


The door opens.

"Dr. An, someone came to see you," as one of the officer said.

"Who is it?" as An Le looks at him.

"I'm not sure. She didn't say."

"A she?" as An Le wonders. She closed the file, and went down with the officer.

"She's right there," as the officer points to the woman sitting.

An Le walks up to her. "Hera?" An Le looks at her surprisingly. Hera was the only person that she have met in this five years. They both have become very close, and talks about anything.

"What bring you here today?" as An Le looks at her. "Don't tell me you come here to escape from your dad's arrange marriage?" Hera nods. "An Le, you know this. That man is fifty years old, and I don't even like him. Can you let me stay with you?" as Hera looks at her with a pair of begging eyes.

"Of course you can. Just wait right here."

An Le ran up stairs. But as she was about to open the door, she remembered what she said to Song Zihan in the morning. She took a deep breathe and walks in.

"What is it?" as Song Zihan asks.

An Le didn't even open her mouth yet, and he've already guess what she wants to ask.

"I'm so sorry about before. Can I take 30 minutes to go back home?" An Le watches him carefully. Song Zihan puts down his files, then look up. "Did I hear it wrong? I thought someone told me that she is very comfortable with what she have on right now, and no need to go home."

An Le just wanted to kill herself already.

"I said I'm sorry. I'll be fast."

Song Zihan didn't say anything, and just kept staring at her.

"20 minutes? It'll be really really fast. Please." An Le looks at him with pleading eyes.

"19 minutes."

"Huh?" as An Le said. Then she looks at the time, and ran out the door. The door slammed, and Song Zihan shakes his head. "There won't be peace anymore."

"Let's go Hera." Hera stood up, and takes her luggage with her. "Your boss let you go?" as Hera looks at her. "Of course. Who am I?" Hera looks at her with a half believe and half don't believe look. "Are you sure you didn't beg him?" as Hera gave her an eye look. An Le stopped by her question. "I, An Le, have to beg?" Hera thought about it, and then nods her head.

They took the taxi, and arrived back home shortly.

"You live in this big house yourself?" as Hera looks around.

"Yea. My mother left it for me, and my brother. But now my brother is getting married, and he has his own place. This is all mine now." Speaking of her mother, An Le would starts to think back five years ago.

"An Le, are you okay?" as Hera looks at her.

An Le shakes it off her head, and smiled at Hera. "Come on, I'll bring you to your room." She brought her to the room next to hers. "You can stay here as long as you want. If you need anything, just go to my room and grab it. I have to go change, and go back to work now."

Hera nodded, and An Le quickly went to change into a new set of clothes.

"Hera I'm gonna go now. If anything just call me," An Le yelled.

"I'll be fine. Be safe," as Hera yells back.

An Le quickly call the taxi. As she waits for the taxi, Song Zihan messaged her.

"There's a case. Come to Lu Zi warehouse."

An Le stares at the message. She haven't went to a crime scene for a really long time. What will happen now? What is she going to do?"

As An Le stand wondering, the taxi came.

"What did you found?" as the Inspector Lin asks Song Zihan.

Song Zihan stood up, "from what I inspect, the victim is being attacked from behind. There's no sign of him struggling, and fighting back. But for a more better detail, I have to do an autopsy first." Inspector Lin nods, and then looks at him. "Where's your assistant?" As Song Zihan was about to talk, a voice screamed "I'm here."

An Le ran up to them catching her breath. "Sorry, I'm late."

Inspector Lin looks at Song Zihan, and then back at An Le. "Your the new one? Good luck." He gives her a pat, and then left them alone.

An Le is so confused, but didn't really think much. "Carry the body back." Song Zihan told two officers, and starts walking out the scene.

"That's it?" as An Le follows him out.

Song Zihan didn't answer him, and he just got into his car. An Le looks around, and went in his car too. The door closes, and Zihan looks at her. "Why are you here?" An Le stares at him, "I can't be here?"

"Get out." Song Zihan looks at her seriously.

"How do I get back then?" as An Le asks him.

"Well that's not my problem. So, I'll ask nicely. Please get out."

An Le looks at him, and then buckle the seatbelt. "I won't go. You can't expect me to walk back right? This place is hard to call taxi." She holds tightly on the seatbelt, and looks straight.

"Why is he still here? Aren't he suppose to go back and do the autopsy?" as Inspector Lin came out the scene with his team.

"I saw that his new assistant followed him in his car," as one of the team member said. Inspector Lin found it funny, and laughed. "This is interesting."

He walked over to them, and knock on the window. The window rolls down, and Inspector Lin looked inside. "The new kid come out. He doesn't like anyone sitting in his car." An Le looks at him, and gave Zihan a weird face.

"Why? It's not like I'm not clean or something."

"He's like that. Just come out, and we will drive you back."

An Le looks at Inspector Lin, and then back at Song Zihan. "I'm not gonna leave." An Le holds tightly to the seat belt. Inspector Lin examines Song Zihan's expression, and shakes his head. "All right. Good luck then."

After he left, Song Zihan doesn't seem like he'll get moving any sooner.

"Aren't we not going?" as An Le asks him.

Song Zihan didn't say anything. "You know that they are waiting for us to the autopsy right?" as An Le reminds him.

He finally starts the engine, and drives back to the station. An Le looks at him, and smiled inside, "trying to fight with me? Have some skills first," as she said it inside.

Once they get back, they quickly change into their robes.

"Man. Height is around 175. ...." As Song Zihan describes, An Le jots it down.

"Scalpel." An Le hands it to him.

After how many hours of autopsy, they finally came out.

An Le went to the bathroom, and sweats starts rolling down her forehead. She doesn't know why her legs are starting to shake. She holds onto the sink table, and starts calming herself down. After about five minutes, she walks back into the office.

Song Zihan is already typing the report. He took a peak at her, and notice her pale face. "Are you okay?" as he asks her.

"Yea, I'm fine." She sat down, and drank some water.

Song Zihan stops typing, and looks at her again. "Are you sure you're ok?" as he sees sweats coming down her forehead. "Yea, I'm fine. I just needs a little rest."

An Le lays her head down on the table, and slowly fell asleep. In her sleep, she would time to time furrows her brows, and sweats would starts coming down.

"Sis wake up." As An Rong tap on her. An Le slowly opens her eyes, and found a wet towel on her forehead. She looks around, and didn't see Song Zihan anywhere. "Why are you here? Where's Song Zihan?" as An Le asks him.

"Song Zihan left already. He told me that you're sick, and tells me to pick you up."

An Le looks at the wet towel that she's holding, and the pill on the table. "Eat first before you take the pill." An Le touches her forehead, and realize that she has a fever.

"Let's go back home," as An Rong grabs her bag, and hold on to her scaring that she fall. "I'm fine. I'm not that old yet." An Le took the medicine left by Song Zihan, and walks out the station.

Shortly, they arrived outside An Le's house. "Let me walk you in," as An Rong said.

An Le looked him, "do you think your sis is that weak?" An Rong didn't even think twice and nodded. An Le didn't even want to argue with him, and let him get her stuff.

The door knob turns, and inside is very quiet. The light is close, and there was no sign of Hera. "She's asleep already?" as An Le said. An Rong looks at her, "Who is she?" An Le opens the light, and her eyes are frightens.

A trail of blood leads to the kitchen.

An Rong is shock and frighten too. He turns around, and saw An Le's pale face. An Le holds tightly to An Rong, as she doesn't want to know what's awaiting inside. She carefully walks in, and saw a dead female body lying there.

An Le's body starts to shake, and tears starts rolling down her eyes. An Rong quickly calls the police, while holding onto his sis on his other hand.