
A Martial Artist Girl Reincarnation



''Yeah, yeah, little Mimi, I know! Let's change this dirty diaper!''

Inside a simple wooden house, but with a modern feel, there was a little old man taking care of a baby.

The old man name was Roshi, he looked to be in his eighties, and he have a quite funny looks. He is bald, and has a thick Fu Manchu mustache style and a beard, both as white as snow; he wore sunglasses even inside the house, an orange beach blouse, a beige short shot, flip flops, and he was carring a tortoiseshell as big as he is on his back.

And the baby that he is taking care of is called Minakaoshi, or for short, Mimi, his granddaughter. She has some brown hair on her head and her eyes are light brown.

The old man was trying to change the diaper, but the baby, Mimi, moved her little legs non-stop and even kicked his hand a few times.

''Oh come on, Mimi! We've been through this many times! Why don't you let me change your diaper without you squirming?!'' The old man complained.

Unbeknownst to the old man, Mimi is actually aware of everything that was going on.

'I can't help it, old man! I know I'm a baby now and that you've changed my diaper several times, but it's still embarrassing!' Mimi thought in discomfort.

It all started one year ago.

Mimi is a person who was reincarnated with her memories after dying. Her name was Kageyama Makoto, and she was an incredible Martial Arts enthusiast. Her family was formed mostly by martial artists and she also inherited this trait. Since she was little, she loved to practice all kinds of martial arts, such as Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Kung Fu, and many other styles.

Because of that, she always focused on training her martial arts on he free time, putting aside leisure activities like playing video games, watching anime or reading manga that her younger brother saw and read every day.

Her brother always tried to push these things at her, saying it was fun, but she never wavered.

Makoto's dream was to inherit the dojo from her father, who was a world famous martial artist. But that all ended when she decided to react in a robbery.

She was great at martial arts, a genius some would say, but it was impossible for anyone to dodge bullets. By the time she had reacted, she had managed to immobilize one robber, but there was another one who quickly shot her down.

It was a tragic ending for a teenager girl with big dreams.

(A / N: Never react in a robbery, folks! Most of the time, the robber is more scared than the victim, and can end up shooting at any sudden movement!)

After embracing death however, Makoto found herself not in heaven or hell, but in a completely dark place. She could feel her body, but it felt strangely heavy, she could also smell and hear some strange sounds, as if her ear was ringing.

She stayed been in this weird state for a long time, but luckily for her, her conscience was kind of numb, like she was drugged, making her not even notice the passage of time. And after what seemed just minutes, her consciousness returned to normal and she was finally able to see light with her eyes again.

But what she saw scared her.

A beautiful woman was hugging her while leaning against a wall, she had brown hair and sapphire eyes and she looked strangely big, her body was all bloody and bruised.

The woman approached her with difficulty with a small smile.

''My little angel, grandpa is almost here, we'll be fine....'' She said in a weak voice.

Makoto didn't understand what she had said, her hearing seemed to be hurt, but she noticed that the woman hugged her defensively, as if she was protecting her.

In the background Makoto could hear loud noises, it sounded like gunshots, screams and things breaking.

Makoto felt despair take over her as she thought that someone was shooting, she didn't want to have the same experience of being shot again, and she also wanted to help the poor woman who seemed to be protecting her.

But soon after she felt a great drowsiness take over her, and the last thing she saw was a old man that was running towards them with rivers of tears in his eyes.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Makoto waked up, thinking it had all been a dream, but then she sees the same old man she had seen in her dream, and like that woman, the old man appeared to be a giant.

''I'm lucky that little Mimi is really a quiet and well behaved baby, I really don't know how to deal with babies....'' He said with a sigh as he placed a blue teddy bear beside her.

Makoto was amazed at the situation, it was too real to be a dream.

Even though her hearing got bad, preventing her from hearing most things, she managed to understand a very specific word that he had said.

'Did he said.....baby?' She thought confused.

Anxiety took over her and she started to try to move, but she could barely move a muscle, it was as if she had no strength, or rather, it was as if she had no control over her body.

