but still agreed to his wish!

Finally, 3 years passed, coming to May 12!

He didn't use the Dragon Balls just in case

During these 3 years, Zephyr burst through the barriers and grew much stronger! He was consistently training under 100x Gravity, even managing to adapt to 150x just a month before the time limit!

He also had a few new tricks… Zephyr grinned as he clenched his fists. He stood in the sky, looking at his shop. During these years, he's been using points and gaining points frequently!

A great thing was that the Assimilation and Fusion was able to be renewed with another 4 Powers at the max… But they couldn't conflict too much! Zephyr didn't push it, staying in his lane, he knew what he needed.


Zephyr looked at his Power Level.

[Current Power Level- 2,750,000]

[Balance- 53,000p]

Zephyr let out a breath and bought the Fruit of the Tree of Might, muttering, "This won't leave any bullshit behind, right?"


Zephyr ate the fruit whole and groaned, clenching his fists and flexing his entire body, growling!

[Current Power Level- 41,250,000]

Zephyr spread his arms and let out a breath of ecstasy before laughing loudly!

He immediately restrained his Ki and returned home, instantly!