
Doors, Love & Dungeons

Centuries ago, Earth was visited by an otherworldly entity called a "dungeon core." It left behind a secret entrance to one of its dungeons that would one day open and turn all of Earth into a nightmare. To prevent this from happening, thousands of humans, including a teenage con artist named "Crush," are summoned into a dimension of dungeons and tasked with destroying the core. Ah, saving the Earth. Is there a more righteous cause? A higher honor? Doesn't matter; Crush is not so noble that he'd risk his life to save the world. He'd instead use his strength to get rich.

RoyalApple · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

One Brick at a Time

Having a window to name and explain items was a godsend. It meant Crush didn't have to slap things around like a caveman until he discovered their usage.

[ Inventory ]

11) Crystal of Pacification

12) Administrator Pen

13) Mana Bank

[ Crystal of Pacification: ] A magic item that decreases aggro on a single target. Effects last while the target is visible.


Crush could see the applications for such an item, but he wouldn't be the one to apply them. At its best, he could deter an angry customer, but someone on the front lines could use it to battle, increasing its value for the right person.

He wanted to disregard the pen completely since he already had one waiting for him as another quest reward, but Sprite pressed him to explore it.

[ Administrator Pen: ] A magic item used by the official Adventurers Guild Hall. Used by attendees to edit the Class Gem status of adventures once they returned from a dungeon.

"Returned?" Questioned Crush. He shared the facts with Sprite, who concluded their current predicament wasn't always the norm. From the pen's description, it seemed like adventurers from another world willingly entered dungeons to have their "status" updated. There was probably some kind of compensation that came with putting themselves in harm's way, unlike them.

By the wording "returned from a dungeon," they inferred entrances, presumably doors, led to a single map that adventurers could enter and leave at will, unlike the dimension of dungeons where each door only led to another dungeon.

Crush was predisposed to investigate anything that could be sold for a profit. He planned to put the pen on the shelves of their store soon as he found out how valuable it was. According to the text, it could edit the Class Crystal, so Crush took his and Sprite's to test it.

After tapping them with the pen, they activated like when they descended from the sky. Sparkly magic text projected from the gem and displayed in thin air, exhibiting new details.

[ Name: ] Unregistered

[ Class: ] Piercer - DPS

[ Level: ] 1

[ Hall Rank: ] -

[Guild: ] -




The only pertinent information presented was Sprite's Class and Level; the rest was empty. More intriguing, spaces were available to add original status to the gem. It seemed like meaningless information without the so-called "Guild Hall" to define the significance; nevertheless, he was interested.

The utensil Crush took into his hands resembled a white feather pen, only he didn't need to dip it in ink to write Sprite's name down.

"It's kinda like a state ID, isn't it," connected Sprite, picking up his glowing Crystal. He enclosed it in his palm, which killed the magic text, but when he rereleased it and tapped the gem, it returned.

Crush tried flicking his Class Gem awake, but it didn't activate, meaning he had to "register" it with the pen first. Once he added his name, he could trigger the Crystal by tapping it. Further tests revealed that he could not use Sprite's Piercer prism and vice versa. Only the user could summon their status.

Both boys deliberated if an item like that would be advantageous, and the answer? A resounding yes.

For goodness sake, so much revolved around having a state ID; it was chafing. No car rentals, hotel bookings, or bank loans; they couldn't even enter government buildings without an ID.

Though they found the whole system disgusting, it did some things right. And that was you had to pay to obtain a license or ID. It wasn't hard to imagine that the Guild Hall in another world charged for editing the Class Crystals. But why stop there? There was more than one-way society screwed citizens over and made money off them. That's right, credit score.

Crush used the pen to add an original field to the Class Crystal, then moved it higher on the status page.

[ Name: ] Sprite Dwellings

[ Class: ] Piercer - DPS

[ Level: ] 1

[ Hall Rank: ] -

[ Hall Score: ] -

[Guild: ] -


He continued using the "guild hall" terminology until he thought of something better and added "Hall Score." This would be a number between 1 - 100 that indicates a person's credibility in society.

Ironically, his would be extremely low on Earth, but that wasn't their world. It was a new beginning.

Crush wasn't sure how to implement credit scores or the pros and cons, but it was a working idea that he had Sprite to help develop.

More and more concepts began flowing between them, borrowing a bunch from American society and fantasy. Within an hour, they had it, an imperfect system.

[ Name: ] Sprite Dwellings

[ Class: ] Piercer - DPS

[ Level: ] 1

[ Hall Rank: ] Diamond

[ Hall Score: ] 100/100

[ Guild: ] Diamond Ballad

[ Guild Rank: ] Founder


While full of conceptions, they kept the overall breakdown simple. The "Hall Rank" would correlate with the "Hall Score."

