
the next step is

once the awakening ceremony Was finished. We made our way outside where old Jack was waiting with the rest of the towns people. The parents made their way over to their children to see if any of them was able to accomplish what they couldn't. Old Jack needed no prompting and took a step forward to talk to the representative of the spirit hall.

Once the representative saw that old Jack was making his way towards him he had a look of consternation on his face. He was really not in the mood to talk to old Jack. Considering he had just seen his paycheck so close but then Completely burn up in flames because of me the next second it was understandable. If he knew that old Jack was my Adoptive father he would most likely beat him up since he couldn't lay a hand on a kid or he might tarnish the reputation of spirit hall.

Old Jack inquired about the results of all the children. When he heard about my spirit tool he was excited, but that excitement quickly came to an end once he figured out that I had 0 level spirit essence. Although the news that I would not be able to become a spirit master disappointed him, he was still excited about at least one person from his village having the opportunity to become a spirit master.

Once he heard the news about tang san having spirit essence harmonization, he rushed off to tell the news to Tang wu, Tang San's dad. He of course did not know the real name of tang sans' dad So he ran all the way to the blacksmith's house shouting tang wu at the top of his lungs.

I followed along behind tang san to see the confrontation scene Between the village chief and Tang Sans dad. tang san and I Walked in on the village chief nagging at the blacksmith about how Tang San had spirit essence harmonization. He was rebuked by Tang hao about them not having any money and whether or not old Jack even knew what spirit essence harmonization was. I giggled behind Tang san and then stretched my head to the side to take a peak at the scene going on inside. A slight flush made its way to the top of my ear. It totally was not because Tang Hao was a hot piece of cough cough I mean it wasn't because that shirt really was to tight on him. my eyes did not wander south towards that as* cough cough I mean it was totally second hand embarrassment because of old Jacks' lack of knowledge.

I mean even if Tang hao had a nice defined derriere it could not even be compared to the magnificent and adorable tooshy that was bestowed upon me by the heavens themselves. I mean people could worship a chair if I were to bless it by sitting upon it for even a fraction of a second. but then again anyone who would worship a chair because a six year old put their butt on it should probably be executed on the spot even if the magnificent butt mentioned was mine and the masses could not help but worship that chair and elect it their king. sigh the price of beauty is to always be on the look out for perverts.

while I was caught up worshiping my own behind, old Jack was wrapping up his rant to tang hao and was making his way back to the village. I followed him so as to give tang san a chance to mention his twin spirit essence to his dad followed by a touching scene were tang hao would confess that his mother also had blue silver grass as her spirit essence.

I did not want to intrude on their moment of father son bonding so I followed old Jack.

" cheer up jin. I'm sure that you can find something else to do besides becoming a spirit master. it is not the end of the world. don't be too mad at tang san for having spirit essence harmonization while you have none."

a tick mark quickly grew on my head. I wanted to pummel old Jack and his insensitive mouth so bad. he should never become a psychologist or he might end up pushing already depressed people over the edge and convert well adjusted people into newly depressed patients. sigh he would be able to make a lot of money but I don't think the already small population of our home village would last long if we let him loose.

After old jack and I parted ways, I made my way to the woods where I go training every day when im not showing my beautiful face to the masses in an attempt to bless their day so that they too can have some happiness in their lives. I had already decided that I was not gonna be following Tang San to his college. With the cheat like abilities that I was given when I made my wishes I could become powerful all on my own. So I buckled down for the afternoon and made my plans on how I was going to ditch old Jack without having him worry. The only chance that would present itself would be when we dropped off Tang San at his new school. I made preparations And started planning what I would be doing for the next couple months until it was time to drop off Tang San at the school.