
Douluo Dalu - Snow and Ice

Over 50 years have elapsed. They doubted my abilities, claiming that my weak determination would get me nowhere. They scoffed at the notion of me becoming an Extreme Douluo. But who had the last laugh? The story is about a man who improved his destiny with his own hands and reached a height that most spirit masters on the Fighting Continent cannot reach. Disclaimer of liability. I don't own the rights to Dala's Muzzle. I own only the characters and what I wrote in this fan fiction.

Daoistgecd3Q · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Chapter 4)Home sweet home

Summoning an ice phoenix, I mounted its back. The two followers accompanied me, using their strength to support the ice construct. From this point on, my role was simply to guide our flight and control our speed. Soaring above meadows and fields, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of nature. Though I had witnessed such landscapes before, it always seemed that the farther I gazed, the more captivating the scenery became.

As we flew over cities and fields, I observed ordinary people tending to rice fields and caring for their livestock. However, the tarnish on this idyllic scene came from the nobles and merchants who exploited these individuals from my vantage point. I could also see how the stronger spirit masters belittled the weaker ones, and how they ingratiated themselves with the powerful. Children from influential clans exploited their elders and servants to slay spirit beasts for the sake of their spirit rings, while loners and unsupported spirit masters had to band together or take perilous risks alone.

Sighing, I contemplated that with a single command, my clan could begin improving the lives of ordinary people and weak spirit masters. But other clans, as well as all the nobles, would resist such changes, not to mention the meddling gods who would intervene once we achieved victory.

I must find a way to expedite the creation of my Divine kingdom. Otherwise, I won't be able to bring about any meaningful change. Not in a world where the strong reign supreme and only the strong can determine the fate of the weak.

After flying for some time, the extreme north came into view. Vast snow-covered fields and frigid gusts of wind greeted us. Only the strongest spirit masters, or those bonded with ice and cold spirits, could traverse these lands. This region was considered relatively warm compared to the further north, where temperatures plummeted. Not to mention the central region, home to the Snow Empress. The biting wind alone claimed the lives of anyone below the Spirit Saint level.

As we soared over these snowy fields, intermittent patches of ice rice crops came into view. It had taken us 15 years to cultivate this plant capable of thriving in the icy wastelands while possessing spiritual energy. Consuming this food would grant any child at least a spiritual power of 2.

Though the effect was not significant, it aided in cultivation progress. In the distance, small villages dotted the landscape, inhabited mainly by the elderly and children undergoing their four-year training.

The children tended to the fields while their elders taught them the proper techniques for rice cultivation. They also imparted fundamental knowledge of spiritual mastery, from cultivation techniques to surviving in the wilderness without succumbing to starvation.

Flying over the fields and villages, the main lands of the clan came into view. It was more than a few scattered buildings; it formed a small town enveloped by snowfields, with structures adorned in hues of blue and adorned with flickering fires. Parents prepared meals for their young children or joyfully reunited with those who had completed their four-year training, eager to showcase their newfound skills.

At the city center stood ice palaces where researchers studied various plants and their optimal utilization for the maximum benefit, without impeding the potential of spirit masters. The alchemists' building was located further away from the main city, and it housed residential quarters for the elders and those dedicated to developing clan techniques, studying dangerous methods, and expanding their knowledge.

However, given the elders' strength, any research into new techniques carried the risk of widespread destruction. Approaching the building situated away from the city and other dwellings of the elders, I landed in front of the entrance. Home, my sanctuary. Ruiling emerged to greet me, accompanied by a young boy.

"DAD, you're back!" He ran towards me, embracing me tightly. I knelt, reciprocating the embrace, and tousled his hair.

"How could I not return to such a wonderful son and wife?" I smiled, patting my son's head. My wife approached and kissed me, and I returned the affection. After a brief kiss, she spoke.

"Little Longway missed you. Also, his spiritual awakening is scheduled for tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I will witness his spirit awakening personally. I want everything to proceed according to plan," I assured her.

"Mom, Dad, I will awaken a strong spirit just like you and become as powerful," my son proclaimed.

I smiled and replied, "Of course, you will. You will become the strongest spirit master."

He beamed with delight, pulling us towards the house. "Hurry, I'm hungry. Let's have dinner together today."

Smiling and not resisting, I turned around and nodded to my followers. They bowed and vanished, much to my son's amazement as he glanced at the spot they used to occupy. Jeanne and I could easily track their movements.

Seated at the table, we clasped our hands together in prayer and recited, "Snow and ice shall shield us, with a cool mind and a fiery heart, we shall endure all tribulations."

With that, we commenced our meal. Ruiling spoke, "Longway, retire to bed early tonight. You have an important day tomorrow and need a good rest."

"But Mom, Old Man Mo brought me a new book today. It explains how water can exist as liquid, steam, and ice. I wanted to test it out today since the coldest weather is at night. If the book is accurate, the water should quickly turn to ice," my son excitedly shared.

"Fear not, tomorrow, after your spiritual awakening, we can experiment ourselves," I assured him.

"Hooray! Dad is the best," he cheered.

"Hush, finish your meal and clear your plate before heading to bed."

"Yes, Mom."

And so, dinner transpired in tranquility. After my son retired to his room, leaving us alone, Ruiling broke the silence.

"Are you certain he needs to undergo this training? We can teach him everything ourselves," she voiced her concerns.

I embraced her and replied, "He needs this training the most. If all goes according to plan, he will awaken the divine spirit tomorrow, and we must swiftly temper his arrogance without diminishing his confidence."

"But you're sending our son to the most remote village, where he will have to survive alone."

"Don't overstate it. Yes, his training will be more rigorous than usual, but he will be accompanied by two Spirit Douluo. He will face no danger, and upon his return, he should have attained at least Spirit Venerable level. Remember, this four-year training is meant to establish a foundation for future cultivation, not expedite progress."

"I still oppose it," she protested.

I held her tightly and said, "He needs it. This world venerates strength, and we cannot be with him at all times. Hence, we must do everything in our power to ensure he is prepared."

My wife's unhappiness was evident, yet she acknowledged that for our son to live a life of freedom and independence, he needed to become strong and self-reliant. She didn't want to leave him for such an extended period, nor did she wish for him to endure hardships without our guidance. However, she understood that hindering his progress would only make him weak and incapable of fighting for his happiness.

I continued to embrace her gently, offering reassurance. "Everything will be fine. He is a resilient boy who can handle anything. We just need to believe in him and patiently await his return. Moreover, with our abilities, we can always keep a watchful eye on him during his training, ensuring his safety."

"Let's retire to bed. We both have a busy day ahead, and I'd like to unwind a bit," I suggested.

She smiled faintly, and I scooped her up in my arms, carrying her to our room. The night was as beautiful as ever, but tomorrow always arrived, bringing with it new worries and challenges.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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