
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Volume 37 The Dark Lord

Juan was covering Takato's eyes from witnessing a horrific scene, standing against their father in such a weak state would only lead to their death. Yuri looking at Shion who was horrified to see Nara's corpse. Victor created a barrier trapping everyone inside the house, the barrier created was too strong for Usagi to break.

Usagi changing in his dragon state charges to attack Victor, Yuri taking his family in the lounge said, "Do you trust me? There is only one way for you to live peacefully. I had a chance to stop this and my hesitation endangered you all…" A loud terrifying roar was head in the dining room.

Victor changed into his demonic state, his eyes and body were black and stained with evil. His obsession grew more and more till it completely destroyed his golden core. Usagi battling his son busted him out of the roof, their battle continued up in the sky.

Victor overpowered his father, looking deep down his agonising eyes he said, "No one can come between me and my desire for Yuri!" He ripped the golden core of his father and crashed it in his hands, faintly Usagi said, "He is better off away…from your evil…" Victor dropped him before he could finish his statement.

The thunder rumbled and the lightning hit back at the ground, Yuna with vast knowledge she remembered from the books of spells crated a shield to armour her family from danger. Yuri caught a glimpse of a person falling from the sky, the person was excessively bleeding. Yuna rushed over and cried, "Grandpa!"

Victor flew down the sky, with angry eyes Yuna said, "Stay…" with a wave of a hand Yuna was thrown on the walls by Victor. Looking at Juan who was standing before his parents, "I can kill you all with a flash of a second…Yuri give me your hand and let us go home." Shion was holding Yuri's hand, with a frown Victor said, "I will not repeat myself."

Yuri knew if Victor walked out of the walls the world could be torn apart, but killing him was impossible. Yuri clenched his fists and said, "Victor why are you doing this?" Walking closer to Yuri, he replied, "I am simply taking back what belongs to me, and anyone who objects will only face death…" Shion stabbed Victor with a knife he found on the floor, the knife corroded away, grabbing his neck he lifted him up in the air and said, "The only reason you are still breathing is because if l kill you, my Yuri will die too!"

Yuri with tears dripping down his eyes said, "I will go home with you! Don't hurt him…" "What a nuisance." Victor dropped Shion on the ground, he coughed really hard whilst gasping for air. Yuri knelt before Shion and said, "Are you alright? Your neck is bruised!"

Yuri knelt before Victor, burying his face on the ground he said, "I will only leave the palace if you promise not to hurt my children and Shion. They will stay here unharmed…" Victor with an annoyed face replied, "If you try to escape from me, I will kill them all one by one…get up and let us go."

Shion shaking his head said, "Yuri, how can I let you go…" Victor opened a portal, before walking in Yuri kissed Shion and said, "I love you." The portal closed when they walked in, Victor created a barrier around the farm Nara bought trapping Shion and his family inside.

Victor arrived at the palace; the maids were surprised to see King Yuri by his side. The maids quickly walked out of the room when Victor waved his hand, looking at Yuri he said, "Join me in the bathroom." Yuri stripped his clothes as he walked inside the bathroom, he saw Victor already settled in the tub dinking a glass of wine.

Victor grabbed Yuri in the tub, he poured wine all over his body, licking every drop of wine Victor sexually harassed Yuri. In his mind the thoughts of his husband's safety gave him strength to endure te pain and humiliation. Victor slowly inserted his huge dick in Yuri, he felt as if his butt would tear in half.

Licking Yuri's tears off his face, Victor said, "I will wipe out everything that is associated with Shion in this world…until you forget him and remember me. I will find a way to break your soul bonding…until then witness the terror I will unravel in this world." Yuri held back his moans, the pain was immense for him to handle.

Yuri knew that the Victor he used to know was dead and only the devil had awakened, Yuri passed out and woke up countless times and still the monster was rapping him.