She thinked about how big the woman and the old man were, about how she couldn't move her body, and the old man saying 'baby' while looking at her. All of that made her come to a conclusion, but she completely denied it, until the old man came and change her diapers, after that, she understood her situation.

'Am I a baby?!' She thought.

Because of the shock, as she was still a little baby, she had again lost consciousness.


For a year, Makoto couldn't move, and her other senses weren't fully developed either, but strangely, the passage of time seemed faster than usual, perhaps because she was a baby.

And in second year, she was finally able to move, at least a little, and that brings us to the present.

''Hooo! Little Mimi, you really are a piece of work when it comes to changing diapers!'' Roshi said as he wiped the sweat on his forehead with his arm.

In response, Mimi grunted, still feeling embarrassed.

In these two years, she had discovered many things over time. Since there was only her and the old man in the house, he usually talks to himself, which was a source of information for her.

At first it was difficult for her to understand all the words being said, but as time passed, her hearing continued to improve considerably.

She learned many things, such as her new name, Minakaoshi, which is the fusion between her mother's and father's name.

She also discovered that her new grandfather was really eccentric.

When he wasn't taking care of her, he seems to like play video games, watch TV, and read magazines. Mimi don't know about what he sees on TV, read or play, as she is too young and her eyes couldn't see very well from afar, but he did everything with great seriousness, he always carried a notepad to write down things, and often his nose bled, possibly from exhaustion.

And the weirdest thing about him, is that he do it all while sitting on the back of a big turtle.

Mimi can't help but worry about this weird grandfather.


Three more years have passed, and Mimi is now five.

Mimi's hair now reaches down to the back of her neck, and her features have taken on more detailed shapes. She looked really cute, and according to her grandfather, she would be a beauty when she grew up, not that she was happy with such a comment coming from a pervert.

In the past three years, Mimi had found out about the things her grandfather saw on TV and read in magazines, and her opinion of the old man had drastically diminished.

Her grandfather who she thought was a mature, responsible and hardworking person, was actually a damn pervert.

Now at five years old, Mimi has practically complete control over her body, and because of a few light exercises her grandfather made her do with him every morning after she turned three, her body was a little stronger than a normal five-year-old.

Even though her grandfather was a huge pervert, she was still grateful for the eccentric old man's care. She misses her home, her parents and brother, and the presence of her new grandfather made her feel less melancholyc.

Currently, Mimi is getting ready to start training in Martial Arts, as her grandfather is not home.

'He must have probably gone to buy more pornographic magazines.' She thought with disgust.

Mimi didn't want her grandfather to see her train, as it would be too weird to see a five-year-old girl out of nowhere start practicing martial arts.

'Okay, now is the perfect time to start my foundation! First I need to start with body training! But I should only do light exercises, nothing too exaggerated, as my body is still very fragile.' Mimi thought determinedly.

First, she warmed up with some light stretches, and then got ready to start training.

'Let's start!'

Beginning the training, Mimi raised her arms horizontally by 25 degrees.

'My body is still very weak, and doing heavy exercises would be very harmful, that being said, the best way for me to strengthen my muscles right now is using the planet's own gravity!'

Standing with her arms raised for a few seconds, she could already feel the weight of gravity in her arms. She held her arms up for a few more seconds, then slowly lowered them.

She then raised her arms again, but this time she raised her arms in front of her chest, and held for a few seconds before lowering.

Mimi continued to do several different exercises for thirty minutes, and in every exercise, she would use gravity to train her muscles.

However, after thirty minutes, Mimi fell to the floor tiredly. She's completely sweaty and exhausted, but she had a smile on her face.

'Thirty minutes of exercises! Not bad! I will continue this training until my physical condition improves. I will do these same exercises every day, but only once a day, so as not to compromise my growth and so that there are no problems!'

Finishing planning her future steps, a wave of sleep invades Mimi's mind and body, and without her being able to resist, she fell asleep on the floor.

Unbeknownst to Mimi, a pair of sunglasses watched her.

This book is just for my enjoyment, so don't expect a very elaborate plot, perfect grammar and things like that. But if you still liked it, please add it to your library, and if you have any suggestions for the fanfic, feel free to write in the comments section!

Holo_Lovercreators' thoughts