
Douluo Dalu: The Legend of The Grandmaster

Frank_Noble · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
111 Chs

Chapter 18

" Early Morning. "

After having a quick breakfast Yu Xiaogang and Yu Yan left the house early. It took them no time at all to collect all the stuff because Yu Xiaogang stored everything in the black pearl within his body.

Yu Yan involuntarily looked back at the house. She had gotten attached to this place over the past few months; in the end, she is only a six-year-old kid.

" Let's go. " Yu Xiaogang, who stood beside her, spoke softly. She turned around and nodded. With a thought, a pair of black wings grew up on his back; and Yu Xiaogang hugged her. A black ring appeared beneath him, and the wings behind him grew up to four meters in length. He flew in the sky with a single flap of his wings.

" Ahh! " The little girl was frightened and let out a surprised squeak as she felt her body soaring in the air. She poked her head out and saw herself high in the sky while the village beneath them looked very small. It startled her, and she buried her head back into her father's chest. Yu Xiaogang was amused at her antics.

They began to fly from the village to Nuoding city, and with his current speed, it would not take them more than half an hour to reach the city. Yu Xiaogang thought to himself that he had changed a lot since he met Little Yan. He remembered the time when destiny had made a joke out of him. He, the young master of " Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, "was poisoned by his own people.

He finally found a warm light in this cruel world, but she left him is what Yu Xiaogang had thought for a long time. Later once again, after a few years, he finally opened up his heart once more, but fate joked with him again. Yu Xiaogang's hair turned white overnight, and his eyes became dull.

Everything changed when he met Little Yan; from the time he gained the black pearl, everything became clear to him. Yu Xiaogang almost couldn't control his rage and anger after learning everything. He finally understood that Bibi Dong sacrificed herself to save him. After gaining his past inheritance, he only wished for one thing.

Yu Xiaogang desired to go on a rampage and to send everyone who had conspired against him and hurt his women to hell. Initially, the only thing stopping him from going berserk was his promise to the Oldman that he would take care of his granddaughter; but later, he regarded her also as his daughter. After being together with her for the last year, Yu Xiaogang had calmed his emotions and sobered up from the arrogance growing up inside him since the day he got the black pearl.

Yu Yan had adapted herself after a while; she poked her head out and looked around curiously, and Yu Xiaogang would hear her laughter from time to time. He also intentionally lowered his speed so that Little Yan could enjoy more. Finally, after a while, both of them could see Nuoding city with their eyes. Yu Xiaogang decreased his speed and flew towards the forest and landed steadily on the ground.

They flew down to the forest near the city and decided to walk the rest of the distance.

" Father, it was fun. Let's fly again next time. " Yu Yan said happily, and her little face flushed with excitement; she continued to pester him until he agreed. Yu Xiaogang also had a smile on his face after seeing her happy, but he inwardly sighed to himself and thought that it is better to travel on foot for the rest of the journey.

Yu Xiaogang and Yu Yan walked at a steady pace and stepped out of the forest after a few minutes. The guards standing at the gate did not stop them, and the duo successfully entered the city.

Yu Xiaogang stopped after entering the city and solemnly said, " Little Yan, now we will buy some essential things in the city for the next journey. We will travel on foot from here until we reach "Heaven Dou City. " "

" Father..." Her little face showed a rare frustrated expression, and as she wanted to speak, Yu Xiaogang interrupted her.

" Yan'er, you are not allowed to throw tantrums this time. It is a part of your training. " Yu Xiaogang said sternly.

" Okay, Father. " Yu Yan nodded weakly; she was scared of angering her father. Yu Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction after seeing her nod and rubbed her head affectionately. Afterward, they entered the commercial street and started buying the necessities. Yu Xiaogang did not let go of this opportunity to teach his little girl and slowly imparted his knowledge about precautions and things to prepare before traveling for a long journey.


Sun Tao's carriage finally arrived back in the Nuoding city; although they left the Holy Spirit village yesterday, he had to go to the other villages for the awakening ceremony.

The guards did not stop the carriage from entering the city after seeing the Spirit Hall's symbol on it. Sun Tao gestured the driver to go directly to the Spirit Hall branch at the center of the city.

