
Double trouble with the CEO

"be my woman for one month," Daniel knight said in his husky voice "I am not the woman you used to be with and Mr. knight I decline your offer," Aurora smith said with pride "Are you sure because you won't be able to handle the consequences of declining the powerful man" Daniel whispered in her ears in a seductive tone. Aurora looked at him in a confused manner and Daniel smirked. what will happen when Aurora, a simple girl challenges the CEO of a knight corporation and give him money for one night they spend together. Join the journey of Daniel and aurora in their twisted love tale

kridha_vrinda · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

I will marry you

"your smell is so intoxicating to me," Daniel said to Aurora and inhaled her neck, on the other hand, Aurora was feeling strange in her heart

" Daniel, stop it. you told me that you will give me some time to adjust to this world" Aurora said slowly shaking off the feeling that is developing in her heart

Daniel chuckled and leave Aurora who looked at the floor but her heart is still hammering

"I am done Aurora and I can't give you any more time, I want you so I decided that you have time until Monday and then you have to submit yourself to me," Daniel said with a smirk on his face because Aurora has become a drug to him

Aurora looked at him with a shocked face and she was about to say something but Daniel put her finger on her juicy lisp and close the gap between them.

"if you deny then I will sell the hospital and then where will the patient go," Daniel said with a mocking smile on her face and Aurora close her eyes and think about her father who is in the same hospital

And if Daniel sells the hospital then Aurora won't be able to accumulate money for his father's operation. She takes a deep sigh because she has to sacrifice herself and by Monday she has to be strong

Aurora's mind clouded with the vision when Daniel will use her body to satiate his lust, she gave courage to herself that it is only a matter of time and her body will be tainted but her soul will remain clean

"so what you say Aurora," Daniel asked rubbing her lips with his fingers but Aurora jerked it back

"okay Daniel but until then stay away from me," Aurora said and was about to leave but the next words of Daniel stopped her

"you are going to shift in my house tomorrow and that's final," Daniel said with authority and Aurora cursed under her breath but didn't dare to say anything because this time Daniel has the control of her life

"But I want you to throw my photos that you have painted," Aurora said and Daniel chuckled

"it's a piece of art baby and I can't throw that but I can lock the room because I want to keep it as a memory that how I tamed the wildcat," Daniel said with a playful smile on his face

Aurora huffed in annoyance and leave the mansion. Daniel was in a fun mood because each moment with Aurora fill his life with thrill and excitement

Daniel gets startled by the phone call and he smiled seeing the name flashed on the screen and is from his best friend Layla

"where are you Daniel, I have been waiting for you for so long," Layla said getting frustrated over a phone call

"Just give me a minute sweetheart and I will be there with you," Daniel said and cut the call.

Daniel gets out of the mansion and drives his car otherwise Layla would kill him. he reached the 'club moon' on time

And there he sees his best friend Layla drinking beer, she is looking gorgeous in her purple dress and her brown hair is shining. He goes behind her and hugs her tightly

"hey beautiful"; Daniel said with a genuine smile and even Layla is shocked to see his behaviour because the Daniel she knows is not this playful

Daniel took a seat beside her and ordered beer for himself

"what the hell is wrong with you and you seem little changed," Layla asked him with curiosity

"I am just in a good mood," Daniel said shrugging off as if nothing happened and Layla arched her eyebrow and show him her phone

"can you care to explain this why did you threaten this poor girl to meet you"Layla asked him showing the picture of Aurora's back that Daniel published on his page

Layla is aware of Daniel's lifestyle but she was a little bit taken back when he saw that Daniel posted the picture of a naked woman back and threatened her to meet him.

Daniel had past flings but he had never gone to such extent and this irked Layla what is so special about this girl who has a red mole on her back

"she is just a flavour of one month and let me tell you she is a wild cat and I am so eager to tame this wild cat," Daniel said and thinks about Aurora

Layla doesn't like when Daniel talk about Aurora with different thing in his eyes.

"Are you sure that she is just a flavour of the month and you don't love her," Layla asked and her heart is hammering loudly because she is unaware of what is going on inside the heart of Daniel

Daniel chuckled loudly and drink his full bottle of beer in one go

"Layla I promised you that I will marry only you and don't even think that I fall in love with any woman because sweetheart I don't believe in love," Daniel said with a confident look and Layla take a deep sigh

Because she Is happy with the fact that in the end, Daniel will be only hers. She is in love with Daniel since they were 10 years old but Daniel has a different lifestyle and Layla make peace with it

Because when her parents died and Layla was in the devastating condition a few years back then Daniel promised her that he will give her the status of his wife and Layla is only waiting for the moment when Daniel declares the date of marriage in front of the whoel world.

"Daniel when we are going to get married, I mean you are 27 years and so far you have enjoyed your life with many girls so don't you want to be settled and have family," Layla asked him and put her hand on his chest and there is hope in her eyes

Daniel understood that its high time to give a commitment to Layla which he promised her years ago and he is not the man to back out from his words

"I promise that the girl in this photo will be the last woman and after one month I will marry you," Daniel said to his best friend with a smile on his face and Layla was about to kiss him but Daniel turn his face to the side

"Daniel why do you resist my touches," Layla said with a hurt expression on her face