
She'll come with me

The police came, and it was Inspector Lin.

An Rong stayed with An Le as they sit in the chairs. At this time, Song Zihan also arrived. The first thing he saw was An Le. He then scans the place. Blood splatter everywhere.

Zihan walks over to where the scene is, and glance at An Le while passing by.

"What happened?" as Zihan asks Inspector Lin.

"Your assistant came home, and saw this." The woman's eyes are still opened, and by looking she was stabbed to death.

"Ms. An, we know this is an unfortunate thing that happened to you. But in order to find who murder your friend, we need to do a recorded statement with you." A female officer looks at An Le, as she sees the trembling of her hands.

An Rong looks at the officer, and then holds her hands tightly. "It's gonna be fine." As he tries to comfort An Le.

The female officer nods, and then started to take the statement.

"So you said, the victim Hera Zhen escaped from an arrange marriage setup by her dad. Then do you know if there's anyone else she knows in A City besides you?"

An Le shakes her head. "She never told me."

The female officers asked a few more questions, and then ended.

Since they need to protect the scene, An Le can't live here yet. "Sis, why not come to my place for now until this is over?" as An Rong carefully looks at her. An Le shakes her head. "No, I'm fine. I don't want to bother you two since you guys just get married."

"Where are you gonna go then?" as he looks at her worriedly.

An Le smiles, "there's no place that your sis can't go too. Don't worry." But how can An Rong not worry. She just came back, and this is the only place she can rely on.

"She's gonna stay with me." A voice spoke up.

Both of them turn around, and even the inspector. "She'll stay with me." An Le looks at Song Zihan.

"I'm not gonna stay with you," An Le said. "You got no choice. My dad just called me, and told me to take care of you."

An Rong and Inspector Lin both looks at them as they are like watching a movie right there.

"I'm still not gonna go live with you." An Le said it, and turns her back at him.

"Fine then. You can be my assistant forever. I will my dad.. the chief that you are not ready at all."

"You dare too?" as An Le turns around, and stares at him. "Just watch, and see if I dare." Both of them looks at each other.

An Le has no choice, but follows him to his house. He brought her to the guest room, and puts her stuff down. "I have to go back to the station. So, if anything just call me." An Le stares at the empty room, and hears the word he said to her.

Song Zihan looks at her, "did you hear me?" as he watches her.

"Yea. You can go. I'll be fine."

Song Zihan looks at her again, and then nods. Once he left the house , it has become very quiet. The loneliness that An Le haven't had in for so long, starts rising back inside of her. She got on the bed, and lays down.

'Be safe...' Those are the last words that Hera said to her.

An Le covers herself with the blanket, and the sounds of the clock made her fell asleep.

It passed midnight, and Song Zihan came home after a long day of autopsy. He checks the time, and it's already 3am. He quietly walks over to her room to check on her. The night light is open, and saw her soundly asleep in bed.

"Mom. Don't go..." An Le starts sleep talking, and sweats starts coming down her head again.

Song Zihan walks over to her, and touches her forehead. Her head is boiling hot. Song Zihan's eyebrows furrows, and went to the bathroom. He came out with a towel, and helped her wipe the sweat away. Then, he puts a cold towel on top of her head.

An Le opens her eye, and felt like her head is weighing her down. She touches her forehead, and there's a towel on top. At the same time the door opens, and Song Zihan came in.

"Come downstairs to eat breakfast."

An Le looks at him, and then nods her head.

She walks down, and smells the aroma of congee. "Eat this after you finish your congee." Song Zihan slides the medicine to her.

An Le looks at him. "You took care of me yesterday?" as she asks him.

"Is there other people here?" Song Zihan asks her.

An Le didn't say anything, and puts her head down. She ate the first spoon of congee, and then "thank you." She said it so low, but he definitely heard it. "What did you say?" as he said to her. An Le looks at him, and knows that he heard it. She just kept eating the congee, and didn't answer him.

"Are you taking over the case?" as An Le asks him.

Song Zihan knows what she means. "Yea. And the case from yesterday afternoon got transfer to another team."

"I'm gonna go back to work with you," An Le said. Song Zihan looks at her, "are you ready?" An Le stops for a second. "I could separate my feelings from this. Can you just let me go back to work?" An Le looks at him pleasingly.

"Once your fever goes down, then you can go back."

An Le quickly finish her food, and then swallows the medicine. "I'm done."

"An Le did you misunderstand what I just said? I said once your fever goes down. Stay home today, and then if it goes down, then you can go back to work tomorrow."

"But.." Song Zihan looks at her, "there's no but. If you don't agree, then you won't be part of this case."

An Le looks at him, and stomps back to her room.

She takes out her phone, and realized that there's no battery. It took 2 minute, for the phone to be open after charging it. She looks at it, and there's five miss calls from Hera.

Hera called her five times right before she got murdered, but because An Le fell asleep she didn't know.

Her eyes starts to tear up, and she tightens her fist. "I'll make sure to find who did this to you," as An Le said holding her phone.