
Draconic Inclination

The means to an end does not have a static final shape. Only you; the creator of it, can give it a final shape.

Zeesuhs · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Whispers of the Past

Zenia walked cautiously through the crumbling corridors of the abandoned building, a place she had frequented centuries ago when it was alive with the frenetic energy of a bustling newsroom. Now, it lay in ruins, a relic of a bygone era, its walls echoing with the whispers of long-forgotten conversations and the distant memories of a world that had moved on. As she explored the open space, Zenia's eyes swept over the remnants of what was once a hive of activity. Broken desks and overturned chairs littered the floor, while tattered remnants of newspapers and faded photographs adorned the walls, offering glimpses into the past. The wind sighed mournfully through shattered windows, stirring up clouds of dust that danced in shafts of sunlight filtering through the cracks. Hearing footsteps approaching, Zenia instinctively sought cover under a desk, her heart pounding with anticipation. A group of people passed by, their voices carrying faintly through the air. "No wonder I didn't hear his loudmouth," one of them remarked, prompting a chuckle from another. Zenia waited until they had moved on before emerging from her hiding spot, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

As she continued her exploration, Zenia's gaze fell upon a stack of dusty tomes tucked away in a forgotten corner of the room. Curiosity piqued, she approached and began to sift through the ancient volumes, her fingers trailing over weathered spines and yellowed pages. Among the collection, she stumbled upon a worn leather-bound journal, its pages filled with faded ink and cryptic diagrams. With growing excitement, Zenia flipped through the pages, her eyes widening as she uncovered the secrets contained within. The journal spoke of dragons and their bloodline abilities, detailing the ancient lineage that ran through her veins. As she delved deeper into the journal's pages, Zenia felt a sense of kinship with the dragons of old. Here, in this forgotten corner of the world, she found a piece of her past waiting to be rediscovered.

Zenia's fingers traced the intricate patterns on the cover of the dusty journal as she absorbed its ancient wisdom. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the subtle shift in the air until the sound of approaching footsteps broke through the silence. Instinctively, Zenia ducked behind a pile of rubble, her heart pounding in her chest as the group of people from earlier returned, their voices carrying through the abandoned corridors. "Yeah, he doesn't go easy on us," one of them remarked, his words laced with frustration. The sound of their footsteps drew closer, and Zenia held her breath, willing herself to remain unseen. As the group passed by, Zenia's hand brushed against a loose stone, sending it tumbling to the ground with a soft thud. The noise echoed through the empty halls, drawing the attention of the group. Before Zenia could react, their gazes turned towards her hiding spot, their expressions alert and curious. 

Panic surged through Zenia as she felt their eyes upon her, her mind racing for a solution. In a desperate bid to defend herself, she closed her eyes and focused her energy, feeling the power of her bloodline surging within her. Her body began to glow with a crimson light, her eyes mirroring the same unsettling hue as she chanted the incantation for the Blade of Determination.

"By the blood that flows within me, granted by the legacy of our ancestors, I call upon the law of determination. Let my blade be a beacon of hope, my symbol of rebellion in the face of my enemies. With every strike, may it remind me of my past, my lineage, and my unwavering strength." 

As the last words left her lips, a shimmering blade materialized in her hand, pulsing with raw power and determination. Zenia's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she stared at the blade, her mind reeling with confusion. She had never been able to manifest her bloodline ability, and the sudden realization left her astonished. Before she could fully process what had happened, one of the group members stepped forward, his expression a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice cutting through the tense silence. Zenia hesitated, her mind racing for an answer. Her gaze flickered to their uniforms, a sense of dread creeping over her as she recognized the insignia of Organization Homa. Every instinct screamed at her to flee, to avoid any interaction with the group at all costs. But years of survival and defiance surged within her. With dead eyes and swiftness, Zenia lunged forward, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. The group reacted with surprise and alarm, their expressions shifting from curiosity to fear as they realized the danger they were facing.

Her movements were swift and calculated, her centuries of training and experience guiding her every strike. She fought with a ferocity born of desperation, each blow driven by the memory of past betrayals and the relentless pursuit of freedom. As the chaos unfolded around her, Zenia's mind remained focused on a single thought: survival. She would not allow herself to be captured by Organization Homa again, not after everything she had endured to escape their clutches. Zenia's blade flashed through the air, each strike finding its mark with deadly accuracy. The members of Organization Homa were caught off guard by her sudden attack, their initial curiosity replaced by panic as they scrambled to defend themselves. Zenia pressed forward, her movements fluid and relentless. As the last of her assailants fell, Zenia paused to catch her breath, her chest heaving with exertion. But before she could fully lower her guard, the crackle of a radio transmission pierced the air, sending a chill down her spine.

"Attention all units, this is Sergeant Grimson," a voice boomed from the radio, its tone urgent and commanding. "We're under attack. Repeat, we're under attack. Requesting immediate backup at Sector Seven. Over." Zenia's heart skipped a beat as she realized her actions had not gone unnoticed, and now Organization Homa was mobilizing to retaliate. She knew she had to act fast if she hoped to evade capture. Grimson's voice crackled over the radio once more, his tone laced with fury. "Find the intruder and eliminate them. No mercy." Zenia's grip tightened on the hilt of her blade as she scanned the fallen bodies, her senses on high alert for any sign of movement. With a deep breath, she released the tension in her muscles, allowing her bloodline ability to recede. The Blade of Determination shimmered and dissipated into thin air, leaving only the faintest trace of aura lingering in the air.

