
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
500 Chs

Chapter 19:  Ronin and the Cat - I


The Silver Tiger Spirit Cat got up from the ground, panting heavily, and remained alert towards the Earth Python.

The Earth Python was not easy to deal with. Its skin was thick and durable, and it had great endurance. Despite receiving many injuries, they didn't have much impact on it.

On the other hand, the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat relied on agility, sharp claws, and quick movements to defeat opponents. However, it had a disadvantage in terms of endurance, and now its stamina was starting to weaken, putting it at a disadvantage.

If its stamina was insufficient, its speed would slow down. If it was accidentally attacked by the Earth Python, death would be the only outcome.

The Silver Tiger Spirit Cat now had thoughts of retreat.

However, the Earth Python clearly wouldn't give it a chance and continued to launch attacks. It knew that victory was within reach.

Under the relentless assault of the Earth Python, the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat dodged in a disheveled manner, occasionally finding openings on the massive python's body, hoping to force it to retreat. However, the python seemed unaffected by the wounds on its body, relentlessly continuing its ferocious attacks. It wouldn't stop until the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat was dead.

For a while, the area was filled with flying sand and rocks, broken branches and leaves scattered everywhere. Weeds and shrubs were like a tornado had passed through, in a dilapidated state.

As time passed, the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat gradually slowed down. Although it hadn't been attacked by the Earth Python, the snake's tail had swept past it several times, narrowly avoiding the attacks. However, the tremendous force from the snake's body caused the air to twist, creating a strong gust of wind that made the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat extremely uncomfortable.


A thunder-like roar rang out as the Earth Python snapped a large tree. It didn't stop its assault, twisting its sturdy body and opening its blood-filled mouth, emitting a strong foul smell as it lunged at the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat with lightning speed.

The Earth Python's speed increased, or rather, it was the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat's speed that had decreased. In the blink of an eye, the blood-filled mouth with a putrid stench appeared in front of the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat.

Without time to dodge, the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat let out a low roar, staring intently into the Earth Python's eyes. Its emerald-green pupils turned purple, flickering with depth and mystery. As a result, the entire snake body paused for a moment, giving the cat an opportunity to leap backward and create distance. The Earth Python's massive body, which had stood in the air, crashed heavily onto the ground, producing a deep thumping sound and stirring up dust.

In this perilous moment, the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat unleashed its innate skill, mental attack.

The Silver Tiger Spirit Cat, which narrowly escaped, stared cautiously at the rising dust. The mental attack it just launched had caused some hardship for the Earth Python but hadn't resolved the situation.

As the dust settled, the wriggling body on the ground made a slight movement, and the vicious snake head slowly lifted, letting out a painful, angry hiss.

The sudden attack made it feel like its brain had been violently struck, causing extreme agony. This made it furious, and it had to kill this little cat to resolve its anger.

The furious snake writhed its massive body and continued to attack the spirit cat. The Silver Tiger Spirit Cat's purple pupils flickered, causing the Earth Python's airborne body to crash down again, struggling and twisting its massive body, demolishing the surrounding shrubs. The ferocious snake head emitted a painful roar, reverberating through the forest.

At this moment, the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat also gasped heavily, with its body trembling slightly. It seemed that using two consecutive mental attacks had drained it significantly.

Seeing the Earth Python struggling and writhing painfully, full of vulnerabilities, the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat launched an attack. It was a perfect opportunity to defeat the Earth Python.

Putting all its strength into it and increasing its speed to the maximum, the spirit cat rushed towards the Earth Python's snake head. Its body moved like a ghost, and its two sharp claws, illuminated by the sunlight, emitted a dazzling cold light, pointing directly at the black snake pupils on the Earth Python's head.

The pained Earth Python didn't have time to react and was pierced in the eyes by the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat's claws, spraying out fresh blood, staining the cat's silver and black fur with a large patch of blood.


The Earth Python roared furiously, trying to shake off the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat by violently thrashing its head, but the cat's four claws firmly hooked onto the snake's head, continuing to attack the bloody, blurred eyes. The cat knew that this was the python's weak point, but it didn't notice that the massive snake tail was sweeping towards its head.


A booming sound echoed in the air, followed by a desperate scream and a roaring sound.

The Earth Python used its tail to strike its own head, hitting the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat along with itself. Both beasts let out a desperate scream.



The Silver Tiger Spirit Cat was flung away, crashing into a large tree ten meters away, breaking the trunk and causing a resounding boom as it hit the ground. The cat was lying on the ground, the mouth overflowing with blood, even vomiting out internal organs. It was too weak to stand, and its bones were likely shattered.

The Earth Python also fell heavily to the ground and was momentarily unable to move.

It was a tragic scene.

Looking at this beast battle, Zeng Yi's heart was filled with unease, but in the end, it resulted in both sides suffering injuries. He had thought the victory would belong to the large cat, but who would have expected such a reversal.

Unfortunately, this Silver Tiger Spirit Cat was too greedy! If it had blinded the Earth Python's eyes and then left, this outcome wouldn't have happened. It couldn't be as steady as me.

Zeng Yi shook his head, sighing inwardly.

Wait, the Earth Python is not dead yet.

Zeng Yi was surprised to find that the fallen Earth Python was struggling and writhing its body. After a while, its ferocious snake head lifted up.

The current Earth Python had injuries all over its body, with its flesh and blood blurred. Its snake eye sockets were empty, with blood flowing out, indicating severe wounds. Its appearance was extremely miserable, but it was still the ultimate victor.

Now, it needed to swallow this miserable creature to vent its anger.

Coiling its body and sticking out its forked tongue, it slid toward the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat lying on the ground.

Although it was blind, as a snake, it could sense information in the air through its forked tongue, distinguishing prey and direction.

"Not good!"

Seeing the Earth Python attacking the Silver Tiger Spirit Cat, Zeng Yi shouted lowly and grabbed the handle of the sheathed sword at his waist with his right hand.

Sword of Selflessness!

Soul power surged as Zeng Yi's body emitted a purple and a yellow soul ring, and the yellow soul ring lit up.

The Sword of Selflessness was the second soul skill bestowed upon Zeng Yi by Sword Bamboo, a plant soul beast he had hunted which is of 800 years. It was a powerful mind-type skill that allowed Zeng Yi to enter an extremely calm state, as if he and the sword had merged into one. It increased his strength, speed, and attack power by 30%, but also accelerated the consumption of his own soul power.

With Zeng Yi's current soul power, the skill could last for about half an hour.

But the most outrageous thing was that the skill could amplify its effects by speeding up the consumption of soul power.

Activating the Sword of Selflessness, Zeng Yi's pitch-black pupils turned into a mysterious and reserved silver color, devoid of any emotions and as cold as frost.

Step forward...

In an instant, Zeng Yi's figure disappeared from its original position.


Suddenly, Zeng Yi's figure appeared in front of the Earth Python, facing away from it, right hand gripping the sword with the tip pointed towards the ground. The shining silver blade flickered, exuding a sense of dominance.


The snake head of the Earth Python split apart, and a large wound oozed hot blood, rushing down and washing the ground. The snake head fell to the ground with a muffled thud.

He never would have expected that a human was hiding behind him. The Earth Python died with lingering resentment.

A gust of wind blew, lifting the figure's hair and clothes, swaying in the wind.

Silently sheathing his sword, Zeng Yi muttered to himself.

"Don't judge me by my appearance. Actually...

I am also a cat lover.


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