[ Rank - Score ]

Bronze 1-100

Silver 1-100

Gold 1-100

Diamond 1-100

Every member would start at Bronze with 1 point in Hall Score. As they helped the Hall, their Score would increase up to 100. Once maxed, they would move on to the next Rank and gain more features and yet-to-be-decided advantages.

To begin with, Crush needed people to trust his more valuable items with, such as his Glow Stone and crafting books. It would benefit him to hire people to help construct merchandise for their shop.

Even further, he wanted a working structure. One that paid to contribute. It was a long shot, but he intended to lease his items to groups like the one led by Zombie. In exchange, they'd take a portion of that group's findings.

The loot they gathered would be reallocated to tending to their Guild, aka, their personal workers. Everyone outside the Guild would simply be known as contractors or associates.

Crush and Sprite both operated on a similar wavelength. They hashed out days or weeks' worth of structure in a matter of minutes. They'd lived subpar lives until then and would not let the opportunity to create a new society, one they rule, slip.

Sure, there were a few kinks to work out, especially with how they'd convince the individuals there to follow their system. Nevertheless, the idea existed, and that was all that mattered at the time.



It was impossible to tell how much time had passed since the humans were summoned to the dungeon. There was no indication of day or night, so most people slept when their bodies waved the white flag and their eyes latched shut.

The overhead illuminated tree released a regular outpour of cotton. It was appealing for a while, like waking to a snowy Christmas morning. People even gathered it into piles to sleep on like a mattress. The issue was that it was too comfortable. Too many individuals preferred to relax on those clouds than scour the perilous dungeon, which lowered morale.

Zombie's group had lit a fire in most of the human's chests, but it would slowly deplete as it stood. What man would pick up arms while the person beside them was kicked up on a massive pillow and exhaling Z's? Well, Crush didn't want those lifeless bodies anywhere near his undertaking.

He and Sprite would pinpoint those most likely to agree to join them, picking out anyone who appeared lively or keen for a fight.

The first target was, of course, the only people that'd ventured from the hub.

Crush found the crew posted up near the middle arch, sitting quietly while regarding the extensive tunnel beyond it. Watching, waiting for something to pop out.

When they arrived, three of the members, including Zombie, were asleep in the center of a defensive circle they had made. Crush peered over the patrol at their slumbering leader, then attempted to step through, but all of the guards rose like a barricade.

"What do you want?" One of the males said. Their enclosure blocked Crush's view of the center circle entirely, so he couldn't even try to wake the leader with his contemptuous gaze.

Crush presented his Class Crystal to the guards, hit them with that phony customer service grin, then commenced. "I was hoping to speak with you all about an opportunity."

"If we need another torch, we'll come to find you," stated the same patrol. He was the most offensive out of the group of thirteen, constantly frowning and brandishing his lance for the uninvited guest to see. They appeared to be even younger than Crush. A few centimeters smaller with bizarre, thick, short eyebrows like two ovals. He had a pale complexion, black hair, and monolid eyes that narrowed in bitterness.

The person's manners were irritating Crush, but he stretched his patience like taffy and acclimated. "Actually," he said.

Crush reached into his Inventory, then withdrew a glowing stone in front of the viewers. No one else saw his window or door, so it appeared like he pulled it from thin air.

"I'd like to offer you something better, something that'd absolutely never break."

The watchful sentry's face betrayed his stern outward impression. His face opened, making him look cuddly, like a Shiba pup with sights on a treat.

Awed mutterings tackled the previously quiet air, and everyone close enough to be basked in the bright light had to wonder where it came from.

The oval-browed boy signaled for their gang to rotate inward, showing their back to Crush and Sprite. They huddled like a football team pressed for time at the end of the 4th quarter, whispering soo loudly Crush would practically hear every word they spoke.

"Then we'll do that," the black hair boy said. He refreshed his mean mug, likely to hide how adorable he looked, then returned to Crush.

"Give us a minute to notify the captain," he said.

Crush only had to tilt his head ever-so-slightly to see the feet of their sleepy so-called captain. Yet, the boy spoke like they'd be diving through official offices to report to them. Sprite could sense Crush's frustration, so he spoke up first, telling the group they could have as much time as needed.

Eventually, Zombie showed himself, but it was to the picture of Crush and Sprite being crowded by the few people intent on venturing into the dungeon. Those who would have ultimately found the guts to obtain a torch from the two young crafters, but now there was something even better.

Zombie noticed the square lamp first, then ordered formation "O." When did they have time to devise a formation? Who knew, but the crew encroached on Crush and Sprite while driving away the other interested parties.

A ring like the one that guarded Zombie while he slept was established around Crush and Sprite, locking them in like a dart at the center of a dart board. Crush was surprised to see the captain on his feet soo soon. His clothing was still damaged, but his injuries were mostly healed, minus the bandage around his eye.

"You sure recover fast," Observed Crush.

