
Timeline speculation

A few seconds later...

After Bulma convinced Broly to save his ribs in the Formless Realm to eat them later...

Broly decided to heal his stepson in the same way that Jesus Christ did with another guy in his good times "Fuck you Trunks, get up right now, you screwed my barbecue again!"

Therefore, Trunks woke up


That's a relief!

Are you alright Trunks?" Bulma said seeing with relief that her alternative son was fine

But before Trunks could fully wake up...

His instincts took precedence over his reasoning, especially upon see Goku's face


You son of a Bitch!!!

Bastard!" Trunks yelled as he punched Goku

A punch that Goku easily parried due to his superior speed and strength and… that Trunks was still disoriented

"What's the problem, Trunks?" Goku asked, he didn't understand why he was being attacked

He had done nothing wrong, much less to Trunks whom he hadn't seen for years

But luckily for Trunks and Goku that disoriented state was over.


Goku? The real one?" Said Trunks, realizing that the one in front of him is his friend Goku

"What are you doing, Trunks?!" Bulma asked, not understanding that aggression towards Goku

There are a lot of people who had reasons to hit him, but no one thought for a second that Trunks was one of them.

Unconsciously, everyone thought that Trunks had reflexively attacked Goku, believing that he was the guy who had hurt him to that point.

However, his following interventions made many think that he wasn't yet in his right mind




ALIVE…" Trunks said upon seeing Bulma, tried to hold back his tears

Innocent statements that set off the alarm in the minds of some part of the audience

"What are you talking about?

Of course I am alive, I am immortal…

Wait…" Bulma said, who started to draw pretty accurate conclusions.

"MOM!!!???" Beerus and Whis yelled upon hearing that shocking revelation.

That young man is also the son of Bulma and Broly? Where had he been hiding?

"I demand to hear an explanation Trunks" Vegeta said, worrying about his alternate son in his own way

"DAD!" Trunks yelled with joy upon see another familiar face.

Without knowing the reaction that this word was going to create

"DAAADDDDDDDDD!!!!????" Whis and Beerus yelled a thousand times louder than a few seconds ago did

Why? It was necessary to ask why?

Anyone who knew Broly would be terrified upon the genealogy of the mysterious young man in front of them…

Something could explain why Broly hated Vegeta so much… although it didn't explain why Vegeta was still alive

"I'm so glad…

I was able to make it…

Back to the past…" Trunks said, relieved to realize that he had managed to reach his destination, from where he could call for help.

And once again there was an overreaction

"BACK TO THE PAST!?" Beerus and Whis shouted one more time, capturing another extremely worrying data.

"Did you just realize now?" Said Broly, who felt the need to get in the way of that family reunion.

And that would be the last uninterrupted conversation by the two guests.

Too many very disturbing questions had accumulated that needed an answer as soon as possible




WHY DOES HE SAY THAT HE IS THE SON OF BULMA AND VEGETA!?" Beerus yelled, demanding an immediate explanation.

Both he and Whis were very confused by what was happening… and the few things they understood were either illegal, impossible or raised even more questions

Although they weren't the only people who wanted answers

"It's true dad ...

Who is that handsome boy?

He has a girlfriend?" Bra asked very flushed and with maiden eyes as she looked at Trunks obsessively without even blinking.

And obviously this sentences, body language and expression of Bra towards Trunks triggered all the existing alarms in Broly's overprotective father's brain "NO! ¡NO! ¡NO! ¡NO! NO! NO! NO!



Bra! Vegeta jr! Goten! Zingiber! Go to Bra's room and do whatever you want, but don't even think about leaving the house until I say so!"

Orders that contradicted the orders that Broly gave them on the previous chapter, something that Bra wanted to point out "But dad, before you told me that..."

"I know what I said!

Go inside!

I prefer that to what is happening here!" Said Broly sentencing the discussion, choosing the leaser evil

"OK!" All the children said at once heading inside the mansion

Therefore when the children left the adults began their conversation with the two annoying gods ...

Which lasted several minutes...

"I see, so this is Trunk, the son of Bulma and Vegeta from a future timeline...

And Trunks has come from that future to this past timeline with the time machine that the future Bulma of that timeline created..." Whis said, summing up almost everything

However, that explanation created more questions in our Beerus, who missed certain past episodes that didn't help him fully understand those data "Wait ...

If he comes from the future, why is he Vegeta and Bulma's son?


One day you cheated on Broly with the guy he hates the most to piss him off?"