After a few minutes, the carriage stopped in front of a huge building. Sun Tao and Di Chun jumped out of the carriage, and the little boy looked stunned after watching such a grand building.

The Spirit Hall's branch in the Nuoding city was a gigantic dome-like building with its width exceeding hundreds of meters and height more than twenty meters. The entire structure was divided into three floors. Although the color of the entire building was brown, yet it still looked great. While admiring the building, the little boy thought that his decision to join Spirit Hall was indeed correct.

Sun Tao glanced at Di Chun's stunned expression and felt satisfied.

" Cough! "

Di Chun snapped back to reality after hearing a slight coughing sound beside him and looked at Sun Tao.

" Xiao Chun, do you see the longsword emblem on the front gate? "

Sun Tao asked him, and Di Chun indeed saw an emblem on the gate; he looked back at him with a puzzled expression.

He ignored his expression and continued in a tone full of pride, " This emblem is the symbol of status within the Spirit Hall, and one longsword means that the Nuoding city branch is the lowest in rank. " Although he is only six years old, the little boy understood the meaning. He still looked at Sun Tao as if waiting for the other party to continue.

Sun Tao felt more satisfied with him and finally told him the reason behind all the previous talk. He continued, " Di Chun, next, you will become the direct disciple of a Titled Douluo and live in the main Spirit Hall itself. I explained everything to make you realize that you have made the right decision. "

" Un! " Di Chun nodded earnestly. Sun Tao looked more satisfied with his actions. He entered the building under Sun Tao's guidance. Di Chun walked nervously behind him for a while, and finally, they stopped in front of a room on the second floor, and Sun Tao gently knocked on the door and patiently waited.

" Click! Come in. "

After a few moments, an attendant opened the door, and both of them heard an elderly voice. Sun Tao and Di Chun entered the room.

" Hello, grandmaster Ma Xiu-Nuo. "

Sun Tao bowed and respectfully greeted the old man sitting in front of him, and the little boy hurriedly followed his actions.

" Oh! Sun Tao, you are back, and who is this little fellow? " Ma Xiu-Nuo responded in a deep voice and motioned them to sit. He politely thanked him, and both of them sat on the chairs placed next to the table.

After a polite chat, Sun Tao directly stated his business; he recounted everything that happened in the Holy Spirit village and lastly pointed at the little fellow sitting beside him and said, " He is Di Chun, one of the two geniuses awakened a powerful martial spirit with " Innate Full Spirit Power. " "

" Don't be restrained; my dear, call me grandpa Nuo! " Ma Xiu-Nuo kindly said to Di Chun.

" Bring Xiao Chun a glass of milk and some cookies. " Ma Xiu-Nuo waved to the attendant, and the latter immediately stepped out of the room to execute the task. Soon, he came back with a glass of milk and snacks for the kid.

" Tomorrow, an Elder from the Spirit city is coming to inspect. Xiao Chun, behave well, okay? "

Ma Xiu-Nuo added before gesturing them to leave.

" Yes, grandpa Nuo. " Di Chun nodded his head vigorously. Ma Xiu-Nuo laughed after looking at the firm expression on his face and couldn't help but say, " Good brat, I am looking forward to your performance tomorrow. "

" Yu Xiaogang! You never fail to amaze me. " Ma Xiu-Nuo sighed and muttered to himself. Ma Xiu-Nuo thought for a moment before he started writing a letter and gestured his attendant to deliver it.


On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang and Yu Yan had purchased everything they needed and entered a restaurant to have a quick meal.

As they were having a meal, a waiter quietly placed a letter on Yu Xiaogang's table and left as quickly as possible. Yu Xiaogang got curious after seeing the letter; he opened the note, and his expressions changed a few times after reading it.

" What a Spirit Hall! " Yu Xiaogang muttered to himself after placing the letter in his storage tool.

Yu Yan looked at everything rather curiously, yet she was very sensible and did not ask anything about what had just happened.

Although many people planned to assassinate him over the past two decades, yet no one succeeded because of two reasons. Firstly Bibi Dong had protected him many times in the past, and secondly, Yu Xiaogang had created a huge information network for himself.

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