

-Erym point of view-

It was the most different and amazing day I have ever experienced in my two lives.

Not only did I awaken as my Martial Soul to an Incarnation of Arceus, but I was 'Kidnapped' by the newly ascended Poison Douluo.

I felt no fear or danger from him, he is not the old man who kept everyone away and was cold to the bone as he is known to appear in the Canon.

Not only his son is not dead yet, but he still didn't get the inner demon of not being able to save his son that made him more paranoid and obsessive about his family, you could say that now he is still a social and empathetic person to a certain extent.

This doesn't make any sense to me, after all, Dugu Bo had everything to become an Evil Soul Master, his poison can kill an entire city in a matter of hours, he could destroy the foundations of any clan or sect if he didn't take into account his life or death.

This must be one of the reasons why no one messed with him too much, even when he repeatedly fought against Yue Guan or Duo Sword Bone Douluo, he was not seriously injured or killed.

Everyone knew that if they wanted to kill Dugu Bo, it would not be so easy, they all had forces behind him and not all of them are Poison Masters like Bibi Dong.

Even though they call him the weakest Titled Douluo, which is not a lie, to suppress his poison his strength stagnated and he couldn't go beyond level 91, no matter how much accumulation he achieved.

Another thing that surprised me was Yin Xia and Dugu Xin, these two should have been dead by the time Dugu Bo reached level 90.

But this is not so, it even happened years before Dugu Bo's rise.

I was curious about this canon change, even though I never read Douluo, my best friend told me a lot about this world in depth, to the point that I didn't even need to see it to know what was happening and the order in which it happened.

I thought that since this world is now my reality some things would change and I should prepare myself for those changes.

The first step for this is to get used to my strength and Arceus.

The awakening of Arceus from half a Demigod Body, that's in Arceus' words.

According to him, in order for my body to support his entity in the form of a Martial Soul, I had to transform my physique and soul to a certain level.

Therefore I became a Demigod in body and soul, my physical strength reached the level 21 Soul Grandmaster of offensive type (attack, stamina, defense and endurance), my soul reached the standard of a Soul Elder.

The latter was influenced by my merged Adult and Young Soul and the feedback of Arceus' power for 6 years to help me endure the awakening.

I felt that there was no problem absorbing a spiritual ring thousands of years old, but I still felt that it did not honor Arceus.

That is until I figured out how to 'advance' to the next stage of power formally.

The morning of the day after my awakening, 3 tablets appeared in my spiritual world, these 3 tablets correspond to the powers of Arceus and the elements of these are Steel, Bug and Sky (Flying).

In order to advance I had to attach a spirit ring to each tablet and Arceus would then fuse those rings to form his own spirit ring.

The age of the fused ring of Arceus could not be more than 30% of the age of the 3 rings together and my physique could increase this percentage a little, in my current state I could increase the age of the ring by 5%.

It must be said that attaching a ring to each tablet gives the same benefits as attaching them to a martial soul.

It will grant me spiritual power and fusic and spiritual augmentation, so before Arceus gets his ring, I have had the benefits of 3 advancements.

When I asked Arceus about this reason he told me that it is because each tablet counts as a Super Martial Soul, only that being with him they count as a support channel to form a better spiritual ring and create new and different powers.

He told me that every time I reach the limit of each stage of power, 3 new tablets will appear for me to add rings.

The attribute of the ring formed depends entirely on Arceus, he uses this method because the beasts below a million years could not contain his powers, so he had to use his own methods to form a spiritual ring that can contain his power.

If I follow the logic of this world, he should form a 100,000 year ring when he reaches level 30 if not before.

He also told me that there are more things to discover, there are some advantages and innate powers of his that I cannot use because of my current weakness.

I think even Huo Yuhao can't compete in luck with me and he got a 1 million year ring for his first ring and reached the Douluo Title with 2 golden rings (1 from the necromancer), 8 orange-red, as well as 2 and a half Martial Souls or the other protagonists with divine lineages and luck against the sky.

Although I also know that this world can easily kill you if you don't have any support.

Most of the main characters survived due to divine help, help from destiny or plot armor.

Arceus made it clear to me that I am not a chosen one of this world and that if the gods discover me they will not hesitate to kill me, even the consciousness of the Douluo world only allows me to stay hidden from the gods for the good I can do to the world in the future.

Now I should just concentrate on moving forward, I will surely ask Dugu Bo for help to hunt my spirit rings.

To repay him for helping me I will help him cure his poison and his son, both seemed like good people in the little interaction we had, even if Dugu Bo seemed distant.