
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
237 Chs

Your Husband is Hot

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"Hmmm, I'm sorry. I promise I won't worry you again," Daniel apologized again, which Laotian nodded understanding. 

"As long as you understood," Laotian said with a tender smile. He then carefully assisted Daniel until they soon reached their room. When they went inside their closet to prepare, Daniel quickly busied himself to find comfortable attire wear. 

Since recently his stomach had grown big, Laotian hired people to provide Daniel with suitable attire throughout his pregnancy and so yesterday, they almost completely changed his wardrobe.

If he didn't insist on keeping some of his old clothes, that Wardrobe specialist would have taken all his clothes yesterday. And now that most of his clothes were new, he had to take some time to find the right outfit to wear. Since they were going to an exclusive art gallery event, he needed to find something formal yet still comfortable for his pregnant self.

"You should wear thicker clothes. It's cold outside today and I don't want you to get sick," Laotian reminded when he notices his beloved wife having trouble finding the right clothes to wear while his were already prepared neatly in a hanger together with its pants, shoes and even the watch that would match his semi-formal attire that Daniel already prepared last night.

"Hmmm, I'll top my clothes with a thick coat. And I'll wear a scarf." Daniel nodded and replied. The only problem was the clothes he would wear inside. Should he wear a maternity dress? Long sleeves? Or maybe turtle necks? 

"Laotian, what should I wear?" Finally, giving up! Daniel decided to ask his husband instead. He can't decide what to wear so it's only right to ask Laotian.

"Wait, let's see." Laotian walked towards where Daniel's clothes were and quickly picked a white long sleeves maternity dress.

At one glance, you could immediately tell it's for pregnant women or Omegas. Its flowy ends should reach the middle of Daniel's thighs that it needed to be paired with tights because of the cold weather today. However, aside from that, everything about the dress still looked conservative yet formal and comfortable, especially around his stomach area.

"Laotian, it's perfect!" smiling brightly, Daniel picked the dress from Laotian happily.

"Glad I was able to help," Laotian chuckled and messed with his beloved's hair. "Come on, let's prepare now or your son will soon notice that we're gone," Laotian added reminding Daniel. Daniel quickly nodded.

A couple of minutes later, Laotian and Daniel finished preparing and later they trailed the way downstairs to find Luangmin playing in a closed area in the living room with his nanny closely taking care of him. When the little kid spotted Daniel and Laotian, he let go of his toys and called "Mommy!"

When Daniel saw this, his heart ached because they can't bring him along since he didn't know if kids were allowed in the event. 

"Mommy," Luangmin called again as Daniel quickly walked towards his son to give him a hug. Since his stomach had grown so big, he couldn't carry Luangmin anymore. His stomach was just three months and a week but he didn't expect it to suddenly bloat so big in a week.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, mommy and daddy can't bring you along," Daniel apologized and rubbed his soft locks. If he could, he would have lifted him up and hugged the little kid. 

But now, he couldn't even bend down easily.

Meanwhile, Laotian seeing this, he sighs helplessly and walks towards his wife and son. "If you want, we can bring him along," Laotian suggested softly that Daniel looked at him in surprise.

"B-But I can't take care of him properly," Daniel replied worriedly. They never liked to bring along nannies when it comes to going outside since Daniel can take care of Luangmin well alone. In fact, Luangmin didn't have a nanny up until now.

But because Daniel is pregnant again, David hired a nanny to take good care of Luangmin since Daniel couldn't anymore.

"I'll handle him." Laotian offered again kissing Daniel's temples assuring him of his worries.

"But, Will you be okay?" Daniel asked again, still worried. Laotian isn't used to taking care of kids. Although Luangmin is a behaved child, when it comes to going outside he tends to point at places that he wanted to go and cries if not granted. If it's Daniel, he would gladly do what Luangmin wants but Laotian??

Will he really be okay??

"I will. Don't worry." Laotian assured again. In the end, Daniel nodded okay with a smile. Even though he's still worried, he trusts Laotian. If he says he'll be fine, then he will definitely be.

"Okay." Because it would be a big hassle for Daniel to climb up the stairs again and dress Luangmin up. Laotian asked the nanny instead. And less than 10 minutes later, Luangmin came down with the nanny dressed in adorable warm clothes.

"Thank you." Daniel thanked the nanny as Laotian picked Luangmin from her. 

"My Minmin is so handsome," Daniel squeals happily, slightly squeezing his son's little limbs. He also kissed his plump cheeks that the little one giggled wrapping his hand on his mother wanting to transfer arms.

"Ahw Baby, mommy can't carry you today so daddy will have to do it. Okay?" Daniel explained feeling sorry for his little one.

Pouting understanding his mother, Luangmin replied "Okay, Minmin stay with Dada," he uttered adorably wrapping his arms on Laotian instead.

Soon the family of three entered their car and later the driver drove towards their destination with one car leading them and another one following, not at all expecting that today will not be ending well.

More than 20 minutes had passed, the family of three finally arrived at their destination. The venue was in the city proper, a famous building usually used to host these kinds of events.

"Hmmm, it's more crowded than I thought," Daniel commented when he saw the people hustling outside of their car. The gallery was supposed to be an invite-only event so Daniel thought there won't be that many people coming. Additionally, the event was a gallery featuring paintings, unfortunately, not many people are interested in these kinds of events.