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING!" Bulma yelled as she slapped Beerus for obvious reasons

"Good slap honey" Said Broly, shielding his wife to force Beerus to gladly accepted that slap

"It's true, I didn't tell you what happened years ago Beerus-sama.

A few decades after ago, my sister and I believed that Broly could be a time traveller

However, in the end, after resorting to many sources, we discovered that wasn't like that

We discovered that this is the timeline created by the first time traveler from another universe, who fled to our universe to hide from the persecution of the universe 12 gods

In our universe this mad scientist carried out some experiments and fortuitously thousands of years later our mutant and superior Broly was born

A Broly different from the other timelines

And from what we can see in this timeline Broly was ahead of Vegeta in terms of marrying Bulma too" Whis responded by explaining to his cat the conclusions of his criminal investigation

Investigation that he concluded with the evidence collected thanks to the Dragon Balls, Shin's trips to the past and other timelines, in which he was able to verify that there were other different Brolys and especially by the answers of the omniscient Zuno

"All this happened?

Why was I not informed?" Beerus asked indignantly for being neglected in such an important matter, a matter that also involved his worst enemy

"Because you were sleeping and because the time I wanted to talk to you about this matter, you said you didn't want to hear anything ...

Also, Broly is no longer suspected of being a time traveller.

Rather, it seems that we have just found the culprit" Whis replied, emphasizing Beerus's incompetence, and why he hadn't been told anything until now.

"Yes, I am innocent of time travel ... however I haven't yet been compensated for that false accusation" Broly replied, half lying.

"Putting that aside ...

This is quite the surprise!

I'm impressed you were able to create a device capable of such a feat

I was always under the impression this type of technology was beyond humans" Whis said, praising Bulma, the most important, influential and decisive character in this manga despite not being a combatant

The being that had created the most powerful weapons in existence, the time machine and the Dragon Ball radar

Some compliments that Bulma loved "The future me created it!

I have to admit I'm pretty awesome!

Although from what you can see not only allows time travel, it allows travel to any time of all parallel lines

If it weren't like that, Trunks would have travelled to the past where I wasn't with Broly"

"And that makes everything even more worrying ...

I believe we've already informed you that manipulating time is a very serious offense" Whis said, that despite how impressed he was with the feat performed by his favourite human ... he had to inform her that this is illegal

"That's right!

I have every right to destroy you right here now!

In fact, even if I did, you'd have no right to complain about it!" Beerus said, whose words were more motivated by his attempt to avenge the earlier slap than by fulfilling his duties as a Hakaishin.


It was the me from the future…

NO THE ME NOW!!" Bulma protested for being accused of a crime that she hadn't yet committed.

"It's true, and that Bulma married Vegeta so it's Vegata's fault

Destroy him!" Said Broly, who quickly used his favorite scapegoat.

A death sentence that Vegeta didn't agree with at all "HEY!?



"This makes sense to me ..." Broly insisted with his illogical argument

Nonsense that continued for a while...

And while that discussion continued, both Beerus and Whis found themselves in a great dilemma

Beerus, being a Hakaisin, was in charge of destroying any threat to the universe ... and someone capable of creating a time machine was undoubtedly someone very dangerous

Furthermore, someone related to that person had time traveled right in front of them, creating a new timeline, one of the greatest multiversal crimes.

Therefore, they must be destroyed as soon as possible, either to punish him for his crime or to prevent new ones

And Whis as the Tenshin in charge of the Hakaishin, he had to make sure that the Hakaishin fulfilled his duties...


Considering that Bulma was already their friend, that she hadn't committed any crime yet, that if they tried to do something to her Broly would declare war and that they couldn't kill Trunks either because Bulma would ask Broly to stop them...

But most important of all ... if they eroded their relationship with that couple they would no longer be able to eat the most delicious food in the universe ...

They tried to ignore those little details and focus on other more important things.

And specifically Whis wanted to ask Trunks a question ...

A question of vital importance that has been haunting his head for decades "Trunks, you already came to this timeline from the future years ago, right?"

"That's right sir, as my mother, Broly and the others have explained, I came a few decades ago due to the androids problem" Trunks answered, who still didn't know the identity of that guy and the ugly cat… but they seemed to be important people

"And after solving the problem with the Andorids you went back to your future, which is 18 years ahead of our timeline.

I'm wrong?" Asked Whis to the time traveller that they hadn't yet killed

"Yes, of course…

After coming here I went back to my time…" Trunks answered, that like the others ... except Broly... didn't understand why Whis had asked such an obvious question which such a serious face

"I see... this is curious ..." Whis answered, who frowned and began to think about the implications of that answer ... that answer that changed practically everything ...

