
Are you serious?

It's the middle of the night already, as Inspector Lin and his members are half way home, they were called by Song Zihan.

"It's the same person again," as one the member said after checking the cameras. He passes them the laptop, and played the video.

"Dr. An, you can't go anywhere alone, until we find who this guy is."

"So, what can we do now?" as An Le asks him.

Inspector Lin took a peak at Zihan. "You don't need to worry. We will do our job to catch this criminal as fast as we can, and you have your knight here to protect you." He gave her a smile, and wrapped everything up before leaving.

"Knight? Him?" as An Le gives him a face.

An Le stands up, and turns to head to her room. "Wait," as a voice stopped An Le. She turns, and look at Zihan. "What?" An Le asks him.

Song Zihan looks at her, and the words that he was about to say has went back down. "Nothing." An Le looks at him weirdly, and turns back. After seeing An Le walked inside her room, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

The next two days, it was pretty peaceful. Going to work, and home was driven by Song Zihan. And she haven't went to anywhere by herself.

"Do you think he disappear or something? How come there's no news from him yet?" as An Le curiously asks Zihan while they are in the office doing their work.

"How would I know this?" Zihan just gave her a straightforward answer. An Le looks at him with a face, and went back to work.

Another day has pass, and it was just another ordinary day. As they are about to pack their things to leave, a phone call from Inspector Lin came. "We found the culprit."

They went to the room where they are observing, as Inspector Lin is inside questioning him. "How did you guys found him?" as An Le asks one the team member. "Speaking of this, we have to say thank you to Dr. Song." An Le turns to look at Song Zihan after what she heard. "You?" Song Zihan didn't answer her, and just watched through the window.

Seeing that Song Zihan didn't say anything, that team member didn't continue saying. He believes it's best for Dr. Song to say this himself to An Le.

"Why did you kill Hera Shen?" as Inspector Lin asks the culprit.

The culprit smirks, then his eyes looks right into Inspector Lin. "She took something from us, that she wasn't suppose too. Is her that cause my brother to go to jail. Is her that cause my brother to die in jail. Of course I have to kill her." After saying it, he starts laughing.

Inspector Lin looks at him, and shakes his head.

"Why did you guys kidnapped An Le, and why you plan to kill her?"

He stops laughing, and creepily smiled at Inspector Lin. "Why don't you guess?" Inspector Lin angrily slams the table. "Zhang Yi, I'm not here to play with you. You know you can't escape here anymore!"

"We didn't plan on kidnapping her. Our goal at first was only to kidnap Hera Zhen. But someone give us a huge amount of money, and told us to kidnap her. Then as to why I wanted to kill her is also because of that person. That person told me to kill her, and then I'll get $1 million."

Inspector Lin stares at him, "Who is that person? How does that person contact you?"

"I don't know who that person is. That person use a voice changer every time we talk in the phone."

After the questioning, inspector Lin told someone to check his phone to see if they can find anything.

"Even though the case is close now. Dr. An, you could still be in danger. Since, their goal is not succeeded yet, they might find another person to do this job. So, you have to be careful and if possible stay with Zihan."

"Inspector Lin, can't I just go back to where I once leave? I really don't want to stay with him any longer. Look at him. From head to toe, he doesn't even show any emotion. It's like staying with a robot." Inspector Lin almost laughed at what she said. He clears his throat, "Dr. An, you must understand that you are still in danger. So, staying with Zihan is your best choice." Before he finishes talking, a voice cuts him through.

"You want to live in a house that someone was murdered in?" Song Zihan stares at An Le firmly as he asks the question.

An Le looks at him nervously, and swallows her saliva. "Well even though,... even though I don't want to live there anymore, I still don't want to live with you."

"Why?" as he asks firmly.

"Because...., because you're a man and I'm a woman. What would people say? I'm still not marry yet, and doesn't even have a boyfriend. I don't want people to misunderstand. So it's best that we have a distance."

Song Zihan looks at her after she said her reason, and smirks.

"One way to solve this problem is, marry me." He looks at her seriously, but An Le doesn't feel like it's real.

Everyone is shocked by Song Zihan's words.

"Are you serious?" as An Le asks him with a non trustable pair of eyes. "Do I not look and sound serious?" as Zihan answers back. An Le shakes her head, but then quickly nods her head after seeing his determine face.

"Wait,.. we can't."

"Why can't we?" as he walks a step closer to her.

"Why?... because I don't like you." An Le moves a step back, as she sees how close he's getting.

"Then from this moment on you can start liking me. And I'll do the same." He took two big steps forward trapping An Le, where she has no where to go.

"What are you doing?" as An Le nervously asks him. She looks at the other people, who are just watching them with curiosity. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm waiting for a response." He looks at her right into the eyes.

"I've already said no. I won't marry you." Without another word, he tilts his head and kiss her right on her lips. The kiss was soft, and sweet.

An Le realizes what's going on, and tries to push him. But he won't move, and the others mouth drops open. After a few seconds of budging, he finally releases her. "Well, I guess you don't have a choice now." He walks away leaving her dumbfounded.