
What are you going to do now?

The taxi arrived in front of the police station.

She stepped out the car, and stares at the building right in front of her. The taxi driver took out her luggage from the trunk, and handed it to her. He took the money from her hand, and quickly walks away. The taxi driver has never wanted to leave this fast before.

The woman grips on her luggage, and starts walking in.

"Hi, what do you need help with?" as one of the police officer asks her. But she didn't respond, and instead she walked right past them. Both officer looks at each other, and before they knew she was out of sight.

She went straight to the forensic department. Since today is Sunday, there's not that much people in, and no has notice her in since they are busy with their own things. She walks pass them, and brings herself to stop as she reaches the dissection room.

Right inside the room, it's playing "Marriage D'Amour." A man is dancing inside with a white robe on, and if someone didn't know, people would think he's dancing with a ghost.

She turned the door knob, and walks in. As the man was too in to his dance, he didn't hear the door being opened. She walks over to the CD player and stopped the music. The man stopped also, and turned around.

The woman looks at him smiling, and took off her sunglasses.

The man looks at her because he couldn't believe the person that's standing right in front of him. "Is this a dream?" as he finally open his mouth.

"Why not check it yourself?" as she opens her arm and walks over to him.

"Where did you go all these years?"as he asks her with tears.

She releases her hands, and looks at him. "Why are you crying?" as she laughs. The man quickly wipes it. "Who's crying? It's was the dust."

"Your still the same. Still like a baby," as she said it while looking at him.

"Hah! You're wrong this time sis. I'm gonna get marry next week and I won't be your little brother that you know anymore." She rolled her eyes as he said it. "In my eyes, you are still a baby." He sticks out his tongue after hearing what she said.

"Let's get back to real stuff. What are you going to do now since you're back?" as his looks at her worryingly. Since five years ago, he never knew if she can stand back on her foot. But after seeing her standing right in front of her, he can feel something is gonna be up. "Since you are my twin, couldn't you feel it?" as she looks at him.

"Don't even get me started. If I could feel it, then I would've known where you are at in these five years."

"No need to worry about it. Right now you should be worry about your big life events coming up. I'm gonna go report now." He looks at her, "your gonna come back to work?" Hearing what he said, she punched him on his stomach. "You have a problem with that?" as she stares down at him. "A problem? Of course not. Hahaha." He gives her a hand signal saying that she can leave.

"An Le if you aren't my sister, I would definitely fight back." He holds himself on the floor as it really does hurt.


"Come in."

An Le pushed the door open, and the chief looks at her.

"An Le?"

"Yes. I'm back" An Le stood straight while looking at the chief. The chief examines her, and finally smiles. "Sit."

"Yes chief." An Le pulls the chair out, and sits in front of him. "So, how's everything?" as the chief asks her.

She looks at the chief, "everything is fine." She said it with confidence. "Okay, great to hear. Now since you're back, I trust in you that you can be good as before. Are you ready?" as the chief asks her.

An Le has never been this ready before. She has prepped herself for five years, and she wouldn't come back if she isn't ready.

"I'm ready."