"Hmm, maybe something's happening at the other halls." Laotian guessed also looking at the hustling people. He also didn't expect that many people. 

"Yeah, maybe that's it." Daniel optimistically replied believing the possibility.

Parking in front of the building, the driver soon got outside of the car to open the door for Laotian and Daniel.

Laotian nodded to the driver in acknowledgment as he stepped out of the car. He briefly fixes his clothes and soon bends down to pick Luangmin from Daniel and later also offers his hand to his wife.

"Have you contacted your friends?" Laotian asked. As they walked to the building unnoticed for the first few minutes, however, when people noticed a tall handsome man with a toddler on his arms, people started to stare at them especially when there were two huge men following them behind.

"Yeah, wait. Let me find them." Daniel said and quickly looked around, it didn't take long enough when he noticed three of his old classmates hesitantly walking towards them. 

They were obviously hesitating whether to approach Daniel or not since Mo Laotian was with him. They wondered if it was okay to casually approach their friend.

Although Daniel didn't hang out with them that much, they consider the Omega as their friend or more like the cute little brother in their campus department. Almost no one among the students in their department that didn't like Daniel or wished not to be his friend. Just that, the Omega tends to avoid people.

He was like a loner despite his bright personality.

"Oh! Melissa! Long-time no see." a bright smile formed on his lips that showed his perfectly lining white teeth, Daniel called his friend. It had been such a long time since he had last seen her. The last time he remembered the girl was that she always treated him with lunch back then even though his demands were absurd.

"Danny! Oh My Gosh! You've become so much prettier." Melissa told seeing Daniel's angelic appearance. Daniel quickly hugged her as a greeting then briefly looked at the two other boys and waved at them to say hello.

"I don't know if I should be happy with that but, thank you," Daniel replied with a laugh before he then pulled Laotian's arm. "Oh, this is Laotian, my husband and Luangmin my son. I couldn't bear not bringing him so we brought him, will that be okay?" Daniel introduced Laotian and Luangmin.

"Nice to meet you, I hope you don't mind with us coming along," Laotian politely said nodding at the small woman causing her to blush in embarrassment. Even though Mo Laotian was Daniel's husband, she still couldn't stop herself from blushing red.

Of course, she doesn't mind! Hanging out with the great Mo Laotian is considered as a privilege. How could she be bothered by it? 

Gently pulling Daniel at the side, Melissa touched her cheeks and whispered, "Oh My Gosh! Your husband is so handsome. He looked so much hotter in person." She whispered still blushing that Daniel burst into a laugh.

"Shhh, don't tell him. This is really embarrassing; just forget that I said that," Melissa said again before she shyly looked at Laotian.

"Of course we don't mind. Don't worry about it Mr. Mo," Melissa replied finally. Daniel, on the other hand, remained laughing causing Laotian to be a bit confused being left out. He quickly pulled Daniel into his arms slightly upset before he leaned down on his ears and whispered something.

After hearing the whisper, it was Daniel's time to blush stopping from his laugh. "Ehemm, anyway, Laotian. This is Melissa; she was the one who bought me my lunch every time I didn't feel like walking out of our sketching session. This one is Josh, and then Kent; they helped me a lot when I was still studying," Daniel quickly introduced.

Looking at the two men at the back of the little woman, Laotian slightly narrowed his eyes especially at the Kent guy when he noticed the young man had been staring at his wife ever since they arrived.

"Hmmm, thank you for taking care of my wife for all those years," Laotian said cradling Luangmin in his arms, making him look more desirable instead of making him look unappealing. It was almost impossible to believe how his son made his looks hotter than he already was that men and women in the area couldn't help but look at his quiet, somber but gorgeous demeanor.

"N-No problem sir, Danny was like everyone's little brother in our department," Josh replied while Kent nodded agreeing glancing at the blushing Daniel.

Since everyone had already acquainted, they soon went inside the gallery event in order to also avoid the people hustling around them.

All of them easily went through the entrance even though Mo Laotian was with a little kid.

Aside from the gallery, there will be a bidding happening. Since the paintings are one of a kind, it couldn't be avoided that there is more than one person who wanted to buy the same painting. So in order to have a fair transaction, bidding was decided.

Visitors that wanted to buy should first register and then they will be given stickers with their names on it. If they wanted to buy, they will have to put the sticker at the provided space at the side of the painting and they will automatically have the chance to bid for that painting later in the day.

Of course, Daniel immediately registered since he was planning to buy a painting from the very beginning. He was a fan of the artist since he had become their speaker in one of their school events when he was still in his first year, however, this will be the first time he will be able to buy a painting from him.

Daniel was obviously excited.

Looking more at the paintings, Daniel already put three of his stickers on the paintings that he liked and thought that would fit in their room and bathroom. Laotian, on the other hand, remained following Daniel wherever he went. 

Thankfully, Luangmin remained behaved because his father was the one carrying him.

But as they were enjoying the gallery, not even an hour had passed; one of the bodyguards he brought suddenly passed him a message.

"Sir, Exit route had been blocked by the press. They're waiting for you sir," He said after his subordinate outside also informed him. The second Laotian heard it, he immediately frowned in displeasure. 

He didn't expect the press would come and find him.

Next Chapter on my Youtube Channel. And or read DBTA 30 Chapters advance on my P a t re on page.

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