
Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo

Huo Yuhao's destiny was to become the second legendary figure in the history of Soul Land; as the Ice Spirit Douluo, Founder of Spirit Pagoda, one who created a new era of soul master, the one who revived Tang Sect, and the God King of Emotions. That was what he meant to be. Only, in this story, it was different. His eyes witnessed helplessness, despair, tragedy, and most of all...pain. "This world, shall know pain..." A pair of scarlet eyes with strange pupils suddenly glowed. Look at world, for the Heavenly Eyed Douluo has descended. .... *I do not own Douluo Dalu, it's owned by Tang Jia San and I'm making this to fulfil my fantasy of Huo Yuhao having Sharingan. *P.S. The early chapters have some text copy-pasted from the original novel for a bit of wiki for newcomers of the Continent's situation, Soul Master and Soul Beast lore, etc. So to make up for it, I'm making the chapters longer than I usually do for my other stories. Check out my patreon and support me: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo

FroztDouluo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
145 Chs

Special Chapter 2: The Huo Children(Future Possibility)

"It's true..." Elder Xuan muttered, an expression of both disbelief and shock on his face as he looked at the children sitting on chairs before him.

After the sudden and strange appearance of an advanced Soul Tool, alongside five mysterious children, while in the middle of a match. It was decided by all respective powerhouses in the area to put the competition at a temporary standstill and evacuate the civilians. Some of the curious people tried touching the strange soul tool, but those who tried had instantly dropped dead.

Straight up.

There was no shock, no explosion, or even a surge of any energy!

They all just died instantly just touching the spherical soul tool.

Even Long Xiaoyao and Elder Xuan, both top level experts that stood at the peak of the continent, didn't dare touch the strange soul tool. Seeing them not take any action made everyone else back away.

The mysterious children who claimed to be the children of one of the academy's greatest geniuses, Huo Yuhao, were obedient and somewhat calm. It was probably due to Huo Yuhao being near them with a complicated expression on his face.

"No way..." Huo Yuhao muttered, his face turning pale white.

"Hehe. Told you so! You're being so weird, papa." Huo Shui'er innocently giggled, sitting on his lap with a wide smile.

Huo Yuhao wanted to refute her and distance himself away from her, from all of them, but he couldn't, not with Elder Xuan's words. Everyone knew of his power as a rank 98 Transcendent Douluo, someone who stood at the peak of the world.

With his position and relationship with Huo Yuhao, what reasons would he have to lie?

"Yuhao... You..."

Huo Yuhao shivered, feeling the deathly cold gaze of his girlfriend, Wang Dong'er, boring down upon him from behind.

It was even worse when the others, his fellow Tang Sect members and Shrek Academy, all of them gathered together by Elder Xuan's order, was giving him judgemental looks.

Extremely so, to the point that some started muttering disdainful words about him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qiu'er was the only one who didn't look at him strangely. She had her gaze trained on the boy named Huo Zhanji.

Feeling that his relationship and life was in danger, he quickly defended himself. "Eh, Dong'er, please don't misunderstand! These kids... they can't possibly be my children! Look at me, I'm around seventeen years old... while they look to be around eight years old at least. By that logic, I would've had them when I was around 9-10 years old!"

"That's... true." Wang Dong'er muttered, she and the others exchanging puzzled glances. The situation seemed perplexing indeed.

Huo Yuhao nodded and continued, with a serious expression on his face.

"I swear to you all, I did not have any intimate relations with anyone before Wang Dong'er! Especially when I was a kid! Like, do you seriously think I had the charms to seduce a girl when I was a skinny little kid?!"

Everyone went silent.

Wang Dong'er let out a sigh of relief and regret, tears in her eyes, she leaned down and hugged Huo Yuhao. "I'm sorry for doubting you, Yuhao. I just... couldn't wrap my head around this situation. It's so bizarre."

Huo Yuhao returned the hug, kissing her cheek. "Thank you for believing in me, Dong'er. This is indeed a perplexing situation, but we'll figure it out together." His voice was soft, comforting, despite the turmoil raging within him.

As the tension began to ease, Elder Xuan spoke up once more, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "Regardless of the circumstances, we must proceed with caution. The appearance of these children and the advanced Soul Tool cannot be ignored. We need to investigate this matter thoroughly."

The group nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Xiao Xiao smiled, taking a step forward, she leaned down towards Huo Shui'er on Huo Yuhao's lap and giggled. "I knew that she looked familiar at first glance. I just couldn't put it together because she looks much cuter than you are, Yuhao."

Huo Yuhao chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his eyes despite the seriousness of the situation. "Hey now, Xiao Xiao, watch what you say. You'll hurt this old man's feelings."

Xiao Xiao laughed, her bright eyes sparkling with mischief. "What old man? Pfft. You know I'm just teasing."

