
#38: white-headed falcon monster

This is white-headed falcon monster, is quantity few races in Monster Race. The flying speed is fast, the flying ability strong grows perceptibly continually. fighting strength is not strong, what is powerful is their flying abilities and reconnaissance capabilities. Their looks can catch inside and outside ten subtle change. In Monster Race the best scout.

After white-headed falcon monster some high rank monster hint, enters the stage obviously, for restrains the flexibility of Tang San.

If true Wind Wolf Clan, actually does not fear white-headed falcon monster, because true Wind Wolf Clan , not only can display the wind blade ability, oneself are also quite strong. But Tang San is only vassal, the frail body looks like in monsters, will make his speed quicker, but, definitely will make his defense smaller and weaker. Most excels at the speed and reconnaissance monster with white-headed falcon monster this type copes with him, was appropriate.

Before the flashing leopard death, many monster think that is the fourth level flashing leopard general idea/careless is the result.


Orders along with seventh level violent bear, the white-headed falcon monster pair of wings flaps suddenly, is almost blinks to lift off. In the double pupil, is the white light winds around, hawkeye bloodline talent starts. The look stares instantaneously on Tang San.

If Tang San be at its observation condition, will discover now, all that in the eye sees as if slowed down, became clear.

Under the hawkeye gaze of white-headed falcon monster, this time Tang San, even if the subtle change of muscle can be caught by it clearly. Clarity that even his eyelash shivering frequency can also look.

During it gazes at Tang San, stands in same place has not moved, has not charged to the front, is only the both hands very natural sagging by the body, the fingertip has the azure light to beat.

white-headed falcon monster has been raising to hundred meters upper air at this time instantaneously. Next flickers, it is the dive under. The pair of wings restrains suddenly, but stays the condition of slightly opening, but the eagle wing that opens slightly constantly is actually actually adjusting, controls angle that it is diving.

The fluctuation ability of this flight, is it most excels. It has been seeking for the Tang San flaw, so long as recognizes certainly the flaw that flickers, its hawkeye can lock the flaw to be, strikes to subdue.

In its eye, Tang San at this time is a deceased person.

But at this moment, Tang San moved finally, a tip of the toe place, before being rapid to/clashes, runs in the direction of collision area, at the same time, he raised the head, looks to in the air white-headed falcon monster.

Looks in the eyes, he saw the white light in white-headed falcon monster eye, but also at this moment, white-headed falcon monster also saw purple aura in Tang San look.

That wipes the light purple, although flashes to pass, but also in that flickers, white-headed falcon monster only felt own brain suddenly appear short blank, seemed in spiritual world is hit one by anything. Made it one fall into the short confusedness.

Tang San is almost breaking in the collision area next one flickers the body, has hung the both arms by body to wield suddenly upwardly. Both hands fling two wind blade respectively, directly soars in the air white-headed falcon monster to go.

white-headed falcon monster absent-minded, although was only appear very short time, but mark in its mind was actually that purple look.

When it sobers slightly, the before sharpness of wind blade brought the silent azure light to arrive at its body .

Monster Race that white-headed falcon monster most is good at dodging worthily, even if in this case, its body deflects as before rapidly, almost when does not allow to send in the middle avoided front two wind blade. Pair of sharp claws spring, the pair of wings opens the control speed of table suddenly, the sharp claws try to grasp another two wind blade.

Absent-minded that flickered a moment ago has made it lose the advantageous position, it while surprised, the preparation lifted off, attacked again.

But since, Tang San had started Purple Demon Eyes to it, which will also give it again such opportunity?

Two wind blade that in the air fails circled quietly, has pursued from the rear area, but must be grasped two wind blade actually to blast out by the eagle claw shortly suddenly.

Two wind blade turned into four wind blade, accelerates instantaneously, all cut to strike on the white-headed falcon monster slender body, although the impulse was blocked by its feather most, but everyone was fourth level. The wind blade intensity is not good to resist, at once blood light collapse present.

But two wind blade that the rear area circles, is cutting ruthlessly back of white-headed falcon monster. Made it call out pitifully, crashed toward the ground directly.

Jumps but Tang San, both hands find out, a hand held the white-headed falcon monster slender neck, another hand grasped in the position of its chest, the body from the sky revolves for a week, white-headed falcon monster is flung to fly by him.

„Bang", white-headed falcon monster drops in the place, the body blood flows, fallen stupor in the past.

Three victories in a row!

Tang San deeply inspires, steady falling in collision area.

If first is lucky, second round found the weakness, then, for successive three times?

To this human vassal, Monster Race on the scene are gazing at the look starts becomes different. When, can human vassal actually have such combat experience and ability?

white-headed falcon monster specifically aims at him to choose, actually dehydrates greatly, throws in the process that strikes unable to dodge wind blade unexpectedly.

All monster see, is the mistake of white-headed falcon monster, but they do not know why this mistake is.

The seventh level violent bear brow wrinkles, looks steadily is walking toward the location silently, preparation next Tang San.

„Next." The custom is the custom, Monster Race, although is the jungle principle, law of the jungle, strength to revere. May have own order and rule. Especially in main city.

Therefore, even if Tang San is only vassal, on this collision competition, Monster Race wants to tidy up him , can only according to the custom, unable to close, also cannot high rank bully low rank.

Ordinary wind wolf transformation, can actually have such combat skills, luck?

The Tang San fourth opponent had entered the location, this is the opponent who on Tang San should face. After white-headed falcon monster failure, deferred to the order to come as before.

This opponent, is deer monster. The head has big horn of furcation. The stature is majestic. In the look does not have that vicious of great majority monster, instead brings several points of gentle.

It gazes at Tang San, the eyeground deep place has the ray twinkle faintly, its hair is unusual, that is a hair of light-blue, is embellishing bunches of white on light-blue.

This is...

spirit-horned deer monster?

In the Tang San heart moves.

Has about this deer monster, he listens to Wang Yanfeng to tell in detail. They are special, the blue hair, in Monster Race is very rare, let alone appear in deer monster.

The deer monster quantity is quite big, in Monster Race is the race of middle-grade level. spirit-horned deer monster is not royal family in deer monster, the itself strength is not very strong. But spirit-horned deer monster innate ability is actually very unusual.

Their innate ability were called eye of heart consonance. This bloodline ability strongest ability is the sensation.

Used to manufacture consonance coins consonance metal, by a spirit-horned deer monster clan was discovered, the consonance coins biggest advantage conducts the body, can make carrier maintain mental focusing, even there is to stimulate the function that the awaking brain promotion cultivates. But after spirit-horned deer monster discovered consonance metal, this metal manufactured money afterward, named with their names.

The spirit-horned deer monster quantity is small, but the position in Monster Race actually even must surpass their deer monster lineage/vein royal family. eye of heart consonance can see thing that many other races cannot see. Accurate is the strong sensation strength. They can the sensation good and bad fortune, can the sensation to existence of treasure, this is lineage/vein mental force very powerful monster.

Therefore, spirit-horned deer monster fighting strength, although is not good, but in any Monster Race, welcome them to join. Some monster large clans, has the spirit-horned deer monster form.

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Last chapter for today lol I been saying this for 3 chapters and I promise this one is the last one.

HolyOniiSamacreators' thoughts