
New Resolve

That damned bastard. Although I keep hoping I never see him again, he keeps reappearing. Damien sat in the doorway of the hospital room, leaning casually against the wall. I would say I was impressed that he found out, but the death of my parents had made headlines and its public knowledge. Especially because my mother was a well-known D.A. and my father was a Sheriff in in the town I grew up in. I said nothing, nor did I have the energy too. Miss Rita had tears silently streaming down her face. Bastion and Aaron where both equally silent as they stared at me.

"Ironically enough, the 16th anniversary of their death is at the end of this month, the same date of the gala. Isn't that right Rosaline?" I huffed once, annoyed with his presence. Why wouldn't he stop talking, didn't he make his point already? Why did he have to keep dragging me through the mud.

"How is my cat?" I asked trying to change the subject. Aaron, now pulled from his far away thoughts, gave me a weak smile. The uncomfortable atmosphere was thick and heavy. The only aura that Damien can seem to cause.

"Ah, 'he' is doing just fine. I hope you don't mind we gave him a name on the spot. He couldn't be checked in without one so me named him Leo." I suppose I could stop calling him an "it" now since he has a gender and a name. "His paw is sprained, and all of the blood that was on him came from you, so they have him on anti-inflammatory. He should be good within the next week." I felt myself sink into the hospital bed in relief. He was going to be okay. I hoped that when we got home, he wasn't going to be so reckless in the future as well.

"This conversation isn't over Rose. I know you are reluctant to talk about it, but this whole thing is clearly still bothering you. As much as you are my employee, you are also my friend and a big part of my life. I think Aaron would agree." Bastion said elbowing Aaron in the ribs. Aaron side graed him with a glare before returning his gaze to me. A bright smile replacing the grimace on his face moments prior.

"I really don't think anyone can help this idiot run the company better than you can. So, if you really do need anything, please do not hesitate to tell us." He said with a smile. Miss Rita grabbed my hand up with hers, a teary smile on her lips. I could feel my chest starting to ache. I wasn't sure if it was from the overwhelming amount of people in the room I was occupying, or the fact that they were trying to support me. Either way, this much attention wasn't befitting me.

"Thank you, all of you. I appreciate your support. But I really am fine. Please don't worry about me. It's just a bad string of luck that's all." I said with the best reassuring smile I could muster. It wasn't exactly a lie either. Up until the accident, I really had been fine.

"Fine, we will stop bothering you for now, but when we come back. I want to talk about that will the doctor mentioned. If it's something important, you should do it sweety." Miss Rita whispered before she kissed my head and rose to her feet. She must have heard the doctor before making her entrance, that's the only explanation I have for her knowing about the will. Her tenderness was welcomed in my moment of disparity. She really was like a damn mother to me. I wouldn't call her a replacement, but I definitely wish she would have adopted me when I was younger and guided me through my childhood.

I watched as they all filed out one by one. Everyone except for Damien. I clenched my fists, feeling the anger slowly rise to the surface. What business did he have talking about my past? He didn't need to investigate me behind my back and throw it in my face. Damien chuckled quietly as he slowly walked up to my bed. Although his face was soft, it still remain emotionless. I couldn't read him at all, and it was bothering me quite a bit.

"You really should start relying more on your friends. To think after all these years, you would still continue to be so guarded. It honestly hurts. You don't even recognize me and that's what makes me even more sad. Rest assured; this will not be the last you see of me Miss Freed." He bent over the bed, trying to intimidate me with his size. Although he surely did make me feel uncomfortable, I wouldn't be swayed by his passive aggressive nature.

"You talk as if you know me." I was relieved my voice came out calm and cold. But to my utter dismay, all he did was chuckle as he leaned in closer. My eyes widened in surprise, my heart started pounding again, and the monitor started going off on the machine. There was a dangerous glint in those deep gold eyes of his. I placed a weak hand on his firm chest, hoping that he would back off. No one ever dared to get this close, not in this manor anyway. Although I could feel myself shaking under his presence, there was a side of me that was slightly attracted to his demanding demeanor.

"There was at one point in time you and I did know each other, but that was long ago. I hope that maybe one day you will remember me." He whispered as he closed in on my ear. His breath tickled and sent shivers down my spine. "Just remember this, I may be a patient man, but for you it only goes so far." With that he pulled away, but not before winking. I couldn't even form a coherent word as I watched him walk away. Did I know anyone by the name of Damien in my life time? I wouldn't ever forget rare golden eyes like those. Could they be contacts? Was he trying to hide something? Maybe an identity?

I would definitely lose sleep over this man, mostly because I didn't have a damn clue who he possibly could be. What motive did he have in investigating my past? Why couldn't I just live a peaceful life? If I had never gotten in that accident with that stupid cat, I wouldn't even be in this position. I would be in the office, working to my heart's content. I would already have Ashley Tine and Darek Chamberlain as my models. Celestia and I would be talking over a possible modeling career over coffee. How did things come to this?

I would not let that Damien scare me. If he had patience, than he would have to exercise that brain of his. I have no use in thinking about him because he was not important to me. If I was going to see him more often, then I would do everything I could to ignore him. If I told Bastion and Aaron what he said to me, they would protect me. I don't need some creeper lurking around and trying to bully me. I had my future to think about, and that meant I had to focus only on that.

If it turns out he is working for Illia and Lilah, then I would destroy him. Bastion and Aaron are good friends of mine, and I wouldn't want some lunatic ruining that for them. Maybe I could find someone to look into his background for me. If he was a threat, then he should be taken care of appropriately. In fact, I am pretty sure there is still someone in the police department who still knows me from the accident. Officer James Cowell. He said he would keep an eye out for me. If I needed anything I could go to him. As soon as I get out of here, I will find a time to meet up with him.

Damien, I hope you are ready whoever you are. You can't take me down so easily. My father was the best Detective, and my mother the greatest D.A. You can't defeat me!