Wang Dong'er couldn't help but smile at the playful banter between her friends.

"Mama, don't tease papa!"

Huo Shui'er's innocent voice interjected their conversation, causing everyone to went still and silent. They all looked down at the girl, who looked up at Xiao Xiao with a wide smile and closed eyes.


The unexpected declaration from Huo Shui'er left everyone bewildered, especially Huo Yuhao. His mind raced, trying to comprehend how such a thing could even be possible. He glanced at Wang Dong'er, whose face turned pale white with shock and horror. Her breathing became hurried and tears in her eyes.

She would've fallen over if it weren't for Jiang Nannan helping her by the side.

Wang Dong'er looked at Huo Yuhao in disbelief, muttering. "W-What did she just...? Yuhao?" her voice trembled with disbelief, uncertainty, and a hint of fear. She clutched onto Huo Yuhao's arm for support, seeking solace and reassurance, wanting answers.

However, Huo Yuhao had no reply, as he was similarly distraught of what Huo Shui'er had said.

"W-What did you just say...?" Xiao Xiao was at a loss for words, her playful demeanor replaced by genuine astonishment. She struggled to find the right response, her mind grappling with the sudden revelation.

"Hm? That it's bad to bully papa."

"N-No, I mean... Who am I, to you...?" She stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze fixed on Huo Shui'er with a mix of confusion and apprehension.

Huo Shui'er tilted her head innocently, seemingly oblivious to the weight of her words. "Mama, silly! You're my mama," she replied with a bright smile, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Xiao Xiao's eyes widened in disbelief, her mind racing to make sense of the situation.

But what made it more worse, was hearing a heartbroken voice of a certain someone.

"Xiao Xiao... Junior brother..." He Caitou stepped forward, Xiao Xiao's boyfriend. His face pale and stricken with shock, he struggled to find his voice amidst the chaos unfolding before him. "Is this... true?"

Xiao Xiao turned to face He Caitou, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. She reached out to him, her hand trembling as it sought his for support. "I... I don't know," she admitted softly, her voice choked with emotion.

Just as things were getting even more complicated and tensed, someone finally intervened in this drama with a loud voice.

"Enough! Everyone calm down!" They all turned towards Elder Xuan, whose authoritative voice cut through the tension like a blade. He made a weary expression, shaking his head.

"Geez, kids are so dramatic these days. You guys are acting as if the sky is falling," he chided gently, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "Let's take a step back and approach this with a clear mind."

The group exchanged sheepish glances, realizing the truth in Elder Xuan's words. Perhaps they had been letting their emotions get the better of them.

"We need to gather information," Elder Xuan continued, his gaze shifted towards the child named Huo Zhanji. "And I have a feeling that this boy knows what's going on. Well kid? Anything to say?"

Huo Zhanji remained silent briefly, lowering his head in contemplation, he sighed and said. "Shui'er, come here."

"Hm? Okay!"

Lightly jumping off Huo Yuhao's lap, Huo Shui'er skipped over to her brother, her innocent smile never wavering. Huo Zhanji gently took her hand, his expression solemn.

"Everyone," Huo Zhanji began, his voice steady yet carrying the weight of his words, "I know this is confusing and shocking, but we are indeed the children of Huo Yuhao. We come from the future."

The declaration hung in the air, heavy and surreal. Murmurs erupted among the group, disbelief and confusion painting their faces. Huo Yuhao himself felt his heart weaken, almost burst out of his chest because of this revelation.

"How is that possible?" Wang Dong'er whispered, her grip tightening on Huo Yuhao's shoulder.

"Time travel," Huo Zhanji replied simply. "It's a... well, dad and some of our family members are very well capable of manipulating space-time so to say. One of our uncles, a very well accomplished... "engineer", had made this device. But, not to be misunderstood, we weren't sent here to correct the timeline or anything like that!"

"Yeah! We just entered it and accidentally started it!" Huo Ying added, hoping to join in the conversation.

But it only caused Huo Zhanji to slap his palm over his face in embarrassment.

Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong'er, Elder Xuan and the others stood stunned and dumbfounded by the revelation. The future? Moreover, Huo Yuhao's future self and family members could manipulate space-time?!

Elder Xuan couldn't do that. Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong'er and Zhang Lexuan were also pretty sure that Mu En wasn't also capable of such a feat as well.

"Accidentally started it?" Huo Yuhao echoed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and curiosity. "So, you didn't intend to come here?"

"No," Huo Zhanji replied, shaking his head. "We were just exploring the lab where the device was kept. It activated and sent us back in time. We didn't mean to disrupt anything."

He paused, looking at Huo Yuhao and the others, he began to mutter. "Actually, from what I can tell, this might not be our past, nor are we your future."

"Huh? What does that mean?" Elder Xuan asked.

"... I think we came into an alternate reality dimension," Huo Zhanji continued, his brows furrowed in thought. "A parallel world, if you will. Similar to our own, but with some distinct differences."