However, the others ... except Broly ... still didn't understand why Whis was giving so much importance to that detail

"Why is this so interesting, Whis?

The boy came from the future and then he came back

It's obvious isn't it?" Said Beerus, who thought he had missed something the day he was taught how time travel works.

Everything that Trunks had said is very normal ... at least within the logic of time travel ...

while Whis was giving a lot of importance to this simple detail

What didn't fit here?

"It's true, I haven't mentioned it to you yet.

But when we suspected that Broly was a time traveler Shin used his time ring to investigate him in different timelines

We were able to investigate him in the present and in the past but… it was impossible for us to do so in the future" Whis said, finishing explaining the origin of his worries

Information that perhaps didn't say much to most, but that exploded with the force of a nuclear bomb in the brains of others


Was it impossible for you to travel to the future with the rings!?" Beerus yelled showing great concern… and Broly feigning that same concern

"Those time rings have any limitations to go to the future or were damaged?" Asked Bulma, Gohan and Trunks, that they didn't understand how it was possible that they couldn't travel to the future

From the point of view of relativistic physics was difficult to travel to the past… but going to the future shouldn't be a big problem

"No, those rings don't have any limitation

They allow you to go to the past, the future and even the present of each timeline without creating new timelines

And it's not due to a malfunction of Shin's ring, we were able to verify with other Kaioshin that their rings didn't allow them to travel to the future

I doubt that all the rings would break down simultaneously" Whis replied, explaining concepts the concepts to mortals without much information about the magic world.

"Whis you should explain these things to me even if I refuse!

And ... do you know why this happened?

Is there some kind of explanation?" Beerus asked, who was beginning to hate all time travel with all his soul.

"After many years we only came up with three explanations

The first and simplest is that the rules that govern all time rings changed.

But we quickly discarded that probability, since I secretly consulted this question with Dai Shinkan and he told me that they hadn't made any changes" Whis explained again

[He asked about the time rings, but without explaining the problem they had

Well done Whis] Broly thought as he read Whis's mind to make sure everything was going as planned

Although this was something he had been doing for decades…

"What are the other two options?" Bulma asked, which she sensed that she wouldn't like the second alternative

And obviously Whis, who was dying to explain his other theory replied "These are the ones we obtained years ago by asking Zuno...

One is that someone blocked the future using the Super Dragon Balls or other unorthodox method

And the other and more worrying is that in the future there will be a multiversal cataclysm that will prevent time travel

Although we don't know exactly what type of cataclysm, who or what will cause it or when it will happen...

However, there are very few who have such a capacities...

In fact ... I can only think of one person..."

"A cataclysm?


Don't tell me that…" Beerus said extremely scared, since like Whis he could only think of one person

He only knew a person with such power capable of causing a cataclysm of this magnitude that would even distort space-time.

"Are you talking about Zeno?" Broly said, exposing the main culprit they were thinking of

"It is very probable ...

That is why none of the Angels, Hakaishin or Kaioshin have reported this to Dai Shinkan, Zeno-sama or anyone else in their sphere or power...

This is likely to cause Zeno-sama to advance his possible plans to destroy all the universes and timelines

A destruction that somehow prevents traveling forward to that eliminated future

We need more information if we want to avoid this possible cataclysm" Whis answered, finishing with his theory.

"THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL UNIVERSES AND TIMELINES!?" Shouted absolutely everyone who hadn't yet realized the seriousness of the matter

Does that mean that in the not too distant future everyone would die?

And that's almost impossible to avoid that situation?



Panic quickly spread among the group, who although they were used to living on the edge meeting from time to time with creatures capable of destroying the universe ...



It was desperate, devastating ... so much so that only one person could stay calm.

"I see ... that's why you were surprised that Trunks could go back to the future ...

A future that you cannot travel with the rings of time, but that Trunk was able to access through his time machine

And that this also gives us important information...

This cataclysm won't occur in 18 years, that gives us a margin..." Said Broly, trying to change the subject to distract the agitated minds of his family, friends, acquaintances and Vegeta

"Exactly ... this last reflection is what has positively surprised me.

We still have time to discover the possible origin of the end of all timelines..." Whis affirmed, trying like Broly to transmit positivity to the group

A positivism that managed to control the audience's anxiety… so much so that even the most intelligent used their brains to find some solutions or at least analyse the problem… like Bulma "As for the reason why Trunks can travel back to the future, I can only think of two reasons

That my time machine is better than your magic rings…"

"Something impossible" Beerus said bluntly, poking at the bubble of pride that Bulma was beginning to build around herself.