A doctor was called in by Victor when Yuri's body began burning up, he was treated by Daniel and Mike. When Yuri opened his eyes, he saw Daniel beside his bed, after drinking a glass of water Yuri said, "You have to get Talin and meet me here tonight, you aren't safe here. I might not save the world, but I can save my family for now…" "How can he…" Daniel quickly shut his mouth when he saw Victor standing at the balcony.

"If you are awake, dress up we have a meeting to attend to." Victor with cold eyes looked at Yuri who was lying on the bed. Yuri cleared his throat, "You need to send in doctors to my family…" "I am your family Yuri!" with an angry tone Victor banged the wall startling Daniel. Yuri was perfectly calm, looking directly in Victor's cold eyes he continued, "Yuna and Shion were hurt, I will keep on bring this matter until a professional doctor is sent in to look after their health."

The tension in the room was suffocating for Daniel, he had never seen Yuri with a serious face before. Victor replied, "I will send in the doctor of my choice…" "It was my request therefore my doctors should be sent in." Yuri might have been brave outside but on the inside he was breaking down. Yuri crossed his fingers hoping the monster before him would accept his request.

Looking at Daniel he said, "Where is this other doctor?" It was a good opportunity for Yuri to throw in one last favour, "In addition, I need you supply food and essentials for them regularly." Turning his back on Yuri he replied, "Let this be the last of your ridiculous demands, only once per year will you enter that place…and it depends on how much you perform to please me. I wasn't planning to starve them to death… I will send in supplies to them. Get the doctors ready in the next five minutes before I revoke my decision."

Victor walked in the bathroom, Yuri holding Daniel's hands said, "Please look after my family, take care of my Shion. Now quickly get Talin and leave this place to safety." Mike was assigned to be Yuri's doctor it was impossible for him to leave the place. Victor fully dressed came out of the room and saw Daniel and Talin waiting in the bedroom.

Victor opened a portal and escorted Daniel and Talin inside the barred house. Daniel rushed over to Shion who was trying to save his daughter from fever, opening his medical supplies he said, "You can rest whilst I look after her." Victor looking at Shion said, "You are lucky to be alive…" Shion clenched his fists and shouted, "How heartless can you be to hurt your own daughter."

Talin took the young masters in another room, Victor looking at Yuna replied, "Nothing matters to me more than my Yuri, you once took him away from me and you are lucky, I didn't kill all of you for that. Embrace your life for now because once I break that soul bond…I will break every inch of your body." Victor suddenly disappeared after threatening Shion.

Daniel was relieved that Yuna's fever was slowly getting better, the house needed repair. The roof off the lounge was on the ground, some furniture was damaged. Shion was looking at the moon, he said, "How was Yuri?" Sitting beside him, Daniel replied, "He is alright, thanks to him we are safe in here…" "I need to find a way to leave this place and rescue my wife." There was total silence in the room.

Looking out the garden Yuri saw countless corpse lying on Victor's feet, he was dressed in his royal robe with a kingship crown on his head. Suddenly Victor appeared on his back, his cold wrapped Yuri's waist, kissing him on the shoulder he said, "You are mine, now and forever Yuri…" "I will rather die than be held willingly but a monster like you." Yuri looking at the corpses responded Victor's gruesome confession. After Victor sexually assaulted him he needed to kill himself but he knew his death will unleash hell on earth, before he could die he needed to figure out a way to deal with Victor first.

The royal court was summoned, all kings were mumbling amongst themselves. Victor entered the room holding Yuri's hand, paying their respects the other kings lowered their heads. Victor was wearing his father's crown, after helping Yuri sit on his throne he said, "I see traitors standing before my eyes, you were all acquittance of King Shion and Lord Usagi when they decided to take my Yuri away."

One brave King stood on his feet and replied, "My Prince, King Yuri made a choice to marry King Shion…rumour has it that they were soulmates…" The king spitted blood when Victor suddenly stabbed him with a dark sword, his body turned black as his soul was consumed by the blade. Yuri caught a cold glimpse of his cold eyes popping behind the corpse of the King, licking the blood of the blade Victor said, "For treason you committed I hereby slaughter you all and feed your souls to my blade…"