The group exchanged puzzled glances, trying to wrap their heads around the concept.

"So, you mean to say that you're not from our future, but rather from a different version of reality altogether?" Wang Dong'er asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Huo Zhanji nodded. "That seems to be the most plausible explanation based on what we've observed so far. The events and people here are similar to what we know, but there are subtle differences."

'Smart and mature for his age, this kid really does resemble his father.' Elder Xuan rubbed his chin, contemplating the implications. "Subtle differences you say? Like what?" he curiously asked.

Huo Yuhao and the others listened in closely, Huo Yuhao and his team were especially curious. Although he and Xiao Xiao were close, it was more like a sibling relationship! Just how did things in that alternate go for them to being together and having a kid.

Huo Zhanji raised his head and replied, "Well, first off, I have never heard my dad being paralyzed temporarily and confined in a wheelchair. Mom would certainly bring it up to tease you. Second is that aunt Xiaotao, aunt Ya and aunt Zi aren't here with you. Thirdly... you look like a wimp."


Xu Sanshi and some people on both Tang Sect and Shrek Academy couldn't help but laugh at Huo Zhanji's blunt remark. Despite the tense situation, the tension seemed to lighten momentarily.

Elder Xuan, with a bemused smile, held up his hand to regain control of the conversation. "Alright, enough of that. Let's focus on the critical issues at hand-"

"Yeah! Like how did Yuhao and I end up together?" Xiao Xiao interjected, causing Elder Xuan's lips to twitch.

Huo Zhanji blinked, shrugging. "I don't know."

"H-Huh? But, aren't you-"

"I'm not your child," He then pointed at a wide eyed Wang Qui'er. "I'm hers. My parents are Huo Yuhao and Wang Qui'er."

Everyone aside from the children had their jaws dropped.

"!!" Huo Yuhao froze, feeling a crushing feeling on his shoulder and a chilly killing intent sent on his way. He didn't have to turn his head to know that it was Wang Dong'er.

Huo Zhanji ignored their reactions and turned towards his siblings with wry smile, "Well? Do you want to introduce yourselves?"

"Oh! Me next brother!" Huo Shui'er excitedly raised her hand, with her very cute appearance, almost everyone almost melted from the cuteness.

After seeing him nod, she turned towards the teens and adults and said, "Hi! I'm Huo Shui'er! I'm seven years old. My parents' names are Huo Yuhao and Huo Xiaoxiao."

Both Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao blinked, then they turned each other in surprise.

"You took on my surname? Wait, hold up, is Xiao Xiao not your full name?!"

"Of course not! Who names their kid with their surname?" Xiao Xiao snorted.

Huo Ying stepped forward, raising her hand with a grin on her face. "Hey everyone! Huo Ying here. I'm the daughter of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er."

"Daughter..." Wang Dong'er eyes shone, unconsciously releasing her iron grip on Huo Yuhao's shoulder. The latter let out a sigh of relief before turning his gaze towards the child of him and his beloved.

The one with red hair stepped forward, and after hearing who her mother was, everyone's eyes bulged out.

Slightly bowing her head, she introduced herself. "Hello. My name is Huo Yin. My father is Huo Yuhao and my mother is Wu Feng."


Their reaction was even more exasperated. Who wouldn't be? Anyone who was familiar with any of these two would understand why it was quite shocking that they would have a kid! Both of them hated each other! To the point of almost killing the other for some class monitor position.

Before anyone could say anything else, the last one, a boy with short blond hair and warm smile on his face, spoke up. "Please to meet you all! My name is Huo Chen. My mother's name is Ning Tian, while my father, well, everyone of you know who he is at this point."

Elder Xuan's expression grew even more complex as he processed the information from the mysterious children. The situation was far beyond anything he had anticipated, and it seemed the rest of the group was equally baffled. The possibility of time travel and alternate realities was already overwhelming, but the children's identities and their parents' improbable pairings added layers of confusion.

Huo Yuhao's mind was racing. He tried to reconcile the outlandish claims with his current reality. Looking around, he could see everyone else was equally stunned, their expressions ranging from disbelief to curiosity.

Wang Dong'er, though initially stricken with doubt and shock, now seemed intrigued by Huo Ying's presence. The idea of having a future daughter with Huo Yuhao brought a mix of emotions to her face—relief, confusion, and a hint of joy.

Huo Yuhao looked over his other children. A gentle look appeared in his eyes, feeling a tightening feeling in his chest.

'These are my.... future potential kids...'


AN: Here's that special chapter/omake! Next chapter's either in another 10 chapters away or 20.

❄️Shout out to the great Cultivators of my patreon, may you reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth! Pursue immortality and receive enlightenment!


•Nicholas Berenguer

•Swift Arrow



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•Adrian Durand

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