With cautious steps, Zenia approached the bodies, her eyes scanning them for anything of value. She rummaged through their belongings, her fingers deftly searching for any clues that might shed light on Organization Homa's intentions. To her surprise, she discovered a trove of advanced technology unlike anything she had ever seen. Intricate devices and gadgets hummed with energy, their sleek designs a testament to the progress that had been made in the two millennia since she had last walked the earth.

Her curiosity piqued, Zenia examined the items with a mixture of awe and fascination, marveling at the ingenuity of the minds that had created them. But her reverie was cut short as the crackle of a radio transmission broke through the silence, drawing her attention back to the task at hand. "Attention all units, this is Operator Kaine," her voice echoed through the abandoned corridors, tone sharp and authoritative. "We have a lock on the intruder's location. I repeat, we have a lock on the intruder's location. Sector Seven, Floor 17, proceed with caution. Over." Zenia's blood ran cold at the mention of her location being compromised. She pocketed the items she had found and prepared to make her escape before Organization Homa descended upon her with full force. Zenia's footsteps echoed through the empty corridors as she made her way to the building's upper floors. As she reached the top, she pushed open a door and stepped out onto a balcony, the cool breeze tousling her hair. 

The abandoned city stretched out before her, its streets silent and still, a ghostly reminder of a time long past. But despite its desolation, there was a beauty to the scene, a sense of peace that settled over Zenia like a comforting embrace. As she sat on a weathered chair overlooking the cityscape, Zenia couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. Memories of her family flooded her mind, their faces flickering in the recesses of her memory. She imagined them by her side, marveling at the view with her, their laughter mingling with the soft rustle of the wind. "Dad, Lysandra, Mom," Zenia whispered to herself, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips. "You would've appreciated this view." She sighed softly, a wistful longing tugging at her heartstrings.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the moment was shattered as the roof door slammed open with a resounding crash. Zenia's eyes widened in alarm as a group of Homa agents came rushing through, their footsteps echoing against the walls of the abandoned building. Instinct kicked in, and Zenia leaped to her feet, her mind racing as she assessed the situation. As the Homa agents burst onto the roof, their weapons at the ready, one of them stepped forward with a raised hand, attempting to defuse the tension. "Look, we don't want any trouble," he said in a measured tone, his voice tinged with authority. "If you come with us quietly, we won't have to use force. It's for your own safety." Zenia's eyes narrowed, she knew better than to trust the promises of Homa agents, especially after all they had put her through. Instinctively, she reached deep within herself, drawing upon the latent power of her bloodline. With a deep breath, she summoned forth a Blade of Determination, the shimmering weapon materializing in her hand with a familiar hum of power.

A sense of relief washed over Zenia as she marveled at the blade, grateful for the years of training that had enabled her to at least use one Blade of Determination. In the past, she had struggled to control it, often facing the frustration of failed attempts or unpredictable results. But now, as she stood face to face with her adversaries, she felt a newfound confidence coursing through her veins. "Thank goodness for all those hours of basic magic training," Zenia thought to herself, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Looks like it's finally paying off." Before the Homa agents could react to Zenia's defiant stance, a crackle of static cut through the air as Sergeant Grimson's voice came over the radio, his tone brimming with urgency. "This is Sergeant Grimson, do you have contact with the intruder? Report back immediately."

The Homa agent quickly relayed Zenia's description to Sergeant Grimson over the radio, his voice urgent with the need to apprehend the intruder. "This is 1-1 reporting in," he began, his words crisp and concise. "We have visual contact with the intruder. Description matches that of a young black Elf man, approximately 5'4" tall, with heterochromatic eyes—one orange-yellow and the other blue-purple. Short natural silver curls with two separate long strands, and elf-like ears with scale patterns on the top and outer edges. The individual is wearing what appears to be a tattered long-lost imperial cloak, a green tunic, cream pants, and brown boots. Requesting further instructions, over." Sergeant Grimson's response crackled through the radio, his voice tinged with frustration. "Copy that, 1-1. Maintain visual contact and proceed with caution. We cannot allow the intruder to escape. Kaine, run that description through the database. Over."

The operator at the Homa headquarters swiftly inputted the description provided by the field agent into the database, her fingers flying across the keyboard with practiced efficiency. As the search results populated the screen, she scanned through the information, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Wait a minute," she murmured to herself, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. Grimson waited with growing apprehension as the operator's expression shifted, a mixture of shock and realization dawning on her features. "What is it?" He demanded, his voice tinged with urgency over the radio. The operator hesitated for a moment before answering Sergeant Grimson, her voice trembling slightly as she relayed the unexpected discovery. "Sir, the description matches that of First Imperial Princess Zenia Amani," she began, her words heavy with significance. "She defected—or escaped—from Organization Homa over 2000 years ago." A stunned silence fell over the command center as Grimson processed the startling revelation. 

Zenia's eyes darted around the roof, searching for any possible escape route. The Homa agents had her surrounded, their expressions steely and determined. She felt a surge of panic rising within her as she realized that there was no way out but down. Slowly, Zenia began to retreat, her movements slow as she edged closer to the railing overlooking the city below. Agent 1-1's voice cut through the tense silence, commanding her to stop. Ignoring the warning, she continued to back away, her heart pounding in her chest. "Capture her alive," Grimson's voice echoed through the radio, sending a chill down Zenia's spine. She knew she had to act fast if she wanted to escape their clutches. With a sudden burst of adrenaline, Zenia bolted towards the railing, her muscles coiling with tension. Without hesitation, she threw herself off the edge, hurtling into the open air below.