That because Trunks is a native of that future he is able to return like you did with the rings when travelled to the past...

Let's say that the alleged future cataclysm prevents us from traveling from the present to a future of which we don't belong, but it doesn't prevent us from returning if we belong to that future..." Said Bulma, finishing explaining her latest theory, which although it was the most likely wasn't her favourite

"I see, that makes a lot of sense..." Beerus said, who accepted that theory… although he still found all of this too disturbing and strange.

And Gohan, who had been thinking about the space-time paradoxes that they were theorizing for a long time, tried to resolve a loose end that remained to be answered "Wait, there is something that we haven't considered yet…

Whis, Beerus...

Do you know if any Kaioshin have used their time ring to travel thousands of years into the future before?

A much more distant future than Trunks future?"

"Yes, of course…

The Supreme Kais have the task of observing the evolution of mortals...

Many times... sometimes... they use the time rings to travel thousands of years into the future to see how they will progress.

Many of them went to futures further than Trunks, I know that well enough" Whis replied, who knew for a fact that some Kais had traveled to very distant futures to investigate ... some even to know when they would die...


How is it possible that they could travel to that future before but not now?

What has changed?" Gohan asked, although he sensed the answer wanted to know if other alternatives existed

"Most likely, the culprit, whether direct or indirect, of this space-time blockade is in a new timeline.

A timeline created after that time travel made by the Kais" Whis said, reminding everyone one of the many reasons why time travels are a great crime

"I see…

A new timeline…" Beerus said very focused on this theory as he tried to tie up all the loose ends in his mind.


Anyway, what we have discovered today is pretty good…" Broly said, who approached Trunks and put his hand on his shoulder as a sign of friendship… or at least not aggression…



What's good about this?" Trunks asked, who didn't understand how can the end of everything have a good side…. and also didn't understand why Broly was treating him with such familiarity right now

He believed that he hated him and wanted to kill him for being Vegeta's son.

"It's obvious…

Through you we can be 18 years ahead of all events at all times ...

If we can find an effective way to connect your future timeline with the one we are currently living and to send and receive information ... a subject in which my Bulma is an expert ... we will be able to know exactly when the total apocalypse happens in the future

In addition, if you manage to place yourself in the upper echelons it's even possible that you will discover exactly trigger of that alleged apocalypse

Therefore with this information we will be able to avoid that situation in our timeline" Said Broly, which made everyone regain hope as he brusquely stroked Trunks' head, who was afraid for his hair

"IT'S TRUE!" Everyone screamed at once again, but this time with extremely joy

What a relief!

They aren't destined to die helplessly!

There's still hope!

Thanks Broly for coming up with great ideas!

"Mmm ...

I think I'll forgive you Bulma and Trunks

As long as you help save all the universes, of course" Said Beerus, pretending to be magnanimous when in reality he just wanted that the intergalactic criminals could save his butt.

It seems that he could finally be a little calm. They had time to spare and a possible solution to avoid the possible catastrophe

Anyway, everything was going well for him again

"Yeah I know…

I don't know if I should do it… what you told me earlier offended me a lot…

I think I would need an apology..." Bulma said, making things quite difficult for Beerus

Suddenly Bulma had become one of the people who could save all the universes and Beerus too… therefore she wanted to take advantage to that situation

And the first thing was to have that conceited cat under her control

"OH… no…" Beerus said, who understood that at least the next 18 years would be even more difficult for him because of Bulma

Didn't he just have to suffer with Broly? Now was his wife also added to the equation?

Who the hell had put together these two bastards who seemed like they were always dominating him?

When did he lose his ultimate authority in the universe?

What the hell was happening to his life?

[Y hate this family…

I'm sure my self in the timeline without Broly is very happy] Beerus thought as he prayed for Bra not to follow in her parents' footsteps.

But he wasn't the only one with unsolved questions either ...

"Can we ask Trunks about what happened to him in the future ?!

I want to know what kind of enemy he had fought!" Said Goku, who could no longer bear his desire to fight against the guy who beat up Trunks

He had been listening for hours conversations that didn't understand about something that would happen in the future!

But none of that interested him now

His body was begging him for action!

"Upps you are right ...

Sorry son, we got distracted by the apocalypse ...

Tell your mother who did this to you" Said Bulma, who quickly put aside her malevolent plans towards Beerus to focus on her son

And Trunks in a cordial way, not caring that practically everyone had ignored his story for a few hours, replied "Don't worry…

It's normal, anyone would be worried about all this you have mentioned...

You see, all started when..."

A lot of text, sorry

Meralmancreators' thoughts