Zombie seemed just as surprised, raising his arm and fanning his coat as he inspected himself. "I thought I was dreaming," he said in a plain voice.

"I think my wounds were healed by a clo-"

"Nevermind, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"If you say so," replied Crush; he was eager to offer up his plan, but his nerves were simmering.

The strangers weren't aware, but formation "O" was a shit idea considering Crush hated being enclosed. To begin with, he didn't need to be conserved by them. Inviting more than one group to their start-up strategy was in his best interest.

An invitation was extended to all those in attendance. However, they'd meet at their home base, aka the smooth boulder near the leftmost pathway.

Altogether, about forty individuals showed up. It was less than expected, but all kingdoms had to start small.

Crush and Sprite scaled the bolder and glanced down at the small gathering. It was just like old times, and to stay true to their original technique, they commenced with a big fat lie.

Both boys raised their Class Crystals and displayed their status.

[ Name: ] Crush

[ Class: ] Inventory Specialist

[ Level: ] 1

[ Hall Rank: ] Diamond

[ Hall Score: ] 100/100

[ Guild: ] Diamond Ballad

[ Guild Rank: ] Founder


Sprite's was unchanged; however, Crush edited his own Class to indicate "Inventory Specialist." By his definition, his ability allowed him to summon various items from an otherworldly dimension. The available objects were random and came in limited quantities, like an online thrift store.

Crush made sure to clarify that he could return any item to his Inventory at will, which was to lessen the odds of another attempted theft.

With the introductory details out of the way, they began with their predetermined objective. Sprite explained what each field on the Class Crystal meant, starting with "Hall Rank" and Score.

All those that joined the "Hall" would start at Bronze 1/100 except for Zombie, who'd be bumped up to Silver. That was the official Rank that could borrow rare items from Crush's Inventory, such as Glow Stone.

Next, Guilds. It would be easier to loan items to a collective rather than a single person, so they advocated for individuals to form named groups and assign a leader.

Last, Objective. Sprite explained it in layman's terms, so there wasn't any confusion. What they wanted wasn't to control anyone but form an alliance in which all involved parties benefitted. They would provide the necessary tools for a Guild to be successful on their quest, and in return, a small portion of the loot would be received as payment.

Less of a job and more of a contract.

Nonetheless, By the end of the oration, the number of attendees had dropped to twenty. The idea of committing to a group of strangers scared them off. An understandable fear. It was easier to be unmarried to any alliance and battle on your whim rather than be bossed by a leader.

Those who decided to stay, including Zombie and his unit, passed on their Class Crystals so Crush could edit them.

Because Zombie already had his crew of thirteen, the other seven joined him to make one big Guild, and he decided on the name.

[ Name: ] Zombie

[Class: ] Barbarian - Tank

[ Level: ] 3

[ Hall Rank: ] Silver

[ Hall Score: ] 15/100

[ Guild: ] Homecoming

[ Guild Rank: ] Leader


There were no complaints about the brand. It was fitting. Even though they all came from different countries and walks of life, the thing they had in common, what influenced them to risk their lives in the dungeon, was home. They awaited the day they could return to their families, friends, pets, and all.



After editing the last gem, Crush exhaled, stored the pen in his Inventory, and stretched his arms. A few yards away, the original members of Homecoming made friends with the new faces, and Sprite was mingling and playing the role of a helpdesk.

"Just twenty, huh," observed Crush.

He kicked a heap of cotton toward their prized boulder to make a cushion for his bottom, then sat against the smooth rock. Like a chain smoker, he took deep inhales of the air there. It was dry and thin as if an A/C had been running poorly, but at least it wasn't tainted like city air.

Crush closed his eyes and explored a particular sensation he'd been recently presented with. He relaxed his limbs, drowned out the other voices, and listened to each breath he released from his parted lips.

Clear of thoughts, his mind's eye skimmed his body internals for what was circulating his veins. Blood, obviously, but something more had entered his stream. The sensation was usually subtle but became clearer whenever he used his ability, "Link."

It was like a thin water hose that drew energy from parts of his body and spat it out of his fingertips. Unlike his first discovery of it, the fountain felt arid and weak.

Visually, whenever he imagined the substance inside his bloodstream, he involuntarily pictured a light. One comprised of every known color and millions more beyond his comprehension.

In his state of meditation, he could perceive the diminutive emergence of more of that light, seemingly replenishing on its own.

[ MP: ] +1 = 7/20

[ MP: ] +1 = 8/20


Because of his upbringing, Crush hadn't experienced much beauty in his life. Yet something so enchanting, brilliant like all the gold and riches he'd wished to acquire, existed within him. As he sensed the creation of what he began to recognize as magic within his body, he began to drift into drowsiness.

The talking door had stated that humans contained traces of magic, yet that information was disposed of until then. Crush's loose head tipped toward the cotton-covered ground as he gradually yielded to fatigue. All the while, he honored that multicolored energy.